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Pi Lambda Phi Fraternity Jeopardy. When was PLP Founded?. 1895. A1. Where was PLP Founded?. Yale University. A2. What was the Revitalization Period?. The 1908 effort to bring Pi Lambda Phi back to college campuses. A3. What was PLP’s first Canadian Chapter?.
When was PLP Founded? 1895 A1
Where was PLP Founded? Yale University A2
What was the Revitalization Period? The 1908 effort to bring Pi Lambda Phi back to college campuses A3
What was PLP’s first Canadian Chapter? McGill University (Montreal) in 1920 A4
Who were the three founders of PLP – full names? Louis Samter Levy Henry Mark Fisher Frederick Manfred Werner A5
This merger was our first and it gave us a West Coast presence and our current chapters at Cal Berkeley, MIT, and U. of Florida: Phi Beta Delta A6
This fraternity was the first interracial and inter-religious fraternity created after WWII. We merged with them in 1960 and our only active chapter left from this merger is at Baldwin-Wallace College: Beta Sigma Tau A7
This is our most recent merger. This occurred in 1972. This group had originally been predominantly Jewish. Beta Sigma Rho A8
This man served as the PLP Executive Director for 26 years and now has an award named after him. George A. Beck A9
What is the Kovner Quote verbatim? Joining a Fraternity means nothing. But when you have really worked for it, sweated for it, cursed it, and loved it, as well as the men in it, you have something. A10
The first fraternity was founded when? 1776 B1
The first fraternity was founded where? Raleigh Tavern at William & Mary College B2
The first fraternity was… Phi Beta Kappa B3
Why were fraternities founded and what types of activities did they initially engage in? To fill the void from the lack of social life on colleges and to provide an area to discuss politics and education of the time. B4
What happened to fraternities after the Civil War? They became popular to help mend the ties between the North and the South. B5
What happened to fraternities around the time of WWII? Membership was depleted because of the draft. B6
What was fraternal life like in the 60s and 70s? It suffered because of the anti-establishment movement. B7
A “cooperative organization of men’s general college fraternities, of which Pi Lambda Phi is a member of” is the definition for what? NIC – North American Interfraternity Conference B8
Recite the Greek Alphabet Alpha A Beta B Gamma G Delta D Epsilon E Zeta Z Eta H Theta Q Iota I Kappa K Lambda L Mu M Nu N Xi X Omicron O Pi P Rho R Sigma S Tau T Upsilon U Phi F Chi C Psi Y Omega W B9
Who said, “Americans are the most fraternal people in the world.” French author Alexis de Tocqueville B10
When is our Founders Day Celebrated? March 21 C1
What is the fraternity’s motto? Not Four Years, But a Lifetime C2
What did the heydays of the late 1980s and early 1990s lead to? More of an emphasis on Risk Management through the use of specific guidelines and procedures. C3
What are the “expectations” of a Brother Scholarship Time Finance Fraternalism Brotherhood C4
What are the steps to recruitment? Meet him Make him a friend Introduce him to your friends Introduce him to PLP Ask him to join C5
Where was the Beta Chapter (the second chapter) of Pi Lambda Phi founded? Columbia University - 1896 C6
What does non-sectarian mean? No Religious Affiliation is associated with the group. C7
What are the five fold new member obligations? Always be a Gentleman Follow Instructions Respect Authority Keep the Secrets Have the Courage to Follow your Convictions C8
What does the IHQ and IEC stand for and what do they do? International Headquartersand International Executive Council Runs the day to day operations with professional paid staff Is the 13 man governing board for the fraternity – like a board of directors C9
What are the fundamentals of a Chapter? Brotherhood, Unity, Pride, Trust, Work, Respect, Initiative, Organization, Responsibility, Common Sense C10
What is the name of one of our fraternity songs? Jolly Laddies Purple & the Gold Brother Mind Forever D1
What is the name of the program that is used “to encourage continued involvement with the fraternity while promoting the growth and development of the individual”? Well Developed Man Program D2
Name a PLP Fraternity Tradition. Each correct one is 2 points. D4
What were the 5 R study skills? (Must be in correct order) Record Reduce Recite Reflect Review D5
Where is PLP Headquarters? Danbury, Connecticut D6
When was your chapter Founded? CA Tau – 1922 CN Kappa Kappa – 1987 FL Delta – 1925 FL Delta Upsilon – 1992 FL Epsilon Lambda – 1998 IL Tau Delta – 1934 IN Epsilon Gamma – 1996 MA Theta – 1897 MD Kappa Chi – 1993 MD Kappa Delta – 1986 MD Pi Phi – 1985 MI Delta Beta – 1989 MI Alpha Omega – 1986 MI Epsilon – 2005 MN Kappa Chi – 1991 NC Epsilon Kappa – 1997 NC Omega Beta – 1939 NC Omega Zeta – 2007 NY Beta Omicron – 1968 NY Kappa Tau – 1954 NY Omega Epsilon – 2001 NY Omicron Rho – 1990 OH Beta Tau – 1948 PA Beta Gamma – 2007 PA Epsilon Zeta – 1896 PA Gamma Sigma – 1914 PA Gamma Psi – 2005 PA Kappa Eta – 1987 PA Omega Gamma – 1942 PA Phi Sigma – 1969 PA Sigma Upsilon – 1984 VA Alpha Psi – 1992 VA Delta Chi – 1991 VA Omega Alpha – 1932 VA Omega Rho – 1984 VA Omicron Zeta – 1984 VA Theta Xi – 2009 WA Epsilon Alpha – 1995 WI Omega – 1926 D7
What is the requirement to win a Scholarship Key from Pi Lambda Phi Fraternity? Graduating Seniors must have a cumulative GPA of 3.3 or higher at the end of his first semester senior year. D8
Including Chapters, Colonies, and Interest Groups, how many groups are there of PLP across the country and Canada? 39 Total 35 chapter 4 colonies D9
What is the Creed of Pi Lambda Phi? That all men are created free and equal. That no society of men can flourish unless members of that society are endowed with the opportunities and privileges of freedom. That freedom implies the elimination of prejudice. That the elimination of prejudice means a better understanding 'twixt men. That it is incumbent upon me to fight for such freedom, even with my life. That it is incumbent upon me, in my personal life, to be devoted to the highest standards of honesty and justice. That because my country is dedicated to the highest standards of freedom and justice for all men of all creeds, I hereby pledge allegiance to my country, and to its national symbol. D10