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modals. MEANING have to & must. WHAT DO THESE SENTENCES MEAN? IS THERE ANY DIFFERENCE? In Britain, all school children have to wear a uniform. You have to speak English in class. I must do my homework every day. I must speak English in class.
MEANING have to & must • WHAT DO THESE SENTENCES MEAN? IS THERE ANY DIFFERENCE? • In Britain, all school children have to wear a uniform. • You have to speak English in class. • I must do my homework every day. • I must speak English in class. The obligation is external, i.e., it is a school rule. The obligation is internal, i.e., it is your rule .
STRUCTURE have to & must She has to get up at 7 every day. Jane must work hard to pass her exams.
MEANING don’t have to & mustn’t • WHAT DO THESE SENTENCES MEAN? IS THERE ANY DIFFERENCE? • In Spain, all school children don’t have to wear a uniform. • You mustn’t drive over 100 kilometres an hour. There is no need to wear a uniform. This is a prohibition. You are not allowed to do this.
STRUCTURE don’t have to & mustn’t She doesn’t have to get up at 7 on Sundays. every day. Jane mustn’t smoke in the school grounds.
MEANING should & shouldn’t • WHAT DO THESE SENTENCES MEAN? IS THERE ANY DIFFERENCE? • YOU SHOULD DO SOME EXERCISE EVERY DAY. • You shouldn’t drink coffee if you can’t sleep. This is something that can be good for you. In other words, you’re giving advice.
STRUCTURE should & shouldn’t She should listen to her mother’s advice. They shouldn’t shout in the classroom.
CAN 1. ___ you speak any foreign languages? a. Should b. Can c. Haveto
HAS TO 2. Liz ___ go to work today. She has an important meeting. a. has to b. can c. should
MIGHT 3. Where's Nick? He ___ be in his office. a. can b. mustn't c. is to
SHOULD 4. You look tired. You ___ go to bed. a. should b. must c. can
SHALL 5. ___ we stay or leave? a. Will b. Would c. Shall
SHOULDN’T 6. Jane is so tired. She ___ work days and nights. a. Should b. Mustn’t c. Shouldn’t
HAVE TO 7. I ___ go to see the doctor because I am very ill. a. must b. must to c. have to
COULD 8. Thomas ______ walk to school instead of catching the bus. • could • would • must
CAN 9. __________ you help me? a. May b. Shall c. Can
PLAY 10. I can't _____ tennis very well. a. to play b. play c. playing
SHOULD WE DO 11. What _____ ? a. should she do b. do she should c. should she does
CAN I COME 12. _____ with you to the party? a. Can I come b. Do I can come c. Can come I
SHOULDN’T SPEND 13. She _____ so much time playing video games. a. should'nt spend b. shouldn't spend c. shouldn't spends
SHOULD 14. What _____ I buy him for his birthday? a. should b. has to c. must
CAN’T 15. Speak up! I _____ understand you. a. don't can b. can't c. shouldn't