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Investigation into lecturers’ perceptions towards using WiSeUp, an E-learning system at WSU BY T. Ikedinobi (E-learning Specialist: Butterworth). Topics to be covered. Introduction Background Literature Review Research Methodology Analysis Recommendations. Introduction.
Investigation into lecturers’ perceptions towards using WiSeUp, an E-learning system at WSU BY T. Ikedinobi (E-learning Specialist: Butterworth)
Topics to be covered • Introduction • Background • Literature Review • Research Methodology • Analysis • Recommendations
Introduction • E-learning system could enhance the teaching and learning practices by having consistent and convenient access to teaching materials anywhere, anytime regardless of geographical area through the means of internet. It could also create a convenient communication and interaction platform for staff and students interaction about the subject. • Walter Sisulu University has adopted an E-learning approach for teaching and learning purposes which includes the use of Blackboard now known as WiSeUp and the purpose of this research is to explore lecturers’ perceptions towards the use of WiSeUp. • The main challenge is to improve the current pass rates at WSU; hence it is the researcher’s interest to investigate the perceptions of lecturers’ who have been trained on using the WiSeUp system on their courses for teaching and learning.
Background • Currently the University is in partnership with Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (University of Groningen) in the Netherlands and Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam in a capacity building project spanning from 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2011 with the mission to strengthen the E-learning development at WSU. • ICT services department and Education Technology and Innovation Unit (ETIU) which is an organ of the Centre for Learning and Teaching Development (CLTD) supports academic staff and students in the implementation of E-learning in teaching and learning. • Faculty of Science Engineering and Technology (FSET) was a pilot group and has embarked on training workshops to equip staff and students on E-learning activities to improve the student pass rate. • These workshops have also been spread across all other faculties such as Faculty of Business Science and Law (FBML), Education and Health Sciences.
Background (cont.....) • E-learning centres and staff development labs have been set up across the WSU campuses for the usage by staff and students. • According to our monitoring tool Blackboard Analytical Tool (BBAT),all registered courses at WSU have been uploaded on WiSeUp and there are about 629 active courses whereby 586 are academic course with content and are being utilized by students for the academic purposes (BBAT, 2011). • Most lecturers and students have been trained on how to utilize the system but according to our monitoring tool Blackboard Analytical Tool (BBAT), most of them are not using the system (BBAT, 2011). • Hence this research seeks to highlight lecturers’ and perceptions towards using WiSeUp system which could lead to better understanding on how to improve E-learning satisfaction, behavioural intention to enhance learning, usefulness and effectiveness of WiSeUp.
Literature Review • E-Learning is bringing major remarkable changes in the educational setting and is transforming the extent and quality of learning in higher educational institutions. Today, there are numerous description of E-learning such as training and education provided via the Internet or use of ICTs. • Khan Badrul (2005:140) defines E-learning as “a ground-breaking approach for delivering a well designed, learner-centred, interactive and facilitated learning environment to everyone, anyplace and anytime by utilising the features and resources of diverse digital technologies along with other forms of learning materials appropriate for open, flexible and distributed learning environment • Turban et al., 2006 defined E-learning as an essential tool for education as it may possibly advance the value of learning know-how and the interaction among students and teachers could also be enhanced. It also provides ease of communication between teachers and students as well as ease of access to information and learning materials globally (Catherall, 2005).
Literature Review(cont....) • According to Ian (2002),E-learning also improves commitment, boost and broaden learning experience, empowering students to explore and take liability for their learning journey as it offers just-in-time, up to date learning accessible anywhere by means of the right technology. • Fullan (2001) further emphasised that E-learning provides an interactive environment for better interaction between students and lecturers. It also equips teachers to provide platform to help students to engage in collaborative and cooperative activities which leads to better student involvement, better performance and higher productivity. • For the purpose of this research, E-learning is defined as the delivery of learning to all through the use of ICTs and the Internet irrespective of geographical area which is not bound in the classroom. • Hence investigating lecturers’ perceptions towards using the system is very crucial for the benefit of successful implementation of E-learning.
Research Methodology • Qualitative approach has been used for this study. • This was an action research as the process was monitored and evaluated at the end of each implementation cycle for the effect of change and to determine whether it has achieved its purpose. • Purposive sampling has been used, whereby structured questionnaires with open-ended, multiple choice and Likert-scale question types were distributed to all 15 lecturers who participated in the Grassroot event. • 11 out of 15 lecturers participated in the questionnaires.
Findings • A question of staff resistance to the adoption of E-learning was raised in the questionnaire, and common responses were: • Lack of computer skills/ knowledge among staff • Exposure to online services • Holding on to chalk and talk • Inability to adapt to new change • Internet access and computer speed
Recommendations and conclusion • Lecturers should avail themselves for the E-learning trainings. • After the training lecturers should attend the monitoring sessions provided by ETIU (CLTD) as they tend to forget about WiSeUp after the training. • In order for the system to be fully utilized lecturers should refer their students to ETIU (CLTD) for the training. • E-learning resources should be accessible and faster internet connection must be available at all times. • Departments should include E-learning in their courses or have some policies that will enforce the implementation of E-learning for lecturers. • Trained lecturers are the only source of successful implementation of WiSeUp and with their commitment on using the system, teaching and learning could be really interesting, easy and fun for all.
Thank you !! tmagi@wsu.ac.za ?