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Upgrade of HADES and Electromagnetic Calorimeter. HADES upgrade – activities of Rez group Development of electromagnetic calorimeter for HADES experiments at SIS100. P. Tlustý NPI Ř e ž group, Czech Republic for the HADES Collaboration. CENAP board, January 15, 2010.
Upgrade of HADES and Electromagnetic Calorimeter • HADES upgrade – activities of Rez group • Development of electromagnetic calorimeter for • HADES experiments at SIS100 P. Tlustý NPI Řež group, Czech Republic for the HADES Collaboration CENAP board, January 15, 2010
Hades upgrade projects - summary List of projects • EU-FP6 Construction Contract RPC - Resistive Plate Chamber Time res. 50-80ps Granularity needed for heavy systems (Au+Au) Forward Wall range 0.2 – 7 degrees, reaction plane determination DAQ-Upgrade (CPUs, Event Builder, VME crates, MUv2) goal 20kHz for Au+Au LVL1 • BMBF (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung) MDC Readout / Trigger (Frankfurt) RICH Readout / Trigger (München) LVL2 Compute Node (Gießen) Pion Hodoscopes (Gießen) Rebuilding of the 1st MDC layer, 6 chambers (Rossendorf) In 2010: HADES ready for heavy system experiments Jerzy Pietraszko, HADES Collaboration meeting, GSI, 01 - 05.07.2008
Time Of Flight detector (NPI Řež contribution) TOF wall covers 850 >>450: • 6 * 64 scint. Installed • TOF=(tleft+tright)/2 • dt : 90 – 140 ps • dE/dx measurement • Tracking x=vg*(tleft-tright)+xright
Time of Flight detector TOF channels
TOF DAQ system ADDON module (LED) TRB board (128 ch TDC)
TOF ADDON cosmic test • Signals from PMT splited to ADDON and standard CFD, TDC and ADC • Time walk of LED in ADDON is clearly visible • For constant amplitude time resolution (now without time walk correction, just one TOT slice) is ~ 140 ps (sigma)
Upgrade of TOF DAQ Already done • tests of new ADDON modules in comparison with old electronics • Recabling of 768 channels • Ready 2 TOF-ADDON+TRB sets (2x128 channels) • Test of two sector setup – cosmic done To be done • Installation of remaing ADDON+TRB modules sets in February • Test before the beam time
EMC - Motivation - measurements of the respective pº and ηmeson two gamma decay yields together with the dielectron data for the knowledge of dielectron coctail and normalization at incident heavy ion energies 2-8 AGeV - better electron/pion suppression for large momenta (p>400 MeV/c) as compared to the present situation (at lower momenta the electron/hadron identification will be provided by the RICH and RPC)
EMC - Motivation Eur. Phys. J. C 4, 231-247 (1998) Eur. Phys. J. C 4, 249-257 (1998)
HADES & EMC Side View START ElectroMagnetic Calorimeter (EMC) will replace theHADES Pre-Shower detector (18º< Θ< 45º). EMC RPC The total area required for a HADES calorimeter amounts to about 8m2 !!
Detector modules Our proposal is to use lead glass modules from OPAL end cap calorimeter. ~ 900 modules needed, at present (April 2009) 1080 modules moved to GSI. Module dimensions: 42 x 9 x 9 cm Lead glass properties: - type: CEREN 25 - chemical composition (SiO2 -39%,PbO – 55%, K2 - 2%, Na20 – 3%) - density: 4.o6 g/cm3 - radiation length (X0): 2.51 cm - refractive index: 1.708 (at 400 nm) Nucl. Instr. Meth. A290, 76 (1990) Energy resolution ~ 5%/sqrt(E), E in GeV
Design • Number of modules 150x6=900 • Mass of one module of lead-glass14 kg • Total mass of cal. 12600 kg E. Lisowski, TU Krakow
Detector modules Lead glass dimensions: 9.2 x 9.2 x 42 cm EMI9903KB: 1.5” tube from MIRAC (WA98) H1949: 2.5” tube from HADES Tofino
Photon Beam Setup @ MAMI Left up: test setup Left down: crew Right: detail with detectors, movable table and beam halo (looking in beam direction)
Measured g spectra ALL E= 1399MeV E= 1210MeV counts E= 1021MeV E= 831MeV E= 676MeV E= 452MeV E= 261MeV E= 72.1MeV ADC channel Ee=1508 MeV, g energy spread <= 1%, det. module No.1
Resolution vs. Energy Ee= 855 MeV resolution ~ k . 1/sqrt(E)
Summary • motivation: improved dilepton spectroscopy by HADES lepton and photon pairs at the same time • current status detector modules available PMT – 70% available test with photons done, resolution measured tests with cosmics going on mechanical construction designed • plans • fixing the detector module setup • building one sector • building full calorimeter
Talks: 47th International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics, Bormio, Italy, 26-30 Jan 2009. P.Tlusty: Charged pion production in C+C and Ar+KCl collisions measured with HADES e-Print: arXiv:0906.2309 [nucl-ex] 21st International Conference on Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (Quark Matter 2009), Knoxville, USA, 30th to April 4th, 2009 F.Křížek: Inclusive Dielectron Production in Ar+KCl Collisions at 1.76 AGeV studied with HADES.. XIII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy (Hadron2009), Tallahassee, USA, November 29 - December 4, 2009 A.Kugler:Studying hadron properties in baryonic matter (HADES@GSI and HADES@FAIR) HADES XX Coll.meeting, Sesimbra, 5-10 května 2009 A. Kugler: TOF+FW P. Tlustý: Calorimeter for HADES at SIS100-plans and current status F. Křížek: Dilepton production in Ar+KCl @ 1.75AGeV Publications: A/ journals Inclusive Dielectron Production in Ar+KCl Collisions at 1.76 AGeV studied with HADES.By HADES Collaboration (Filip Krizek for the collaboration). Jul 2009. 4pp. Published in Nucl.Phys.A830:483C-486C,2009. e-Print: arXiv:0907.3690 [nucl-ex] Phi decay: A Relevant source for K- production at SIS energies? HADES Collaboration (G. Agakishiev et al.), 12 pp., Published in Phys.Rev.C80:025209,2009. e-Print: arXiv:0902.3487[nucl-ex] The High-Acceptance Dielectron Spectrometer HADES.By HADES Collaboration (G. Agakishiev et al.). 70pp. Published in Eur.Phys.J.A41:243-277,2009. e-Print: arXiv:0902.3478[nucl-ex] Measurement of charged pions in C-12 + C-12 collisions at 1A-eV and 2A-GeV with HADES.By HADES Collaboration (G. Agakishiev et al.). Feb 2009. 15pp. Published in Eur.Phys.J.A40:45-59,2009. e-Print: arXiv:0902.4377 [nucl-ex]
Deep sub-threshold Xi- production in Ar+KCl reactions at 1.76A-GeV. By HADES collaboration (G. Agakishiev et al.). Jul 2009. (Received Sep 25, 2009). 4pp. Published in Phys.Rev.Lett.103:132301,2009. e-Print: arXiv:0907.3582 [nucl-ex] In-beam measurements of the HADES-TOF RPC wall.A. Blanco..,Y.Sobolev… et al. 2009. 5pp. Published in Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A602:691-695,2009. New strangeness results from HADES L. Fabbietti et al. (HADES coll.)J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 36 064005 By HADES collaboration (I. Frohlich et al.).. 10pp. Published in Int.J.Mod.Phys.A24:317-326,2009. e-Print: arXiv:0809.2764 [nucl-ex] Dielectron production in Ar + KCl at 1.756-A-GeV with HADES.By HADES Collaboration (Filip Krizek for the collaboration). 4pp. Published in Int.J.Mod.Phys.A24:603-606,2009. Measurement of low-mass e+ e- pair production in 1-A-GeV and 2-A-GeV C-C collision with HADES.By HADES Collaboration (M. Sudol et al.).. 4pp. Published in Eur.Phys.J.C62:81-84,2009.
B/ Proceedings Future perspectives at SIS-100 with HADES-at-FAIR.By HADES Collaboration (I. Frohlich et al.). Jun 2009. 7pp. Invited talk at 47th International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics, Bormio, Italy, 26-30 Jan 2009. e-Print: arXiv:0906.0091 [nucl-ex] Dielectron production in pp and dp collisions at 1.25-GeV/u with HADES.By HADES Collaboration (K. Lapidus et al.). Apr 2009. 6pp. Talk given at 19th International Baldin Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems: Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics (ISHEPP 2008), Dubna, Russia, 29 Sep - 4 Oct 2008. e-Print: arXiv:0904.1128 [nucl-ex] Study of the pp ---> np pi+ reaction at 1.25-GeV with HADES.By HADES Collaboration (T. Liu et al.). Sep 2009. 7pp. Contributed to 12th International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, Varenna, Villa Monastero, Italy, 15-19 Jun 2009. e-Print: arXiv:0909.3399 [nucl-ex]