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About the DMD

Donor Mapping Database (DMD)-Proposal for the improvements within the Netherlands Constituency Support 2010 Jasmina Salihagić , MoFT DCF Meeting Sarajevo, 29 September 2011.

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About the DMD

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  1. Donor Mapping Database (DMD)-Proposal for the improvements within the Netherlands Constituency Support 2010 Jasmina Salihagić, MoFT DCF Meeting Sarajevo, 29 September 2011

  2. The Sector for the Co-ordination of International Aid (SCIA) in the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of BiH hosts two information systems to support its work: • The Donor Mapping Database (DMD) • Grants Resource Management System (GRMS),which isused by the MoFTfor comprehensive management of the Public Investment Programme (PIP)

  3. About the DMD • DMDwas established in 2006 as an initiative of UNDP and has been the primary source of information on external aid. • The system currently records of around 1,400 projects and is the primary data source for producing annualDonor Mapping Reports (DMR). • The system is available on-line at the following URL: http://db.donormapping.ba/default.aspx

  4. The development of Public Investment Management System (PIMIS) • PIMIS is supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands in the Framework of Constituency Support Facility 2010 (Agreement signed on 10 June 2011). • The aimof the project is the development of informationsystems to enable the efficient use of development resources, whether from domestic or external sources. The project will develop the existing Donor Mapping Database (DMD) and Grants Resource Management System (GRMS) into a linked Public Investment Management System (PIMIS). • The objective of PIMIS is toserve all BiHinstitutions as well as donors/lenders for more informed decision making about the needs and priorities for public investment.

  5. PIMIS- Linkage between DMD and GRMS BiHStrategic Development Goals Project identification Project prioritisation M/E PIMIS (GRMS) Exchange of project information PIMIS (DMD) Projects Donors Reporting Priority projects M&E - Aid Effectiveness

  6. Recognized DMD`s lacks/fields of improvements • Guidelines to be established (definitions on terminology and on operationalproceduresfor datacollection); 2. Need for bilingual database (english and local); 3. Data entry into the DMD should be performed continuosly; 4. Analytical tools for exploring the database to be upgraded (charts, tables, etc.); • Problems with sector/sub-sector allocation;

  7. Recognized DMD`s lacks/fields of improvements 6. Currency conversion (need to go back to the green arrow); • Data entrywarnings (automatic restrictions of errors); • DMDis too slow; • Missing „Log out“ option; • Need for the stated chronology and number of the projects (the lastentered project should appear first at the database); • Ranking of the projects by status (i.e. planned, approved, on-going, finished, canceled);

  8. Recognized DMD`s lacks/fields of improvements • Extend thepossibility of datafiltering; • Lack of distinction of loans (commercial and concessional loans); • DMD linkage to GRMS; 15. Determine the distinction between Implementing Agency (f.e. UN Agency)and Executing Agency; 16. Missing option of automaticaly alphabetical placement of Donor Agencies.


  10. Donor Agencies should note the following: • Unification of the methodology for entering the projects into the DMD! (Donor Agencies will have to follow the Guidelines that will be a part of the updated DMD) • All projectsfinancial data and sector/sub-sector allocationin the database MUST be consistent with the Donor Mapping Report!

  11. Donor Agencies and SCIA should define following: • Who is responsible for entering and up-dating the data in the DMD (Donor Agency vs. Implementing Agency)? Donor Agencies have the primary responsibility for entering projects and updating information in DMD!

  12. Donor Agencies and SCIA should define following: • Who is responsible for entering and up-dating projects that are co-funded? In the case of co-funded projects, donor agencies should select a leading agency to update DMD.

  13. Donor Agencies and SCIA should define following: • What kind of methodology should be used when entering the financial data into the DMD? Signed and Allocated funds (currently used) VS. Commited and Disbursed funds (planned) SCIA suggests to use the methodology Commitedand Disbursedfunds.

  14. Donor Agencies and SCIA staff should define following: • How to solve the problems with sector/sub-sectorallocation? (DAC classification and/or OECD classification) ?

  15. Upgraded DMD-Expected Outcomes • DMD will become even more efficient tool for tracking aid • DMD will introduce a results-based approach to overall monitoring and evaluation of the projects/programmes • An established, automated linkage with GRMS database, that will lead to more aid effectiveness • Publishingof the annualDonor Mapping Report through enhanced reporting module integrated in the DMD • A multi-lingual DMD with a user-friendly data entry interface will easily accommodateentry of additional information on projects/ programmes...


  17. Thank you for your attention and cooperation!

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