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Rotary District 5100, 1 st Qtr 2008 PRESENTED TO: JUDY McMORINE BY: SCOTT BROCK August 31st, 2007.
Rotary District 5100, 1st Qtr 2008 PRESENTED TO: JUDY McMORINE BY: SCOTT BROCK August 31st, 2007
KPTV-FOX 12 is Oregon’s oldest television station. Since 1952, it has been addressing the needs of Oregonians through its local news and entertainment programming. In 2002 we formed a powerful new duopoly with KPDX-PDX 49. Together we have over 70 years of broadcast experience, easily outdistancing our competition. Our dedication to the community has been a longstanding tradition. At KPTV-FOX 12 and KPDX-PDX 49 we pride ourselves in looking at the issues that affect us all. In recent years we’ve developed and implemented numerous social marketing, educational and public service campaigns for public agencies, non-profits and private companies. As a dedicated broadcaster to the community, KPTV-FOX 12 and KPDX-PDX 49 air thousands of public service announcements – affidavits available on request.
FOX 12 and PDX 49 are excited to partner with the Rotary District 5100 Northern Oregon and SW Washington. We are committed to providing the best possible coverage while targeting the Portland DMA with our combined media approach. • 1st Quarter 2008 Promotion Elements: • :05 Billboards in Good Day Oregon • Bonus PSA Schedule • PDX 49 E-Zone Segments • PDX 49 :05 Prime Movie ID’s • Print Opportunity • KPTV.COM • KPDX.COM Two Stations. Two Exposures. ONE GREAT OPPORTUNITY!
:05 Billboards in #1 News Program • Good Day Oregon :05 BB:($100 Value each)– Rotary will receive :05 BB’s in FOX 12’s #1 Rated Morning News Program, Good Day Oregon. FOX-12 continues to bring you the best in locally produced newscasts, as Good Day Oregon remains the #1 local morning newscast in the market. Please submit a press release or general information on Rotary events and I will personally make sure it is forwarded to our top-rated News Department. Any coverage will be determined by news staff.
Bonus PSA’s on FOX 12 and PDX 49 • Rotary PSA on KPTV-FOX 12:($150 Value Each- Total Determined by Paid Schedule, See Attached) – Rotary will receive a bonus schedule for every spot purchased, matching one-for-one. • Rotary PSA on KPDX-PDX 49:($100 Value Each- Total Determined by Paid Schedule, See Attached) – Rotary will receive a bonus schedule for every spot purchased, matching one-for-one. * All bonus PSA’s will air ROS and flight may extend beyond 1st Qtr due to frequency
PDX 49’s E-ZONE PDX 49’s totally entertaining M-F 5pm-8pm time block is known as the Entertainment Zone. It is the place to find Portland’s most entertaining programs such as Simpsons,Malcolm in the Middle and theNEW TMZ. The Entertainment Zone features 60-second vignettes, reach your potential customers with a new and exciting approach to advertising. Get ready, the Rotary will receive :60 E-Zone vignettes- number of vignettes will be determined by your advertising commitment. • :10 E-Zone Teases - Promotesyour vignette; airs day of your • E-Zone vignettes, 10am-Noon Total: 5x • :25 Tease-5pm – Promo highlights your vignette Total: 1x • :60 Vignettes – Air at 6pm, 7pm & 8pm Total: TBD • Includes production for :60 vignettes
PDX 49’s PRIME MOVIE BB’s From romance to action-packed suspense, PDX 49’s Thursday and Friday Night Movies will have it all. Don’t miss your chance in the limelight during some of Hollywood’s hottest movies! All Thursday and Friday Night Movies air Th-F, 8-10p. • Prime Movie :05 ID:($100 Value each) – Rotary will receive :05 Prime Movie ID’s. Amount will be determined by your advertising commitment, M-F 8-10p.
FOX 12 and PDX 49’s special print insert Healthy Lifestyles will address the most pressing concern for any American woman — her health and the health of her family. The Healthy Lifestyles print supplement is a 16-page, full-color publication featuring advice from the writers and editors of Ladies’ Home Journal. This exciting print guide will include your four color advertisement. The Rotary will receive one ad, size will be based on the television advertising commitment. The supplement will be inserted to the March 2008 issue of Ladies’ Home Journal and mailed to the regional subscriber base of approximately 50,000 readers in February 2008. AD SUBMISSION DEADLINE: December 3, 2007
The Rotary will receive a combination of large format ads on KPTV.COM, including a guarantee for monthly impressions and a link to your site. All online production will be included in this package. • Large Format Ad units provide strong branding, visibility and creative opportunities on each Content Channel’s main page and story pages throughout the Web site: • Leaderboard (728x90) • Skyscraper (160x600) • Display (300x250) • Impression-based delivery schedules are guaranteed on a monthly basis. • Reporting on impression delivery and Web site click-throughs is available.
KPDX.COM • Tile Ads provide strong branding, visibility and creative opportunities throughout the Web site: • Tile Ad (150x121) • Reporting on impression delivery and performance is available. Tile Ad 150 x 121 Value: $200 per Month
:05 Billboards in Good Day Oregon: Billboards in GDO, 10x BB’s per month. TotalValue: $3,000 • Bonus PSA Schedule: For every paid PSA, we will air one bonus PSA. Total Value: $10,400 • PDX 49 E-Zone Segments: 3x :60 Vignettes in the Entertainment Zone. Total Value:$2500 • PDX 49 :05 Prime Movie ID’s: 8x per month, in Th-F 8-10p Movies. Total Value: $2400 • Print Opportunity: Full-Page Ad in LHJ insert Healthy Lifestyles. Total Value: $27,000 • KPTV.COM: Large format ads, reaching 100,000 impressions per month. Total Value: $3,000 • KPDX.COM: 150x121 Tile Ad on KPDX.COM Total Value: $600 Total Promotional Value: $48,900 Paid TV Schedule Value: $26,650 TOTAL VALUE OF PACKAGE: $75,550 COMMITMENT: $30,000
:05 Billboards in Good Day Oregon: Billboards in GDO, 6x BB’s per month. TotalValue: $1,800 • Bonus PSA Schedule: For every paid PSA, we will air one bonus PSA. Total Value: $7150 • PDX 49 E-Zone Segments: 2x :60 Vignettes in the Entertainment Zone. Total Value:$1700 • PDX 49 :05 Prime Movie ID’s: 6x per month, in Th-F 8-10p Movies. Total Value: $1800 • Print Opportunity: Half-Page Ad in LHJ insert Healthy Lifestyles. Total Value: $13,500 • KPTV.COM: Large format ads, reaching 75,000 impressions per month. Total Value: $2,000 • KPDX.COM: 150x121 Tile Ad on KPDX.COM Total Value: $600 Total Promotional Value: $28,550 Paid TV Schedule Value: $17,420 TOTAL VALUE OF PACKAGE: $45,970 COMMITMENT: $20,000
:05 Billboards in Good Day Oregon: Billboards in GDO, 4x BB’s per month. TotalValue: $1,200 • Bonus PSA Schedule: For every paid PSA, we will air one bonus PSA. Total Value: $5,200 • PDX 49 E-Zone Segments: 1x :60 Vignettes in the Entertainment Zone. Total Value: $850 • PDX 49 :05 Prime Movie ID’s: 4x per month, in Th-F 8-10p Movies. Total Value: $1200 • Print Opportunity: Quarter-Page Ad in LHJ insert Healthy Lifestyles. Total Value: $6,750 • KPTV.COM: Large format ads, reaching 50,000 impressions per month. Total Value: $1,250 • KPDX.COM:150x121 Tile Ad on KPDX.COM Total Value: $600 Total Promotional Value: $17,050 Paid TV Schedule Value: $13,090 TOTAL VALUE OF PACKAGE: $30,140 COMMITMENT: $15,000