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AAATE Board Meeting January 2010 25. – 26. 1. 2010 Linz, Austria

AAATE Board Meeting January 2010 25. – 26. 1. 2010 Linz, Austria. Agenda Monday (Rep. H) 09.00 – 09.30 Welcome, minutes of last meetings 09.30 – 12.00 Web Page Training and Discussion (Coffee break at about 10.00) 12.00 – 13.30 Lunch 13.30 - 15. Agenda Monday (Rep. H) 13.30 – 15.30

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AAATE Board Meeting January 2010 25. – 26. 1. 2010 Linz, Austria

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  1. AAATE Board Meeting January 2010 25. – 26. 1. 2010 Linz, Austria

  2. Agenda Monday (Rep. H) 09.00 – 09.30 Welcome, minutes of last meetings 09.30 – 12.00 Web Page Training and Discussion (Coffee break at about 10.00) 12.00 – 13.30 Lunch 13.30 - 15

  3. Agenda Monday (Rep. H) 13.30 – 15.30 15.30 – 16.00 Coffee 16.00 – 18.00 Web Page Training AAATE workshop(s) Barcelona (in the frame of the AVANTE 2010 conference organised by Fira Barcelona) Valencia UK Barnsley Hospital (Peter Cudd) EASTIN workshop AAATE conference

  4. Agenda Tuesday (Rep. H) 08.30 – 10.00 Strategic Plan 2010, e.g. Services International Co-operation Projects SIGs and Standing Committees

  5. Minutes Meeting minutes - Comments • Minutes of the last general assembly • Telephone conferences

  6. New Board President: Klaus President-Elect: Niels-Erik Treasurer: Evert-Jan Past President: Anna-Liisa Member: Pier-Luigi Member: Gorka Member: Gert-Jan

  7. President: • General management • Strategic planning • supervision and monitoring of process • Action plans and responsibilities in the assoication • Public relations and representation of AAATE • European Commission • sister organisation • International • Relationship to the commission • Newsletter responsibility • Development in the Association • Activities of partners • New members • summary / important issues of the News • extra news email • AAATE conference contact person • Project Co-ordination (with secretary): Starting, decision, contract; appointing an contact person Roles in Board

  8. Roles in Board • President-Elect: • Update of protocols and procedures (SIG o.k.?, conference, publication, update of papers/procedures on the web); all are on the web (document area) • Contracts, Agreements • Assist president in relationships and representation • Contact person of SIGs: co-ordination

  9. Roles in Board • Past-President: • support continuity • organisation • networking • support new president • to understand the network • introduce responsibilities • support president elect in paperwork

  10. Roles in Board • Board Members: • Support of presidents • Initiatives and activities • Strategic planning • Public Relations, dissemination • SIG support • Contact person for projects

  11. Roles in Board • Treasurer: • Financial • Accounting • Controlling • Reporting • Planning • Planning, assessment and supervision of project financial affaires WHO: Evert-Jan

  12. Roles in Board • Secretary: • Administration • Member affaires: co-ordination • Information materials (e.g folder, CI, Logo) • Minutes of GA • Web Site • Mail content • Answer/distribute of requests • Project Co-ordination (with president): Starting, decision, contract; appointing a contact person) • Conference Tool and contact to conference organiser WHO: Gorka

  13. Roles in Board NCP Co-ordinator: Find and keep contacts in all countries Dissemination PR Contacting new members Collect information at local level Meeting at conference Development of support and new services Update list of NCPs on web site Procedures for nominating and replacing NCPs Strategic Plan with NCPs … WHO: Gert-Jan Discussion: Standing Committee

  14. Roles in Board • Secretariat: • Administration • Member affaires: registration, invoicing • Journal subscription • AAATE account • Manage the members (mailing list) • Letter/mail distribution • administration of projects, contract preparation (together with project contact person)according to project agreement (in case additional funds are needed)

  15. Roles in Board Web Content Supervisor: integrity management traffic overview layout updates pictures … WHO: Klaus Discussion: Standing Committee

  16. Roles in Board Institutional Member Contact: Promoting membership Using AAATE as an opportunity Meeting at conference Development of support and new services … WHO: Evert-Jan, Gorka Discussion: Standing Committee

  17. Reports & Collecting Points of Action Membership development Financial development IOS Press Journal / eJournal Conference Proceedings / ebook “Pre-version” for citation Newsletter NCCs SIGs

  18. Action Points 2010 • January: • Board meeting All • Web Page finalisation and publication Klaus • Send strategic development paper to all (news letter) Klaus • Strategic update Evert-Jan • Financial update Evert-Jan • NCC plan (letter by Klaus) Gorka (Stig) • Project activities Klaus • Decision on seminar and GA Klaus

  19. Action Points 2010 February: Minutes of board meeting Klaus Conference plan/contract Niels Erik, Klaus New visit cards Lone Newsletter Klaus IOS press journal Niels Erik

  20. Action Points 2010 March: GA invitations Anna-Liisa Board phone meeting ??? All CSUN, international meeting Klaus First announcement conference Gert-Jan First announcement workshop(s) Klaus

  21. Action Points 2010 April:

  22. Action Points 2010 May: Board meeting (phone?) All Contract with Danish Center Klaus Newsletter Klaus

  23. Action Points 2010 June: RESNA , June 26-30, Las Vegas ???

  24. Action Points 2010 July: ICCHP, July 14-16, Vienna Klaus, ? ISAAC, Barcelona, July 24 - 29 ? Call for Papers AAATE conference Gert-Jan

  25. Action Points 2010 August: Agenda of GA to members (Oct/Nov) Klaus RESJA conference ?

  26. Action Points 2010 September: Board meeting (phone?) All EASTIN Workshop ? GA All Newsletter Klaus

  27. Action Points 2010 October: European workshop on AT transfer? ? Board meeting ?

  28. Action Points 2010 November: Workshop IBV Valencia? ?

  29. Action Points 2010 December: Newsletter Klaus Date for first board meeting ‘11 All

  30. Web Page Send mail link SIG guidelines to be put online(10 supporters) Inst. Member Page with Links DBase to manage all member affaires Payment with Credit Card (secretatiat has a credit card contract Blogg options „co-operation room“ Domain change: Sifis, Bühler Journal in full text into system Pictures for front page Search Engine Ranking Update content News Letter based on Web News; letter more on internal things: association development Project co-operation document – online

  31. Workshop and Conference AAATE workshop(s) Barcelona (in the frame of the AVANTE 2010 conference organised by Fira Barcelona) Valencia UK Barnsley Hospital (Peter Cudd) EASTIN workshop AAATE conference plans activities

  32. Strategic plans Strategic Plan 2010, e.g. Strategic Document Services International Co-operation SIGs Standing Committees Liaison with the Commission (ICCHP)

  33. Strategic plans Projects CWST eAccess+ Project ideas Tender (NCC)

  34. Strategic plans

  35. What else? • Nadine Vigoroux: Assisth (NCC) • Tuula Hurnasti replaces Outi Töytäri • Technology&Disability-Journal@AAATE.net forward to • B.H.M.Weersch@hszuyd.nl • M.Soede@HSZuyd.nl

  36. Closing

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