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Competencies for Lifelong Learning. Barbara Kędzierska Pedagogical University of Krakow kedzierska@inf.ap.krakow.pl. Delhi 2009. Social & technological determinants of reality today.
Competencies for Lifelong Learning Barbara Kędzierska PedagogicalUniversity of Krakow kedzierska@inf.ap.krakow.pl Delhi 2009
Social & technologicaldeterminants of reality today • A rapid development of information & communication technologies stimulates development of scientific fields, modifies the reality and meanings • The proceeding globalization of autonomous individuals forces taking responsibility for oneself and „one’s” world • Constantly changing labour market is more and more determined with suitable competence • Modern economy is dependent on the system of education tightly connected to social–economical determinants • Information & communication tools are becoming more and more indispensable in professional and social activity of a modern man • A clear division between education and work time is disappearing and education is becoming a continuous process
Lifelong learning … • … isthebasiccivilizationalrequirement and a mainfactor of development • … by integratingformal, extra-formal and non-formaleducationin one constantprocessbecomes a part of lifestyle of a modern man • … itemphasisescompetence as a condition and atrybut of individual and social development • … itassumesfullintegration of information & communicationtoolsintheprocess of learning, teaching and training
Learning today: • needsfull and transparent integration of ICT • should be a continuousprocessthroughoutlifetime • ischaracterized by competencies as theresult of learning
Theaimofformaleducationfromtheverybeginningisbecomingtheprocess of forming inlearnerscompetenciesto learneffectively and to guideone’sownprofessional development
Key competences for permanent education: • communicating in mother’s tongue • communicating in foreign languages • math competences and basic science-technological • competences • computer competences • ability of learning • interpersonal, intercultural and social competences, as well as civil competences • enterprise • culture expression Document worked out by the European Communities Commission, the document Crucial Competences in learning during the entire life - European referential frames. This document is an annex to the Conclusion of the European Communities Commission concerning a Recommendation of the European Parliament - COM(2005)548 final
Threecategories of key competences : • To use tools interactively • To co-operate in heterogeneous group • To work autonomously The concept of Framework Structure of Key Competence - OECD DeSeCo Project (Definition and Selection of Competencies)
Information competence– a set of knowledge, skills, attitudes and efficiency essential for an individual to diagnose when and what information is needed, to localize this information, to assess it, to effectively process and use it, as well as to transfer it in a correct form with the use of properly selected tools
A person who is information competent is able to: • determine the scope of needed information • access effectively needed information (also from not electronic sources) • critically evaluate obtained information and its sources • include selected information into his/her own structure of knowledge • effectively use proper information in realization of assumed goals, both individually and as a member of a group • understand and include in his/her actions economic, legal, social and ethical context
The aimofformal education, beginning with primary school, is becoming the process of forming in learners key competence
ICT inlifelonglearningprocess • help to experience the reality and to shape human knowledge and conscience • offer 3 kinds of experience which refer to three–system representation of the world according to Bruner (action based presentation – enactive representation, image based presentation – iconic representation, language based presentation – symbolic representation) • fulfill more & more functions: informative (multi-code), educational (means – method), culture-forming, simulating,tool (in the process of learning, at work, when playing or in communication) • episodic transmission of information and the „ instant" culture enforce a new way of thinking and learning, because the reference to linear structure of knowledge is becoming insufficienttoday • the concept of multimedia education is becoming a dominant paradigm of modern education