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MODALS IN THE PAST(REVIEW). REGRETS ABOUT THE PAST. 1 ) We use the structures below to talk about something we regret in the past ( we did or didn’t do something in the past and we regret for that ). - Subjet + Should +( not ) + have + past participle
REGRETS ABOUT THE PAST 1 ) We use thestructuresbelow to talkaboutsomethingweregret in thepast (wedidordidn’t do something in thepastandweregret for that). -Subjet+ Should+(not) +have +pastparticiple -Subject+ Ought (not) to +have +pastparticiple -Subject+ Wish +had +(not) +pastparticiple Examples: a) I shouldhavestudiedarchitecture.(I didn’tstudyarchitectureand I regret for that). b) I ought to havestudied more for the test. (I didn’tsudymuchand I regret for that). c) I wish I hadn’tmarriedTim. (I marriedhimand I regret for that) 2) We use alsothestructuresbelow to criticizesomeone for doingsomethingwrong (CRITICISM) -Subjet+ Should+(not) +have +pastparticiple (criticism) -Subject+ Ought (not) to +have +pastparticiple (criticism) She is sadbecauseshedidn’tpasstheexam. Sheshouldn’thavegone out sooftenandshouldhavestudied more for the test. (it’scritisim; I’mcriticizingher for doingsomethingwrong : shewent out a lotanddidn’ t studymuch for thetest;)
Speculation in thepast • We use thestructure “subject+might/could+(not) +have+pastparticiple” to show thatsomethingperhapshappened in thepastbutwe are notsure.(perhaps a 30% chance, we are speculatingabout it andthe chances are nothigh). Example:Thewindow is very small buthemighthaveclimbedthrough it. 2) We use thestructure “subject+may+(not) +have+pastparticiple” to show thatsomethingperhapshappened in thepastbutwe are notsure.(perhaps a 60 % chance; we are speculatingabout it andthat are some chances; the chances here are higherthanwhenwe use ‘MIGHT”). Example:Perhaps Mary knewthemurderer. Shemayhaveunlockedthedoor. 3) We use thestructure “subject+would+(not) +have+pastparticiple” to talkabout a intention in thepastand toimagemybehavior in thesituation. Examples: Thepolicewouldhavearrived more quicklybuttheroadwasblocked. I wouldhavesaidgood-byebut I didn’tknowyouwereleaving.
Deduction 1) We use thestructure “subject+must +have+pastparticiple” Ifwe are sureoralmostsurethatsomethinghappenedin thepast.Wehave a strongevidence. Example: There’sbloodontheknife. Themurderermusthaveused it. (Mydeductionwasbasedonanevidence, bloodontheknife) 2) We use thestructure “Subject +can’t + have+ pastparticiple” whenwethinkthatsomethingin thepastwasnotpossibleorverysurprising (evidence shows it’snotpossible). Example: Thedoor is still locked. He can’thave come through it. Mary loves John. Shecant’ havemurderedhim!
Luciana Brandão 2011