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P6 Learning Program Overview for Parents

Get insight into the daily routine, lunch guidelines, language learning, maths focus, engaging topics, and more in the P6 learning program. Stay informed and involved in your child's educational journey.

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P6 Learning Program Overview for Parents

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  1. Learning in P6! Welcome!

  2. Adults in P6 • Monday-Friday (Miss Holder) • Tuesday (Mrs Downie) • Specialists • PE – Miss Corr • Music- Mrs Brockie • French – Mrs Scobbie • Support for Learning Assistants – • Mrs Hurcombe, Mrs Liddell

  3. Our Daily Routine in P6… • Being independent…. We are older now and we take responsibility for our own things! Lunch money in first thing. Keeping lunch money safe. • Putting things away…A place for everything and everything in it’s place! 10 minutes at the end of a day to tidy up! Must get better! • Self-esteem... Every morning before we begin with lessons we enjoy reading the morning poem that the children created. This boosts our motivation to learn and reinforces the expectations for behaviour in the classroom.

  4. Play-pieces/ Snacks • Healthy eating… • You know your child… only give them what you know they would normally eat for playtime and remember that we only have a 15 minute interval…… • House points rewarded for healthy snacks.

  5. Lunches… • You should have a copy of the new lunch menu. Let us know if you don’t. Also available online. • Our lunches are £2.05 per day. • Please send money in an envelope which is clearly marked with your child's name, class and amount. • If you can, talk to your child about their lunch the next day so that they know what they want, this means if there is nothing they like you can be prepared with a packed lunch. • Lunch in 2 shifts with houses taking turns alternating weeks. • Home lunches

  6. Language… • Spelling/Phonics • Active Literacy • Handwriting – forming letters is SO important!! • Writing (imaginative, personal and functional). • Listening and talking…. ALL THE TIME!! • Reading - Working in groups using active literacy strategies for comprehension. Comprehension is as important as fluency and expression! We also promote higher order thinking skills within this. • Reading will be set weekly on Bug Club

  7. Maths In maths we have different focus areas... Multiplication and division, time, shape, money, data handling, measure, and of course number, addition and subtraction. Again we are very active. The children will have times where they are writing but they will also be using the computer, playing games, using whiteboards, cubes, outdoor learning (chalk number lines, oral/mental sums), buzz, bingo etc. The list is endless! There may be times where ‘challenges’ or other ‘activities’ are sent home when it is appropriate depending on your child’s needs and group focus.

  8. Education City • Every child has their own login which they can use to access the website at home and in school. • Excellent resources to support learning across the curriculum. • https://ec1.educationcity.com/content_select/index/6/2/1/8

  9. Topics… • As we always like to involve the children in their learning, we have already been trying to find out their needs and interests to help us decide on the content, context and direction of our learning. • P6 are currently studying a novel; How to Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell • Topics for the rest of the year will be informed by the children’s input and their previous learning.

  10. Snap Shot Week • Children will complete all work in the snap shot jotter over the course of the week. • It will then be sent home for parents to see how their children are progressing. • Parents to sign the jotter and send it back to school so that it can be used in the next snap shot week. • Allows you to see how children are progressing and some of the work that they are covering in class.

  11. P.E… Gym days are on Thursday and Fridays • Please, please, please make sure that your child comes to school on gym days with appropriate gym kit including indoor shoes. Please also ensure your child is appropriately dressed events such as whole school walks in the Glen which they will communicate through their Home School books. We will go rain, sun or snow! Please remember: • No jewellery. • Inhalers. • Kit

  12. Water bottles… • We encourage your child to drink water throughout the day as it does help them to keep hydrated and concentrate better. We are also a very fit and active school which often makes us thirsty! • Please no juice in water bottles -if it spills not only does it ruin jotters in bags etc but it also makes EVERYTHING sticky.

  13. Our plea…. • Please could you remember to put your child’s name on EVERY ITEM OF CLOTHING that comes into school. Gym shoes, school jumpers, cardigans, trousers, skirts, pinafores, shirts, t-shirts, shorts, jackets, ties etc. You get the picture. • Also put names on lunch boxes and water bottles. • These are expensive items and we usually end up with huge lost property area by the end of term one with very little of it being claimed!

  14. Home school books • A good way of communicating. • Checked daily (when they are brought to school!) • Quick notes help let us know why your child may display certain behaviours on a day to day basis. • Our comments / quick notes • Please keep us updated if you change address, phone numbers etc.

  15. Homework… • We are using a homework grid to develop the children’s life skills over • the course of the year. • This grid is to be used at home at your leisure to apply to real life situations • at appropriate times. • Please feel free to create your own tasks that allow children to • practice and embed skills that they will need in the future. • This homework does not have to be brought in but we encourage • you to document your child’s learning through pictures that we • can share as a class.

  16. What can you do to help - Language? • Read a variety of texts and discuss them. Discussion is key. • Stop at unfamiliar words and learn together, Google, dictionary etc. • Help them to notice that print is EVERYWHERE! Read everything! • Support sounding out of unfamiliar words but not common sight words – some words you just have to learn! Challenge them! • Spelling quiz in the car. • Forming letters correctly, insist on neat homework!

  17. What can you do to help – Maths? • Practising times tables ALL THE TIME! • Involve them in relevant real life experiences such as shopping, budgeting, measuring. • Encourage use of online maths games such as Education city. • Test their problem solving skills.

  18. Growth Mindset We encourage children to have a growth mindset I can’t do it… YET!

  19. Life Skills • Tidying up after themselves and becoming more responsible. • Making healthy choices about snacks and meals. • Organising their own school bags, remembering resources. • Being responsible for handing in notes. • Taking care of their own money for lunch.

  20. Behaviour • Everyday is a fresh start. • Star of the week! • Praise • Restorative approaches used in school. • In P6 we are trying a new system whereby the children receive marbles for positive behaviour and lose them for displaying disruptive behaviour. These marbles go into a jar and once the jar is full the children will choose a fun whole-class activity. They have suggested a movie day or going outside to play rounders.

  21. Customer Care… • The Main Reception has been re-named as a ‘Waiting Area’ (not always someone there to answer the door or meet with you). • Always happy to meet with you to discuss any concerns – note in Home School book. • Late deliveries box – lunches/clothes/snacks etc should be placed in the box and will be delivered to the appropriate person as soon as possible.

  22. Twitter • Each class has their own Twitter account • Please follow us at @P6MissHolder • Please ensure that you do not name your child on Twitter

  23. Family Time • Please come along and join in with class activities • Please enter and exit the building via the main entrance and sign in and out (Health and Safety) • Fire Procedure- children to exit first.

  24. Glossary • phonics – another name for the learning of “sounds” • phoneme – a single unit of sound, e.g. ‘c’ in cat. • letter/phoneme sound – the sound the letter makes, e.g. ‘a’ as in ant • letter name – its alphabet name, e.g. a as in ape • blending – stretching out each individual sound so that it almost runs into the next, e.g. c-a-t = cat. • number bond - two numbers that go together to make another number, e.g. 6+4=10 (this is called a ‘number bond of 10’)

  25. VCOP- • Vocabulary: (wow words) interesting/exciting vocabulary for writing. • Connectives: Words which join two potential sentences e.g. and, but, because. • Openers: Different openings for sentences e.g. Once upon a time, Suddenly, Meanwhile. • Punctuation: Full stops, capital letters, commas, question and exclamation marks • Open/Closed Questions: • Open: A leading question, not a yes or no answer. • Closed: A limiting question- a yes/no or one word answer. • Growth Mindset- “I can’t do it –yet!” • Knowing me, Knowing you- Health and Well being programme-linked to Growth Mindset.

  26. Thank you for coming…… • We look forward to a very successful year for you and your child.

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