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SALVINIA – BIOKAVANO PROJECT Naidu Kurugundla Department of Water Affairs Maun. INCEPTION REPORT (April 2 nd 2007). Objectives:- To discuss the DWA control program, progress, challenges and problems To build local capacity in controlling and monitoring the spread of Salvinia molesta
SALVINIA – BIOKAVANO PROJECT Naidu Kurugundla Department of Water Affairs Maun
INCEPTION REPORT (April 2nd 2007) • Objectives:- • To discuss the DWA control program, progress, challenges and problems • To build local capacity in controlling and monitoring the spread of Salvinia molesta • To identify tour operators (WHO BENEFIT DIRECTLY FROM RESOURCES) to take part in the weed monitoring • To discuss the partial roll-out of the control of salvinia to tour operators through the Biokavango Project
INCEPTION REPORT • Herbicide control in 1970s, physical control and introduction of biological control agents in 1980s were highlighted • DWA progress in the control of weeds in general were presented • Spread of Salvinia is a key concern in much complex environment of Okavango Delta • There is a need to build local capacity in the delta who are (tourist operators) directly benefit from the resources • DWA made significant progress in the last decade and still experiencing several constraints in the implementation of salvinia control program
DWA CONSTRAINTS • Limited staff responsible for the control program • Limited financial support for casual and temporary assistance and developmental projects • Transport shortages • Inaccessibility of infested areas • Staff sickness • Serious application in the field – attitude of the staff
Water Component Output • Biokavango and DWA identified the key players, the tourist operators to minimize the interventions in the Delta for better utilization • To Integrate ecological and hydrological functions for sustainable biodiversity • To understand the potential effects of change • Strengthening institutional capacity (HOORC, DWA and Tour operators) • Transfer of knowledge through training • Knowledge will empower and benefit the regulators, stakeholders who depend directly on water resources and biodiversity
PILOT SITES • Camp Moremi – Desert and Delta – Mr. Bernard /Moremi Safaris – Mr. Bob • Splash Camp – Bird Safaris - Mr. Mark • Khwai River Lodge – Orient Express – Mr. M. Robinson • Sandebi Camp - CC Africa – Mrs. Tanya • Several consultations and meetings were held with the five Safari Companies. It was intended to organize the workshop between 31 July and 3 August 2007. Because of heavy tourists’ inflow into the country the operators requested the departments to postpone the workshop to October 2007
TRAINING – ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES • To select two tourist guides/employees from each Tourist camp for training • To monitor salvinia infestation in their respective wetlands and channels • To manage breeding infrastructure of weevils • Sampling and extraction of weevils on monthly basis • To record data/report/pass records to DWA and Biokavango Project secratariate • Safari Camps to provide logistical assistance to the DWA and Biokavango Staff
TRAINING WORKSHOP - XAKANAXA • Training workshop was held at Xakanaxa between 15-18 October 2007 on Salvinia Weed Control and Water Quality. About 25 participants including the tourist guides from five companies attended. Two officers from UNDP came on the 2nd day to oversee the training program. • Training manuals were distributed to THE TRAINEES • Two Posters, one for Salvinia and the other for Water quality are to be displayed in the pilot sites as soon as they are ready • Installation of Porta pools in the pilot sites
TRAINING MODULE • Training module envisages nine chapters • Chapter 1: Defintionf wetlands in general and wetland resource problems with respect to invasive weeds in Africa • Chapter 2: Classifications of weeds based on the adaptations and habitat conditions. Widely accepted classification is stressed in the chapter • Chapter 3: Discusses 8 weeds, which are prohibited for entry into the Botswana (Aquatic Weed Control Act)
EIGHT WEEDS Infests by vegetative means and seed production Blue lilac flowers Swollen petiole Shiny and glossy
SALVINIA MOLESTA, SALVINIACEAE SPOROCARPS Infestation by vegetative propagation
Water lettuce, Pistia stratiotes Linn - Araceae Stolons and by seeds Biological Control agent : Neohydronomus affinis
Water lettuce Flowers are inconspicuous and nearly hidden in the axils of the leaves on small stalks. Male flowers are represented by 3-9 stamens with a solitary female flower represented by ovary, style and stigma. Male flowers are arranged beneath the apex of the spadix (flower spike with a fleshy axis). Male and female flowers are enclosed by a spathe (modified bract enclosing entire inflorescence), which is shortly stalked and opening out into an ovate concave limb. Biological Control agent : Neohydronomus affinis
Parrot's-feather Myriophyllum aquaticum (vell.) Verdc - Haloragaceae Adventitious roots form at the nodes. Flowers are inconspicuous and are borne in the axils of the emergent leaves.
Stolons and and rhizomes are Produced. Hydrilla mat encircling the propeller of boat engine Cosmpoliton in distribution, not found in Botswana, In South Africa, it is found in Pongolapoort Dam in Kwazulu-Natal Province
Azolla filiculoides Lamarck – Azollaceae (Red water Fern) Not found in Botswana ANABAENA AZOLLAE– BLUE-GREEN ALGA AS BIOFERTILIZER IN RICE FIELDS
Elodea Canadensis - Hydrocharitaceae Regeneration by seeds and dormant buds called turions
Egeria densa Planchon - Hydrocharitaceae Popular aquarium plant, nuisance in Freshwaters By Vegetative propagation
TRAINING MODULE • Chapter 4: Exclusively presents about the Salvinia control in the country from 1972 • Chapter 5: Discovery in 1981 by CSIRO, Australia , Life history of biological control agent of salvinia Cyrtobagous salviniae, feeding habits, influence of climatic factors etc • Chapter 6: Includes the current program of salvinia in scientific methodologies, which we introduced in 1997 • Chapter 7: Pistia control and elimination in Selinda and Zibadianja in Kwando River • Chapter 8: Sampling techniques, extraction of weevils, data collection, maintaining records • Chapter 9: Boat regulations
Field Survey • After the theoretical lessons, the team went to Bodumatau hippo pools to get first hand practical information on the control of salvinia by the weevils. Dr. C. N. Kurugundla explained the damages on salvinia caused by the weevil’s adults and larvae. • The field team included the trainees from various tourism establishments around Moremi Game Reserve and Khwai, staff from the Department of Wildlife and National Parks (DWNP), technicians from the Department of Water Affairs (DWA) and Mr. Leonard Dikobe from the United Nations Development Program in Botswana.
PURPOSE OF MONITORING • • Monitoring is the long-term, standardized measurement and observation of the aquatic environment in order to define status and trends. • • Surveys are finite duration, intensive progragram to measure and observe the quality of the aquatic environment for a specific purpose. • • Surveillance is continuous, specific measurement and observation for the purpose of management and operational activities. • It is important to note the emphasis is given to the collection of data, transfer of data, data sharing among the institutes and stakeholders concerned
PROCUREMENT OF METERIALS AND INSTALLATIONS • Portapools and weevil extraction funnels were procured and installed in the four camp sites • 200 weevils were released in one pool by placing fresh mat of salvinia. The other hippo pool is used for the maintenance of fresh salvinia ( 8-11 April 2008)
WAY FORWARD • Visiting shortly to each camp to show the trainees how to sample, handling samples, extraction of weevils and to record the data • Trainees leaving camps Khwai River Lodge and Moremi safaris. However, the management promised to provide other guides to carry out the project Distribution of salvinia posters
Larvae of the weevils penetrate the rhizome (stem) for feeding and damage the internal tissue
Water exposed after the sinking of salvinia weed in Paradise Pools