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2013 Atlantic coast CFC Campaign Manager’s Guide www.AtlanticCoastCFC.org. 2012 We raised. $2,500,468.00 Thank You!. 2013 Campaign Goal is. $2,497,968.56. 2013 CFC Theme. Give Today Change Tomorrow. Contents. 1. Introduction 2. Campaign Manager Roles & Responsibilities
2013 Atlantic coast CFC Campaign Manager’s Guide www.AtlanticCoastCFC.org
2012 We raised $2,500,468.00 Thank You!
2013 Campaign Goal is $2,497,968.56
2013 CFC Theme Give Today Change Tomorrow
Contents • 1. Introduction • 2. Campaign Manager Roles & Responsibilities • 4. MANAGE Reports • ******Key Worker and Solicitations******* • 5. Supplies & Resources • 6. Running a Successful Campaign • 7. How do I promote the campaign? • 8. What do I talk about the campaign? • 9. Community Needs • 10. Other Fun Campaign Ideas • 11. Campaign Do’s and Don’ts • 12. What If’s • 13. Campaign Materials • 14. FAQ
Introduction CFC History & Impact CFC is the world’s largest and most successful workplace charity campaign. The CFC began in 1961 by Executive Order of President Kennedy who directed that the OPM develop an annual workplace campaign for all Federal Employees. The CFC offers donors the convenience of using payroll deduction for their charitable contributions and it allows charities to apply annually for inclusion in the campaign. Charities must demonstrate to LFCC, a committee of local Federal employees, that they are organizationally and fiscally sound and that they provide a substantial public benefit through a variety of services and programs. The CFC’s solicitation period is from September 1st to December 15th.
Introduction Atlantic Coast CFC Achievements
Introduction • Atlantic Coast CFC 2013 Goals • Raise $2,497,968,56 dollars for local, national and international charities. • 100% Employee Education/ 100% Asking. • Increase of Average Gift. • Increase of Participation. • Increase of awareness of the needs. • Increase of satisfaction with CFC.
Introduction • 2012 CFC Campaign Manager Training in September • Miami - Downtown • Miami – Doral/ Homestead • Fort Lauderdale • Key West • Palm Beach County • Rivera Beach • USPS
Role of Campaign Manager • Campaign Manager/ Campaign Coordinator/ POC - Organizes and works with the Campaign Teamto Plan, Coordinate and Implement a successful campaign. • Analyze your agency’s past results (contribution & participation) • Recruit, organize and train all the people necessary to carry out total campaign responsibility (Key Workers, or form a committee that involve Senior Leaderships). • Develop an overall plan and timetable that works toward a successful employee solicitation. (Develop Roster as assignments for each Key Worker.) • Set a goal for your campaign. (Such as, 1% increase of the result and 1% increase in participation from prior year)
Role of Campaign Manager (con’t) • Campaign Manager/ Campaign Coordinator/ POC • Call on your Loaned Executives and CFC Staff for support and ideas. • Implement a campaign which educates employees on how CFC works and solicits contributions from employees on peer-to-peer level. • Afford each employee an opportunity to give to CFC. • Coordinate events as holiday/ birthday/ retirement parties, health fair, team-building events, or invite charities to share with you how your dollar change a person’s life. • Hold a Weekly Campaign Meeting with your Key Workers. Report progress and support one another. • Collect contributions and fill out Report Envelopes. • Prepare the necessary paperwork to report results. • Visit www.AtlanticCoastCFC.org to monitor your results and progress. • Thank All employees for their participation in the CFC.
Campaign Manager Responsibilities • Coordinating the campaign as the everyday hands-on person. • Leadingthe campaign committee and keeping senior management informed & actively involved throughout the campaign. • Serving as a Liaison between your office, the Loaned Executive assigned to you and the CFC Staff. • Trackingprogress towards your agency’s goals throughout the campaign.
TEN Steps to Launch A Successful Campaign • Meet with your LE/ CFC Staff • Review your office structure and giving history • Commitment & Support from senior leadership • Recruit Help • Make a Plan • Communicate with your employees: Use of social media, emails, flyers, Screensaver, Staff meetings… • Promote your campaign • Report your result • Closing the Gap • Closing out the Campaign & Celebrate!
Responsibilities (con’t) TEN Steps to Manage Your Key Workers Recruit, engage and supervise your Key Workers Schedule and attend training with your Key Workers Provide them with Campaign Supplies and information Plan and direct regular group meetings Train Key Workers to process Pledge Forms Help Key Workers stay focus (stress how their hard work change someone’s life) Collect completed Pledge Form Prepare Report Envelopes Communicate with your Loaned Executive Thank Your Key Workers and recognize their work throughout the campaign.
MANAGE REPORTS Report 1. Progress Report from Key Workers (use of Staff Roster) Report 2. Keep record of what you have turned in. Report 3. Chart your success with the GOAL CHART/ THERMOMETER Poster. Ask your LE for a copy of the top Charities your office supported in 2011 and 2012.
Key Worker Roles • talk to Each individual • motivate them to give • help them to understand the process –Educate!! • ask them to consider giving through CFC • answer any questions
Contribution Methods • Payroll deductions • Payroll deductions are ENCOURAGED • Easiest way to contribute • Small amount each pay period allows for larger gift to organization • Gift is spread out throughout the year • Stops if you quit working • Must Sign the Pledge Form • Check Contributions • Make checks payable to CFC • Cash Contributions • $1.00 minimum • Do not take cash and replace with checks as it makes reconciliation difficult • Confidential Contributions • May be payroll deduction, check, or cash • Should be placed in a white envelope, sealed and marked “Confidential Gift” on the envelope. Include name of Key Worker • These will NOT be opened by Key Worker. Campaign manager or agency auditor will open and record these gifts
Pledge Cards • Contents: Three parts, white copy, yellow copy, pink copy: • White copy is for Payroll Office • Yellow copy is for PCFO and accounting purposes • Pink copy is for contributor
The Solicitation • Who to solicit: • Peer employees assigned to you (Key Workers) in your unit • Contractors may be “given the opportunity to participate”. They may not be solicited or approached one-to-one • Who not to solicit: • Employees not assigned to you • Any subordinates if you are a SUPERVISOR. This is strictly forbidden. • Non-Federal Employees. Contractors can participate in CFC events and can give (Cash/Check) to CFC. But they cannot be solicited.
The Solicitation (continued) • How to prepare: • Complete YOUR OWN pledge card first • Understand the Catalog of Caring and how to use it • Know the reasons why someone should contribute to CFC • Think of reasons that you participate in CFC so you can respond if asked, “Why should I give to CFC?” • Make a list of your assigned people so that when you see them the first time, you can mark down when to go back • Meet with your CFC Committee regularly. Update your progress and share what works and what not with other keyworkers.
The Solicitation (continued) • What to do: • Make an appointment to see people on your list. Be on time. • Bring Catalog of Caring and pledge card. • Thank them for allowing you to discuss the CFC. Ask if they are currently participating in the campaign. Thank them if they are participating. • ASK them to consider making a contribution. If you don’t ask, there is a very good chance they will not participate. You may say something like, “I volunteered to be a Key Worker because I believe in helping those most in need. I would like to ask you to consider giving a much needed gift through CFC. It will go a long way towards helping others and allow yourself to feel good about helping.”
The Solicitation (continued) • Ask if they have any questions. If you do not know the answer, tell them you’ll find out and come back • Make an appointment to come back and pick up the pledge form if required • Ask everyone to return their pledge form whether or not they elect to participate • Explain to the employee they should keep the pink copy for their records. If they have not done so, remove the pink copy when you pick up the pledge form • THANK EVERYONE whether they participate or not
8 Ways to Start The Ask • This year, we are counting on you to… • The needs are greater than ever… • Your generous support will go a long way… • Will you invest in your community… • Will you please give a gift of… • Please join me and many other caring individuals in giving… • I invite you to join me in supporting the CFC • Thank you for your previous generous gifts. This year, please consider • I’m asking that you consider…
Supplies & Resources Catalog of Caring Pledge Forms Key Worker Gifts Donors’ Incentives Key Workers Certificates CFC Themes Campaign Posters CFC Website (www.AtlanticCoastCFC.org) Senior Leadership Endorsement Letter Templates Fun & Creative Campaign/ Events ideas Loaned Executives and CFC staff
How do I Promote the Campaign Communication activities are the “voice” of your campaign. (use posters, screensaver, emails, & flyers) Know your employees/ colleagues. (Their likes, dislikes, talents, and passions) Develop a Strategy Educate and Engage your colleagues Promote your campaign on CFC website and Facebook. Talk about your campaign and share your events on CFC website & Facebook. Participate in the Communication Contest. Social Media – Send them a CFC video. Give them the opportunity to learn about charities firsthand
What Do I talk about the Campaign Federal Employees in the Atlantic Region support more than 2,800 approved charities in 2013. Last year, the Atlantic Coast CFC raised over $2.5 million to address needs of the people and communities at home, across the country and around the world. Since 1961, through this collective effort, Federal Employees have raised over $7 billion dollar. This is a campaign about real people with real stories of hope. Some of the recipients of these services are our families, our friends, our coworkers, and our children. Giving is easy. We have the power to make a difference. Hope is the greatest gift of all.
Community Needs • Did You Know? • Worldwide, 70% of our beaches are eroding from a few inches a year to 15 feet. • Stroke caused by blood clots account for more than 80% of all brain attacks. • One in ten youth have asthma • Childcare costs rose 3 times faster than family income in a county. • There are over 400,000 individuals who don’t have health care coverage. • Nearly 30% of the homeless are veterans. • Heart disease remains the leading cause of death. • Millions of animals are destroyed each year because there aren’t enough homes to go around.
Other Urgent Needs in our community: Senior Services Human Trafficking Foster Care Medical Disasters Education
You Can Help! Invest in our Community by supporting CFC today!
Fun Campaign Ideas • Baby Picture Match game • Cutest Pet Picture Contest • Sharing is Caring: Send a Flower/ Rose/ Song/ Cookies • Book/ Video/ Garage/ CD/ Costumes sale • Bake/ Lunch Sale or Snacks Bar • Casual Day • CFC Parking • Chili Cook-off Contest • Employee Cookbook • Car Wash • Pie-Throwing • Dunk in the Tank
Raising Awareness • Internal Communications: Agency Newsletter, emails… • Campaign Updates (where are we at? Goal Thermometer) • Office Themes (Focus) • Special Events • Employee Testimonies • Charity Speakers • Create a “Did You Know?” Message board…. • Heart disease remains the leading cause of death. • Government and foundation funding continues to decrease, putting pressure on all non-profits to increase operational funds. • What $10 can do for the needy in our community? • How many children in our community are homeless?
Campaign Do’s & Don’ts • Do’s • Set Goals: To Raise $_____ To Achieve ___ % Participation Rate** To Achieve a ___% Payroll Deduction Contribution. • Set TimeLine: We plan to conduct our campaign from __ to __ Special Events on these dates…. • Form a Committee. Train them and keep them enthusiastic. • Pass out a Roster to KeyWorkers. Assign Caseloads. • Meet with Key Workers and Committee weekly.
Campaign Do’s & Don’ts • Don’ts • Procrastinate – Don’t start the campaign too late • Coerce • Lack of enthusiasm • No timetable/ timeline to check against • Insufficient number of KeyWorkers • Lack of campaign publicity • Not enough emphasis on payroll deductions • Not making 100% employee personal contact • Inability to “ask” • Lack of Fun events and friendly competitions • Forget to say “Thank You”
What If’s I hate asking for Money. The number one reason that people don’t give is that they are not asked. You are asking them to invest in their community and help provide a strengthened community for all of us. Give Info. Share passion. Giving is a personal choice…Respect that but afford the opportunity for everyone to make that choice. I don’t have a thousand bucks right now. Break it down per pay period. Show them “How far does your donation go?” Invest in your community. Share the needs in the community: News clips, statistics and etc. This is going to be way too much work for me. Ask for help from Management Team and coworkers. Work with your LE, CFC team, other Campaign managers and Charity Representatives. What do they do with all the money? To Create positive outcomes for people in need. Use Charity speakers and tools to see how lives are changed and hope are given daily. My boss can’t be bothered. Philanthropy is good for business, and good for the moral and spirit in the office, which leads to increased productivity. Use CFC as a teambuilding opportunity.
What If’s (Con’t) Wait until I get a raise first to give to CFC. Giving up one latte, one soda, one bag of chip… a day. It takes only ONE ACTION to change someone’s life. I can’t coordinate a multi-site, multi-shift campaign. Contact your LE and the CFC team. Out job is to help you and support you. Another year… another controversy. Be prepared with the facts. Direct donation to charities that you want to give to. I can’t possibly live up to last year’s campaign. We live in a wonderful community that understands the need to help. Much has been accomplished, but there is still great need. What part of “NO” don’t you understand? Remember that your job is to give information and share your passion. We are not aiming for 100% participation. “Would you like to join the rest of us for a day of volunteering?”
Pledge Forms Communicate with Your LE on number of Pledge forms you need for your office. Make your personal pledge first. Pledge form in PDF is available on www.AtlanticCoastCFC.org Pledge online – Employee Express White form Campaign Manager sends them to Payroll Office Yellow Form to CFC Office Pink Form to Donor
Catalog of Caring Know where to find what Identify charities that you know your colleagues feel strongly for OPM regulations Instructions on how to fill out the pledge form Contact information of your CFC Staff Structure of CFC Communication Contest Categories, Deadlines and Entries Requirement.
Report Envelopes Fill out ALL SECTIONS completely Don’t wait until you get every pledge. Turn one in on a regular basis. Keep a record of what you have turned in. Cross check with the CFC record online. Reconcile any discrepancies. Both Campaign Manager and CFC Representatives (LE/ Staff) will sign and seal the report envelope.
FAQ Giving to the CFC outside of the region. Giving to a Charity not listed in your regional CFC Charity list. Notify Payroll Office Notify CFC Office Notify the Donors Give us Feedback – It is important to us to Be able to better serve & support you.
Give Today Change Tomorrow Thank You
Thank you! Let your some day be Today!” Together we can build a stronger community! www.AtlanticCoastCFC.org