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The Road to Revolution 1763-1776

The Road to Revolution 1763-1776. End of the French and Indian War. http://youtu.be/Ktkw7iSITkc. Your task…. Create a timeline of events that led to revolution starting with the end of the F and I War and going through Lee’s Resolution of July 2 nd Each event will be accompanied by an image

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The Road to Revolution 1763-1776

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  1. The Road to Revolution 1763-1776

  2. End of the French and Indian War • http://youtu.be/Ktkw7iSITkc

  3. Your task….. • Create a timeline of events that led to revolution starting with the end of the F and I War and going through Lee’s Resolution of July 2nd • Each event will be accompanied by an image • Each event will be explained including how it contributed to the disintegration of the colonial situation in America

  4. Pontiac’s Rebellion • Sugar Act • Quartering Act • Stamp Act • Sons and Daughters of Liberty • Declaratory Act • Townshend Acts • Boston Massacre • Committees of Correspondence • Gaspee Incident • Boston tea Party • Intolerable Acts • 1st Continental Congress • Olive Branch petition • 2nd Continental Congress • “Common Sense”

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