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ERD TWG Emerging Research Devices Telecon Meeting No. 2

ERD TWG Emerging Research Devices Telecon Meeting No. 2. Jim Hutchby - Facilitating Tuesday, July 1, 2008 9:00 am – 11:00 Eastern US Time. ERD WG Telecon July 1, 2008 Pacific US Central US Eastern US Europe Taiwan Japan/Korea

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ERD TWG Emerging Research Devices Telecon Meeting No. 2

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  1. ERD TWGEmerging Research DevicesTelecon Meeting No. 2 Jim Hutchby - Facilitating Tuesday, July 1, 2008 9:00 am – 11:00 Eastern US Time ERD WG Telecon July 1, 2008 Pacific US Central US Eastern US Europe Taiwan Japan/Korea 6am 8am 9am 3pm 9pm 10pm

  2. Emerging Research Devices Working Group • Hiroyugi Akinaga AIST • Tetsuya Asai Hokkaido U. • Yuji Awano Fujitsu • George Bourianoff Intel • Michel Brillouet CEA/LETI • Joe Brewer U. Florida • John Carruthers PSU • Ralph Cavin SRC • U-In Chung Samsung • Philippe Coronel ST Me • Shamik Das Mitre • Erik DeBenedictis SNL • Simon Deleonibus LETI • Kristin De Meyer IMEC • Michael Frank AMD • Christian Gamrat CEA • Mike Garner Intel • Dan Hammerstrom PSU • Wilfried Haensch IBM • Shigenori Hayashi Matsushita • Dan Herr IBM • Toshiro Hiramoto U. Tokyo • Matsuo Hidaka ISTEK • Jim Hutchby SRC • Yasuo Inoue Renesas Tech • Adrian Ionescu ETH • Kohei Itoh Keio U. • Seiichiro Kawamura Selete • Rick Kiehl U. Minn • Hiroshi Kotaki Sharp • Franz Kreupl Qimonda • Nety Krishna AMAT • Zoran Krivokapic AMD • Phil Kuekes HP • Lou Lome IDA • Hiroshi Mizuta U. Southampton • Murali Muraldihar Freescale • Fumiyuki Nihei NEC • Dmitri Nikonov Intel • Wei-Xin Ni NDL • Yaw Obeng NIST • Dave Roberts Air Products • Kaushal Singh AMAT • Kentaro Shibahara Hiroshima U. • Sadas Shankar Intel • Thomas Skotnicki ST Me • Satoshi Sugahara Tokyo Tech • Shin-ichi Takagi U. Tokyo • Luan Tran Micron • Ken Uchida Toshiba • Yasuo Wada Waseda U. • Rainer Waser RWTH A • Franz Widdershoven NXP • Jeff Welser NRI/IBM • Philip Wong Stanford U. • Kojiro Yagami Sony • David Yeh SRC/TI • In-Seok Yeo Samsung • In-K Yoo SAIT • Peter Zeitzoff Freescale • Yuegang Zhang Intel • Victor Zhirnov SRC

  3. Review Agendas for Saturday, July 12, Workshop and Sunday, July 13, ERD WG Meeting. Decide process for selecting “Beyond CMOS” candidate technology(ies) for enhanced engineering development. Briefly discuss each of the seven white papers to provide proponents feedback prior to the Workshop. July 1, 2008 Telecon Meeting - Objectives

  4. 9:00 am Check in & review meeting Hutchby Objectives/Agenda 9:10 Review Workshop & ERD WG Agenda Hutchby July 12 Workshop Agenda July 13 ERD WG Agenda 9:30 Discuss/decide process and voting Hutchby scheme for selecting the “Beyond CMOS” Candidate technology(ies) 10:00 Briefly discuss each White Paper Hutchby (NEMS, Spin Transfer Torque, Collective Spin Devices, Carbon-based Nanoelectronics, SED/SETs, Atomic Switch, and CMOL)( 8-minute max.) 11:00 Adjourn Meeting July 1, 2008 Telecon Meeting - Agenda

  5. Receive and evaluate White Papers from Proponents Conduct an ERD Telecon to briefly review and discuss the White Papers to provide feedback prior to Workshop. Receive proponent/opponent expert inputs on the candidate technologies on Saturday, July 12. Select one or two candidate technologies via discussion, majority voting, and forming an approximate consensus on Sunday, July 13. Report results to IRC on July 14 or 15. Write a report by August 31. Process Proposed for Selecting “Beyond CMOS” Technology for Enhanced Engineering Development

  6. Each member of ERD WG will be given a maximum of 3 votes to use in voting for their top 3 choices among the candidate technologies (Majority Voting scheme) Only 0 or 1 vote can be cast for any candidate technology Member does not have to use all 3 votes, but cannot use more than 3 votes. All members can participate in the straw vote. ERD WG members present in the July 12 Workshop & the July 13 FxF meeting will be eligible to vote at July 13 meeting. The Candidate Technologies will be ordered according to which received the largest number of votes. Consensus approval will be our goal, but a 75% affirmative vote will be required as a minimum. This is what is meant by the term approximate consensus. Decision Making & Majority Voting Scheme

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