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RTF Work Plan Mid-Year Re-Programming July 15, 2014

RTF Work Plan Mid-Year Re-Programming July 15, 2014. Current Status of 2014 Work Plan. Not-yet-committed tasks soon to be underway: Task Order for Small/Rural Work plan items Task Order for HVAC Interaction Factors (once CBSA data is available)

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RTF Work Plan Mid-Year Re-Programming July 15, 2014

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  1. RTF Work PlanMid-Year Re-ProgrammingJuly 15, 2014

  2. Current Status of 2014 Work Plan • Not-yet-committed tasks soon to be underway: • Task Order for Small/Rural Work plan items • Task Order for HVAC Interaction Factors (once CBSA data is available) • Task Order for End-Use updates from RBSA metering • Task Order for Cost-effectiveness volume of Guidelines

  3. Existing Measure Reviews • 14 measure updates remaining for 2014 • Workplan budgeted for 24; so far 10 are done • 3 more might be done today! • After this year, all UES measures will have gone through Guidelines compliance* • Current budget allocation seems sufficient • Standard Protocols continue to move slowly • Budgeted for 5 Protocols per year; so far 0 done • SIS effort has been large, but has not yet resulted in a protocol • CVR & VO slow to start due to SEEM calibration work *Except MF weatherization due to sunset in 8/2015

  4. New Measure Reviews • Upcoming measures requiring RTF Staff support • DHP for Forced Air Furnaces for Single Family and Manufactured Homes • Duct Insulation for SF & MH • Prescriptive Duct Sealing • RTU Provisional Protocol for Heat Pumps • Current allocation seems sufficient at this time • Assumed proposers did most development work • If no new measures submitted by fall, should reallocate budget dollars elsewhere

  5. Small/Rural Work • Light on work this year after large effort in 2013 • Scoping a small task order for MH Decommissioning • Other small efforts likely to arise • Allocation seems sufficient, but excess funds may be available from this category • As a reminder, SRR used general RTF funds last year to accomplish some work

  6. Items Shifting to Staff Work • ProCost Engine Updates & QC • Contract staff has in-depth VBA knowledge • Doing QC of ProCost model including new elements added in past few years • Some components may still require external contract depending on timeframe & workload • SEEM updates • Staff has already made several updates (template) however some items may still require external contract • Annual Report done mostly in-house

  7. Items Added, Changed or Removed • Likely to add small task order for QC of Grocersmart results • Increase QC budget to AEG (formerly EnerNOC) to handle remaining UES updates • Small contract to Abt for follow-up work on Wood Smoke analysis

  8. Remaining 2014 funds to allocate

  9. July – December Requests • Inform RTF staff about any upcoming: • New UES measures • New Standard Protocols & calculators • Research projects within RTF scope to perform • Ops Committee will be informed of how funds get re-allocated if not used for specified work plan items

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