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Improving progression. Carole Devine, Connexions Dave Reynolds, 14-19 Team. Project activities. preventative activities: Liz Smith Activ8: Karen Bates KS4 Engagement Programme: Tina Bellamy supporting choices: Carole Devine learner progression framework: Dave Reynolds
Improving progression Carole Devine, Connexions Dave Reynolds, 14-19 Team
Project activities • preventative activities: Liz Smith • Activ8: Karen Bates • KS4 Engagement Programme: Tina Bellamy • supporting choices: Carole Devine • learner progression framework: Dave Reynolds • resource in a box: Brenda Jackson
What it is • Who is it for • Who can / How to access • Where is it happening • Where to go for more info
Preventative activities directory What it is? • A directory of programmes / provision available to young people. • The directory provides: • a description of the programme / activity offered • the address where the activity takes place • the Level of qualification to be achieved • the attendance / duration of programme • criteria for participation • funding support available • contact details
Who is it for • for staff involved in finding suitable provision for pre 16 learners at risk of being excluded and/or becoming NEET Where to go for more info • it is expected that the directory will be available through www.way2go.me.uk • this is a demo version
activ8 What is it? • a European Social Fund and Learning and Skills Council funded initiative • aims to increase participation and reduce the number of young people who are long-term NEET • operates in identified LA NEET hotspot areas in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent • delivered through a collaborative partnership: Be Together Ltd, Staffordshire Partnership, the Staffordshire Providers Association (SPA), the Association of Staffordshire Principals (ASP), Staffordshire Local Authority, Stoke on Trent Local Authority and the community & voluntary sector • contract is managed by Connexions Staffordshire on behalf of the partnership
Who is it for? • pre-16 (young people at risk of entering the NEET group) • post-16 (young people who are in the NEET group) Pre-16: young people must be: • in Year 11 and identified as School Action / School Action Plus How do pre-16 learners become engaged in the programme: • referred onto the project via Connexions Personal Advisers in school in conjunction with school staff • referral forms and eligibility declarations are completed by PAs / school and sent to relevant (sub-contracted) delivery providers (Cannock College, E-Quality Training, Indigo Training Solutions Ltd, Newcastle College, Staffordshire Partnership).
Where is the pre-16 programme happening? • Burton-on-Trent, Cannock, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Leek, Stafford, Tamworth, Stoke-on-Trent Where to go for more information on the pre-16 programme: • Pre-16 Project coordinator, Karen Bates (Staffordshire Partnership) at karen.bates@bestaffordshire.co.uk • Or 01889 571 999
Post-16: young people must be: • resident in Staffordshire • currently NEET (and registered with Connexions) • between the ages of 16 and 18 (or up to 25 if they have LDD) How do post-16 learners become engaged in the programme: • referrals via Connexions Personal Advisers • recruited directly by Training providers / Colleges subcontracted by the programme • partner training providers / colleges are: Biscom, Cannock College, Leek College, More Training, Newcastle College, Project Management, Stoke College, Tamworth & Lichfield College, and YMCA.
Where is the post-16 programme happening? • Cannock, Leek, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Stafford, Stoke-on-Trent, Tamworth Where to go for more information on the post-16 programme: • contact the Activ8 Project Manager, Karen Ashby (Connexions Staffordshire) at karen.ashby@cxstaffs.co.uk or on 01543 510288.
Supporting Choices Project (pilot) What is it? • A scheme of work which helps young people aged 11-19+ to understand the IAG support which they can expect to be offered year by year by an integrated Youth Support Service in Staffordshire • Is based on the ‘Supporting Choices’ national publication and uses the five ECM outcomes as its basis • Aims to deliver a young person-centred approach
What is it? (continued) • Aims to find out how provision has supported individual pupils • Helps young people to review their own support needs for the future • Enables young people to feedback suggestions for improvements to provision for subsequent groups Who is it for? • It is for schools, colleges and work based learning providers • The suggested model can be customised by each provider or group of partners
Where is it happening? • Being piloted by Sir Graham Balfour School, Stafford • Will be further developed from the feedback • Is available for anyone to pilot • Will be launched at the IAG Conference on 31st March 2009 Where to go for more information: Carole Devine Connexions Staffordshire 01785 355688 carole.devine@cxstaffs.co.uk
Key Stage 4 Engagement Programme 2008-09 What is it? • a programme based on a template devised by QCA • the template sets out clear principles for the programme • local partnerships to devise personalised programmes which meet the needs of their learners • a personalised programme placing an emphasis on the development of personal, social and functional skills, including a work-focused component, and is underpinned by high-quality and regular support, advice and guidance • comprises each learner’s whole key stage 4 programme
Who is it for? • for those key stage 4 learners most at risk of disengagement or becoming part of the group who are NEET Possible Programme • Core Subjects: 3 days • Vocational option: Training Provider/college: 1 day • Work tasters, work experience, activities, team building days, offsite visits: 1 day • Additional advice and guidance through mentor support (Asdan modules) and Connexions service Where is it happening? • For 2008-09. each district in Staffordshire has the possibility of 30 places on this programme. • Districts decide how they would like the programme to be delivered i.e. small numbers from individual schools or schools participating in small group activities.
Where to go for more info: • Staffordshire Partnership are coordinating the programme on behalf of the LA and will support districts/consortia in setting up a programme by drawing on a range of providers • The Programme is co-ordinated by Tina Bellamy based at Staffordshire Partnership: tina.bellamy@bestaffordshire.co.uk or phone 01889 571 999
Aimhigher and the Learner Progression Framework 2008-09 What is Aimhigher? • a key component of government policy to widen and so increase participation in higher education Who is Aimhigher for? • Target groups are Y7-Y13 learners who: • are from disadvantaged socio-economic groups who live in areas of relative deprivation where participation in HE is low • are ‘looked after’ children in the care system • have a disability or a specific learning difficulty.
What is the Learner Progression Framework? • LPF provides a set of principles and characteristics to guide partnerships and institutions in providing a sequence of experiences for learners • is a framework based on specific learner outcomes relating to the stages of a learner journey towards HE • is a sequence of progressive experiences designed to provide the right intervention and support at key transition points throughout the journey • features a three phase approach: an introductory phase prior to Year 10; a developmental phase around Years 10 and 11; and a consolidation phase for post-compulsory learners
More information available from: • Judith Robinson, Area Coordinator: 01782 294 000 • Dave Reynolds, Staffordshire 14-19: 01785 277 950 And at: http://education.staffordshire.gov.uk/Curriculum/ThemesandInitiatives/LearningMentors/
available by “tier” Aimhigher Support Activities 2008-09 available to all Campus visits Aimhigher student ambassadors Summer schools SPECS Master classes Aimhigher university mentors Multimedia - web sites - DVD’s - materials Resource in a box STEM master classes e-mentoring National Aimhigher road show Parent ambassadors available by invitation HE CARD seeing is believing Staffordshire Aimhigher road show Aimhigher Associate Programme HE Challenge
Useful Websites; including updates, materials, resources, general information Useful Publications Useful Materials; Interactive resources Aimhigher Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Resource in a Box Details of Aimhigher leaflets available free to all Aimhigher Projects, deliverers Useful Services; Support groups; Events HE Progression information, resources
Aimhigher ‘Resource in a Box’ • a document offered as a useful toolkit for schools and colleges to support delivery of the local Aimhigher 2008-2011 programme • contains references to materials, resources, websites, contact information etc likely to be useful when planning how to address the Aimhigher Learner Progression Framework • most have been used and recommended by practitioners - some are free Aimhigher resources - others are available for purchase or download
High Schools and a few colleges involved in Aimhigher have received copies of the document plus the actual ‘BOX’ which contains examples of free Aimhigher leaflets, other guides and interactive resources • practitioners can join a local JISC Mail list to receive updates to the document and receive information about related useful events/activities atwww.jiscmail.ac.uk/lists/AIMHIGHER-STAFFS-STOKE.html • further information please contact: Stoke on Trent & Staffordshire Aimhigher Area Team, Staffordshire University, Cadman Building, College Road, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 2DET Phone: 01782 294522