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Better together for children… welcome and a Happy New Year. better together for children… shape of our session. our SEF: do you recognise our school photo? our core offer: have we got it right? SEND update: right principles in practice? Early help: our inspection update
better together for children…shape of our session • our SEF: do you recognise our school photo? • our core offer: have we got it right? • SEND update: right principles in practice? • Early help: our inspection update • scrutiny: school improvement in the spotlight • hope to see you at the conference on 31 January
better together for children…our SEF, our school photo Re-integration of the SI function and service April to July 2013
better together for children…the non-negotiables • maintain concept of a local community of schools and stability in service delivery in order to : • ensure that support to the most vulnerable schools is not interrupted or destabilised • allow the LA time to identify aspects of SI functions and services that are valued and fit for purpose and aspects that need to develop further within a culture of sector led improvement • support professionals within services to understand and contribute to the emerging vision and culture that will be needed if Walsall is to achieve the required step change in pupils achievement.
better together for children…and at the same time • begin to shift the culture to one in which Headteachers and Governors drive the improvement agenda • make it clear that academies are welcome members of the local community of learning • launch programme of interaction and exchange of ideas between the LA and schools e.g. Thinking Suppers • study past SI processes and systems to establish what should stay and agree new ways of working that could add greater value • explore the concept of a “Learning Consortium” and agree what this could mean within the Walsall context
better together for children…in practice we: • engaged with sample of Heads to test out the need for new ways of working • recognised the need for a new SI Strategy to reflect the changing national context and need to raise the bar in school performance • established a working group of Headteachers from LA maintained schools and academies to lead on the development of school improvement across the Borough • identified with head teachers the most pressing priorities for improvement
better together for children…in practice we: • produced a new SI Strategy with supporting delivery plans that show clearly how schools, partnerships/networks of schools and the LA will work together to deliver shared priorities for improvement • assessed the capacity, skills and knowledge of teams which transferred to the Council to determine fitness for purpose and gaps in service delivery • built in review of the SI Strategy and function to enhance ownership, relevance and focus • worked closely with Headteachers of outstanding schools to define the contribution that they will make to more rapid and sustainable improvement in pupil outcomes in Walsall • raised the bar in terms of our collective ambition for children and young people – ensuring relentless progress towards all Walsall schools being judged as good or outstanding
better together for children…what we learned during the summer term: • some SI services need to be supported towards greater consistency in service delivery and a clearer understanding of the changing national and local agenda • services that contribute to SI and their managers can learn from recent improvement made across safeguarding services • most academies want to be active participants in the Walsall community of schools • a group of head teachers was willing to lead on the development of a SI Strategy • some headteachers may be unwilling to lose the current relationship they have with some LA services and reluctant to embrace the concept of sector led improvement • there is a need for the LA to build trust across schools and to demonstrate how it can add value • we found some good SI practice which is valued by head teachers • there are inconsistencies in some SI practices, for example, the need to evaluate the impact of LA support on pupil and school performance is underdeveloped and inconsistent • partnership working across schools is underdeveloped and, although clusters of schools do exist, the impact of their joint work in bringing about improvements in underperforming schools is limited
better together for children…what we learned during this period • some basic aspects of the SI function are uncertain or do not reflect the current national expectations of LAs e.g. the need for consistent and robust improvement/support plans for every school in need, a clear and ambitious leadership development policy and strategy, agreement on the core LA offer and triggers for LA intervention, consistent notes of school visits, rigorous PRG meetings leading to consistent outcomes. • the use of expertise within good and outstanding schools to support others is undeveloped although early dialogue with headteachers of these schools suggest that they are willing to engage actively with this agenda • the role of Governors in contributing to SI policy and practice is underdeveloped • the concept of a Learning Consortium requires further development through on-going dialogue with schools possibly leading to a co-funded pilot in the academic year 2013 to 2014
better together for children…pause for thought and talk • any positives we’ve missed? • any challenges we’ve not reflected? • what’s the evidence?
better together for children…our SEF, our school photo Setting the Vision and Determining the Delivery August to October 2013
better together for children…vision for the SI Function • DCS and senior leaders stimulated discussion on what Walsall’s vision for SI function could be • used national case studies, current research and Ofsted’s view on the role of the LA to inform the vision and challenge our thinking • shared emerging vision with headteachers and governors to shape the way in which the LA services will add value to the work of schools • HT working group undertaking a review of the SI Strategy in late Autumn term • Head teacher Working Group worked with schools to test out impact, value and ownership of SI Strategy and identify what needs to change • used outcomes of the above to shape the future SI Strategy and Service • develop and deliver a communications plan to ensure that the Walsall education community understands, owns and is influenced by the SI Strategy
better together for children… and at the same time • establish and share the core SI offer with schools • produce an analysis of every schools’ performance to identify those in greatest need of external support • challenge ourselves and schools to answer the question: “What are we doing about mediocrity?” • communicate concerns and agree immediate support to those schools in Walsall that form part of the national “stubborn third of under-performing providers” • continue support of schools in Ofsted category of concern but evaluate impact of support e.g. Process of PRG • consider the need for revised structures and roles within the SI Service to reflect agreed vision, role and core business of SI Service.
better together for children…developing school and systems leadership • ensure focus on leadership and governance are key priorities within SI Strategy • in the light of recent poor inspection outcomes review School Improvement Plans to ensure that developing leadership and governance skills in schools in categories of concern is central to plans • produce with HTs and Governors a clear and robust Leadership Development Strategy • develop a Walsall approach to the use of our best headteachers to drive improvement in individual schools and across partnerships/networks of schools • identify and commission any additional expertise that will be needed in Walsall to improve school leadership
better together for children…what we learned in the autumn • in-put from Ofsted Regional Office supported messages LA is giving to services and to schools • review of SI Strategy is on target • all headteachers and chairs of governors invited to complete questionnaire seeking their views on ways in which the SI Strategy should develop. Responses were analysed and findings tested out during one to meetings with head teachers and chairs of governors
better together for children…pause for thought and talk • any positives we’ve missed? • any challenges we’ve not reflected? • what’s the evidence?
better together for children…our SEF, our school photo New Ways of Working November 2013 to January 2014
better together for children… delivering improvement • disappointing inspection judgements during the autumn term reinforced our assessment that many existing systems and processes relating to school improvement are not fit for purpose • HT working group oversee review of SI Strategy and give recommendations for changes in practice • in the light of findings of Review LA will publish new SI Strategy in January 2014 • begin to design structures and roles that will be needed for the effective delivery of the new SI Strategy and, specifically new ways of working
better together for children… and at the same time, champion children’s entitlement through: • embedding a clear strategic approach which focusses on the needs of vulnerable children and those who do not yet attend a good or outstanding school • effective intervention in underperforming and/or vulnerable schools and Governing Bodies • challenging and supporting good schools to become outstanding • ensuring that every school in need of improvement has a robust Improvement/LA Support Plan that focuses on aspects that must improve and demonstrates how LA support will hasten sustainable improvement • using local, regional and national data to understand schools’ performance, and strengths and weaknesses to inform core work of LA • capacity building for effective school improvement partnerships
better together for children… what we learned during this period • systems designed to give the LA early warning of a school’s decline are not delivering what either the schools or the LA needs • decisions on how advisers use their time was not managed leading to the potential for too little time being spent in schools in greatest need and too little learning coming from time spent in good and outstanding schools • the area organisation of school improvement support limits the access schools can have to the skills and expertise that does exists within the team. • greater consistency needed in brokering and evaluating school to school support • notes of visits, notes made at PRG meetings and School Improvement Plans need to be more consistent and more robust
better together for children…what we did • reviewed all key systems relating to monitoring of schools e.g. • implemented new procedures for completion and moderation of notes of school visit • analysis of the use of advisers’ time led to new management directives on the need for the needs of vulnerable schools to be given priority • carried out objective external review of Improvement Plans of every vulnerable school – urgent need for improvement agreed with DCS and senior managers and shared with SI Team on December 9th • external review of outcomes and documentation related to Progress Review Meetings identified serious shortcomings and inconsistencies • worked with head teachers of nursery schools to develop a protocol for school to school support. Methodology shared with head teachers of outstanding schools in all phases for adoption • instigated a School Improvement Recovery Programme to bring together strategic leadership and management of all aspects of SI service that must improve
better together for children…what we did • established productive dialogue with regional HMI which confirmed the need for urgent improvement • planned additional training for members of SI Service • DCS and AD meeting with every HT and CoG of schools in special measures and schools causing concern • appointment of permanent Assistant Director for Access and Achievement from April 2013 • direct and honest feedback from DCS to all HTs on key messages from recent inspections and those included in HMCI Annual Report • KIT meeting cycle established between DCS and Chairs of school fora • Lead Primary Improvers in post and additional capacity to the SI Team secured • recent HT and NLG to lead on developing governance
better together for children…SI review findings: • enthusiastic support for content and principles underpinning the present Strategy- nothing needs to come out • 100 per cent agreement that the 8 Improvements Priorities are the right ones • clear that schools value their part in the community of schools and want to maintain a positive relationship with the LA • senior LA Leaders will set out revised SI Core Offer for consultation with HTs and once agreed this will be incorporated into the revised Strategy. • aspects of LA monitoring, challenge and intervention are being tightened to ensure all schools reach expected standards set by Ofsted - important developments on this will need to be added to the revised Strategy • sector-led (school to school) improvement welcomed but potential for Walsall and practicalities of what this will mean in practice not yet fully understood • school to school support, its facilitation and LA brokering role need to be set out explicitly in the Strategy
better together for children…SI review findings • strong support backed by significant consensus for an active LA brokering role in school to school support • school to school support at present is not systematic and needs facilitating • support must be scoped with outcomes and the means by which impact will be measured agreed from the outset • finding good practice in Walsall is a haphazard affair and needs facilitating: Learning Consortium will have a role in this which must be set out in the Strategy • overall, schools want LA to do a lot more brokering but say the LA has to earn schools’ trust • DRB ignite seminars and materials were often praised and the question put whether Walsall should commission/broker some of the services
better together for children…developing role of HTWG • HTWG accepted review findings and revised SI Strategy will reflect evidence gathered. • revised SI Strategy to be launched on 31 January. • DM and JG (members of the HTWG) will join DCS in presenting the Strategy to the education community: head teachers, chairs of governors, senior officers etc at the conference • individual HTs to share responsibility for revision of Strategy: CD to draft section on Clusters’ role in supporting vulnerable schools; chairs of primary, nursery and special forum (JG) and WASH (KW) will draft section on the role of these bodies; the NLG (RR) draft revised section on Governance • lead officer for School Improvement to consult all HT’s on revised Core Offer prior to its integration into the revised SI Strategy • CC to suggest to the DCS that the HTWG should become overarching advisory group on all matters relating to School Improvement
better together for children…pause for thought and talk • any positives we’ve missed? • any challenges we’ve not reflected? • what’s the evidence?
better together for children…our SEF, our school photo Raising the bar: robust and consistent LA practices that embed sector led improvement January to April 2014
better together for children…LA School Improvement: Priorities for early 2014 • revised School Improvement Strategy published and shared with schools on 31 January • core offer implemented • school improvement plans for vulnerable schools strengthened • new mean of monitoring progress in vulnerable schools agreed and implemented • good and outstanding schools take an active role in supporting others • LA SI services are led by an experienced Assistant Director • structures and roles within all LA services reflect priorities for improvement in Walsall schools
better together for children…LA school improvement: priorities for early 2014 • any required re-structuring and changes to role descriptors are implemented. • LA assumes a clear role in promoting partnership working, brokering external support and sharing best local and national practice • interactions between the LA and schools are consistent and robust – courageous conversations are the norm and the LA uses all means at its disposal to challenge and improve all schools’ performance, including academies. • co-funded Pilot Learning Consortium pilot launched • working group established to produce an Improvement Plan for Governance • pilot study developed to spread best practice in school tracking systems and use of pupil level data in the most vulnerable schools
better together for children…our SEF, our school photo So what’s our grade?
better together for children… supporting schools School Improvement Service Core Offer
better together for children…our core offer for all schools • the core offer involves an annual and systematic review with a forensic analysis of each school’s performance. • following the analysis and discussion with the school, each school placed in a band • Band determines how much additional support, if any, is provided by the LA • LA works with school to broker support and intervene appropriately where improvement is required. This strategy supports Walsall’s ambition for every child to attend a good or outstanding school.
better together for children…our core offer – the bands Four Bands: Band A: school performing well, with sufficient capacity to continue improving: possibly available to support schools in bands B, C and D. Band B: school improving but a specific challenge, change or situation currently causing concern Band C: school is making insufficient progress with insufficient pace Band D: schools in an Ofsted category (requires improvement and inadequate) automatically placed into band D For LA schools data revisited in spring and summer through Core offer plus process
better together for children…additional support Band A – expertise and capacity brokered to support other schools Band B – up to additional three days from LA Band C - up to additional six days from LA Band D - up to additional six days from LA Schools will, of course, also be funding their own improvement activity
better together for children…cycle of events: Core Offer: Annual cycle Autumn term: Stage one: review of data and intelligence by LA: school will also be conducting its own analysis Stage two: discussion between school and LA – share understanding and analysis of data: agree band Additional support follows if required Spring term: Core offer plus: revisit data by exception: discuss, amend Band if necessary* Summer term: Core offer plus: revisit data by exception: discuss, amend Band if necessary* *LA schools only
better together for children… current challenges Primary schools: significant challenges in primary schools: Band D - 27 primary schools currently in an Ofsted category (9 SM) Band C - perhaps a significant number in Band C Band A - will there be sufficient primary schools in Band A willing and able to provide support to bands C and D schools To address challenge: starting the core process mid year Intervention programme: initiated in January to provide intensive support over short period of time to bring about rapid improvements in Band C and D schools, starting with primary schools.
better together for children… pause for thought and talk reflections and discussion: how can we work together to make the core offer process operate effectively for schools and the LA? up to six days additional support will be brokered for bands C and D LA schools – is this sufficient?
better together for children…SEND update SEN Reforms and Developments
better together for children…SEN Reforms and developments • Children and Families Bill expected to receive Royal Assent this in spring 2014 for implementation in September 2014 • statements will be phased out and replaced by Education, Health and Care Plans • multi-agency strategic group is working on developing Walsall’s EHC whole life assessment process and plan and local offer • funding reforms have affected how schools and the LA is funded to meet special educational needs – pupil led. Capped number of High Needs places. • special schools over number – we are reviewing how we admit pupils to special schools (focus is on those with the most complex needs ) • reviewing continuum of provision
better together for children…provision for pupils with statements • piloting new SEN panel processes to support effective, consistent decision making and involvement of schools and partners • supporting the general principle that C/YP with SEND are educated in mainstream settings where possible • working with colleagues in special schools and ARPs to review and develop their offers • supporting mainstream schools to develop their offers • building capacity of providers and of the workforce to address the changing needs of pupils with SEND by developing a continuum of knowledge and skills
better together for children…quick updates Early help – inspectors calling 21 and 22 January Scrutiny – schools in the spotlight looking forward: improving schools together - do hope you can come to the conference - if you haven’t already please call or email Julie Allsop (01922 686426 or improvementservices@edu.walsall.gov.uk )
better together for children…wake up and shake up A big thank you to Phoenix Children