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Oracle Technology Day May 21, 2013

Oracle Technology Day May 21, 2013. Art Pasquinelli Director, Repositories and Preservation Solutions. Version 1.1 May 2012. Agenda. Preservation and Archiving Special Interest Group (PASIG) Trends Things We Should Be Asking Today Introduction to the Day. PASIG.

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Oracle Technology Day May 21, 2013

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  1. Oracle Technology DayMay 21, 2013 Art Pasquinelli Director, Repositories and Preservation Solutions Version 1.1 May 2012

  2. Agenda • Preservation and Archiving Special Interest Group (PASIG) • Trends • Things We Should Be Asking Today • Introduction to the Day

  3. PASIG • Standards; Open Archival Information System (OAIS) • Sharing of Best Technology Practices from Leading Edge Projects • Forum for Key Vendors Involved in Preservation and Archiving • Growing Areas of Focus: Cloud Archiving, Database Retention, Business Process Retention

  4. Trends: Archival Data Growing at 56% per Year! 303 Exabytes 88% of the data is unstructured 2015 2015 Unstructured data is growing at >58% CAGR 12% of data in databases 2012 79 Exabytes 2012 * Source: ESG Digital Archive Market Forecast

  5. Trends: Archive and Preservation - Balance Retention with Data UsageFive Year Data Growth of 1PB 20175PB 50% primary data growth rate 80% of data is never used after 90 days 20121PB 4PB of data never used after 90 days 68% of companies require 100 year archive * Source: IDC Digital Universe Study, sponsored by EMC

  6. Trends: Archive Use Cases Effect Every Industry Often Multiple Use Cases Drive Archiving Requirements Content Management Media and Broadcast HPC / Big Data Video Surveillance Healthcare Preservation Manages the active lifecycle of digital content, including: creation, capture, storing, versioning, indexing, search, distribution, publishing and retention. Video, image and audio repositories driven by content creation, capture, digitization, editing, distribution, and preservation. High performance computing modeling / simulations based on structured and unstructured data to solve complex problems. Digital repositories focusing on electronic medical records, health exchange data, and medical imaging. Maintaining or restoring access to artifacts, documents and records through the study, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of decay and damage. Video surveillance for real time monitoring and control of sensitive areas using cameras with centralized recording and long-term video retention.

  7. Trends: Economics of Tiered Storage Single Tier of Disk Storage Modern Multi-tiered Storage Disk Multi-tiered Storage • Tape is the Foundation: Most of the Data Stored at the Lowest Cost Performance Disk $5 - $10/GB 5% 20% 15% Capacity Disk $1 - $4/GB 100% 80% 80% Tape Storage < $0.15/GB Average ~$7.5M / PB Average ~$3.5M / PB Average ~$0.9M / PB Horison Information Strategies The Era of Colossal Content Arrives Aug 2012

  8. Things We Should Be Asking Today • Data Retention vs Preservation • Database Archiving • The Realities of Managing Scalability and Integrity • On-site Archiving vs Cloud Archiving • Putting the Oracle Pieces Together: Disk, Enterprise Tape, Entry-level Tape, SAM, LTFS, Optimized Solutions, Content Management, Database Features for Archiving, Tape Integrity Features, Tape Media Developments, Engineered Systems, Educational Pricing

  9. Introduction to the Day 8:30am-9:00am          Registration 9:00am-9:30am          Introductions, Oracle's Long-term Data Retention StrategyArt Pasquinelli, Director, Digital Libraries, Repositories, and Preservation9:30am-10:00am        Oracle Storage Overview and Positioning  Chris Wood, Director, Axiom Product Management10:00am-10:40am       ZFS Storage Solutions for Unstructured Data ChallengesRB Hooks, Hardware CTO, Office of the CTO, Oracle National Security Group 10:40am-11:00am      Break11:00am-11:45am      Tape Overview, Directions and OptimizationMichael O'Donnell, Director Hardware Development11:45am-12:15pm      Optimized Solutions: Putting It All TogetherDonna Harland, Principal Product Manager12:15-12:40pm           Storage Archive Manager (SAM) Product Update and DirectionsDan Deppen, Senior Product Manager12:40pm-1:30pm        Lunch

  10. Introduction to the Day 1:30pm - 3:00pm        Customer/Partner Presentations Session and Audience InputThis will include several short presentations by thought-leaders such as FamilySearch, Library of Congress, BibliothequeNationale de France and then open audience discussion on projects and issues.3:00pm-3:40pm          Designing Big Data Architectures with Oracle StorageKevin Kalmbach, Lead Storage Architect3:40pm-4:00pm          Break4:00pm-4:30pm          Information Retention and the Oracle DatabaseKevin Jernigan, Senior Director, Database Performance Product Management, System Technologies Division4:30pm-5:00pm          Content, Repository, and Records Management with WebCenter Content Management 11gMarc Kelberman, Principal Sales Consultant5:00pm-5:30pm          Insights from the Day and Wrap Up DiscussionRB Hooks, Hardware CTO, Office of the CTO, Oracle National Security Group

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