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What is NCA Accreditation?

What is NCA Accreditation?. Assurance to the public that an institution is committed to quality. Who is EIU’s accrediting body?. The Higher Learning Commission (HLC) of the North Central Association (NCA) of Colleges and Schools. What is the Value of Accreditation? .

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What is NCA Accreditation?

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  1. What is NCA Accreditation? • Assurance to the public that an institution is committed to quality

  2. Who is EIU’s accrediting body? • The Higher Learning Commission (HLC) of the North Central Association (NCA) of Colleges and Schools

  3. What is the Value of Accreditation? • Charts progress since the last accreditation • Ensures the University meets national standards of quality • Confirms a culture of continuous improvement • Publicly affirms the University's excellence • Ensures access to financial support for students • Affords funding access to promote scholarship and research • Verifies commitment to future improvements • Continues heritage as a top ranked comprehensive institution • Provides advice and consultation from experienced evaluators

  4. How can I participate? • Check the web site: www.eiu.edu/nca2014 • Complete the survey • Attend a First Friday Seminar • Review and provide feedback on the self-study drafts • Attend presentations with an NCA Ambassador, Steering Committee or Subcommittee Member • Participate in the Site Visit Interviews

  5. First Friday Seminars • Loft of the MLK Union at 7:30 a.m. • September 6, 2013 • October 4, 2013 • November 1, 2013 • December 6, 2013 • February 7, 2014 • March 7, 2014 • April 4, 2014 • May 2, 2014

  6. What information will I find at the web site? • A list of NCA Ambassadors • A list of the Steering Committee and Subcommittee Members • Updates on the process and invitations to participate • Survey information and instructions • A video and power-point presentation describing the accreditation process • Copies of the NCA Handout • Progress updates

  7. What are the steps in the process of Accreditation?

  8. What is the Fall 2013 timeline ? • Fall 2013 • NCA Ambassadors Program • Visits to Campus Committees, Boards, & Councils • Survey and Survey Analysis • First Chapter Drafts to Co-Chairs

  9. What is the Spring2014 timeline? • Spring 2014 • Co-Chairs Submit Revised Chapters • Completed Chapters to Editor • Posting Draft to Campus • Incorporation of Suggestions

  10. What are the final timeline commitments? • Summer 2014 • August 25, 2014: Self-Study Submitted • Fall 2014 • October 20, 21, 22, 2014 Site Visit

  11. Who are the NCA Self Study Co-Chairs? Dr. Bob Augustine Dr. Jeff Stowell

  12. Who is the EIU Accreditation Liaison Officer? Dr. Mary Herrington Perry

  13. What are the Accreditation Criteria?

  14. Criterion 1Mission • The institution's mission is broadly understood within the institution and guides its operations. • The mission is articulated publicly. • The institution understands the relationship between its mission and the diversity of society.

  15. Criterion 1 Co-Chairs Jennifer Sipes, VPSA Terri Fredrick, ENG

  16. Criterion 1 Subcommittee John Allison Faculty, English Isaac Slaven Faculty, Technology Amy Rosenstein Faculty, Special Education Steve Scher Faculty, Psychology Brenda Major Undergraduate Admissions Bill Elliott Graduate/International Admissions Cindy White Charleston Chamber of Commerce David Crockett Facilities Rachel Fisher Community Service Robyn Carr Advancement Cynthia Nichols Civil Rights ZeenatChaudhary, International Undergrad Zachary Samples, Undergraduate Student KayliaEskew Undergraduate Student

  17. Criterion 2Integrity – Ethical & Responsible Conduct • The institution operates with integrity in its financial, academic, personnel, and auxiliary functions. • The institution presents itself clearly and completely to its students and to the public. • The governing board of the institution is sufficiently autonomous to make decisions in the best interest of the institution. • The institution is committed to freedom of expression and the pursuit of truth in teaching and learning. • The institution ensures that faculty, students, and staff acquire, discover, and apply knowledge responsibly.

  18. Criterion 2Co-Chairs Marshall Lassak, MAT Linda Holloway, VPBA

  19. Criterion 2Subcommittee Andy Cheetham Faculty, Music Lisa Brooks Faculty, Family & Consumer Sciences James Kestner Faculty, Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle Level Ed Doug Brandt Faculty, Physics Bob Chesnut Research & Sponsored Programs Bradley Tolppanen Booth Library John Henderson CATS Heather Webb Student Standards Sandy Cox Counseling Center Eric Schultz Athletics Brandy Woods Undergraduate Student

  20. Criterion 3Teaching & Learning: Quality, Resources & Support • The institution’s degree programs are appropriate to higher education • The institution demonstrates that the exercise of intellectual inquiry and the acquisition, application, and integration of broad learning skills are integral to its educational programs. • The institution has the faculty and staff needed for effective, high-quality programs and student services. • The institution provides support for student learning and effective teaching. • The institution fulfills the claims it makes for an enriched educational environment.

  21. Criterion 3Co-Chairs Bonnie Irwin, CAH Michael Mulvaney, REC

  22. Criterion 3Subcommittee Mark Borzi Faculty, Communication Studies Katie Shaw Faculty, Family & Consumer Sciences Jackie Frank Faculty, Family & Consumer Sciences Mildred Pearson Faculty, Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle Level Ed Mike Cornebise Chair, Geology/Geography Jeanne Lord Lumpkin Business & Applied Sciences Shelley James Advisement Center Kelly Holland Study Abroad Jerry Donna Financial Aid Krishna Thomas Faculty Development KimberlieMoock New Student Programs Mitch Gurick Undergraduate Student

  23. Criterion 4Teaching & Learning: Evaluation and Improvement • The institution demonstrates responsibility for the quality of its educational programs. • The institution demonstrates a commitment to educational achievement and improvement through ongoing assessment of student learning. • The institution demonstrates a commitment to educational improvement through ongoing attention to retention, persistence, and completion rates in its degree and certificate programs.

  24. Criterion 4Co-Chairs Rebecca Throneburg, CDS Karla Sanders, VPAA

  25. Criterion 4 Subcommittee Debra Reid Faculty, History Crystal Duncan-Lane Faculty, Family & Consumer Sciences Melissa J-Bromenshenkel Faculty Special Education Joy Russell Chair Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle Level Ed Amy Lynch College of Sciences Tom Spencer Honors College Mona Davenport Minority Affairs Josh Norman Enrollment Management David Emmerich Information Technologies Jody Stone Housing Tyler Kalahar Graduate Student Jalyssa Woodall Undergraduate Student

  26. Criterion 5Resources, Planning, and Institutional Effectiveness • The institution’s resource base supports its current educational programs and its plans for maintaining and strengthening their quality in the future. • The institution’s governance and administrative structures promote effective leadership and support collaborative processes that enable the institution to fulfill its mission. • The institution engages in systematic and integrated planning. • The institution works systematically to improve its performance.

  27. Criterion 5Co-Chairs Michael Maurer, VPBA David Boggs, BUS

  28. Criterion 5Subcommittee Terry Barnhart Faculty, History Linda Simpson Faculty, Family & Consumer Sciences Jeanne Okrasinski Faculty, Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle Level Ed AssegeHailemariam Faculty, Psychology Godson Obia College of Sciences David Martin Student Representative Pam Collins School of Continuing Education Cindy Boyer Academic Success Center Lynette Drake Health Center Steve Rich Alumni Services Derek Markley President’s Office

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