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Early Childhood Education I. Mrs. Jeannie Graffeo, CAGS Family and Consumer Science/EEC HHS- jgraffeo@hudson.k12.ma.us Help Sessions- Tuesdays 2:03-3:03. Early Childhood Education I.
Early Childhood Education I Mrs. Jeannie Graffeo, CAGS Family and Consumer Science/EEC HHS- jgraffeo@hudson.k12.ma.us Help Sessions- Tuesdays 2:03-3:03
Early Childhood Education I Students must have completed and passed Child Growth and Development I and II, and must undergo a CORI background check. This course is required for State of MA Early Education and Care teacher certification. Early Childhood Education I is a field study program offered to juniors who are planning on certification upon graduation and seniors as space permits.
Early Childhood Education I The concept of pre-school education and development of 3 to 5 year olds are studies in the classroom. Students will then work in the laboratory setting at pre-school in the Hudson Public Schools and various sites within the Hudson area. The students will participate in routine care and play activities of the pre-school child in preparation for employment as well as future parenthood. Students must be CORI for each work site. This course is the second of 3 needed to become State of MA EEC preschool Teacher Certified.
Early Childhood Education I STUDENT EXPECTATIONS: • Come to class on time, prepared, and ready to learn • Create a positive and supportive environment by: a. Demonstrating self-control b. Actively participating and demonstrating involvement c. Remaining on-task and following directions d. Demonstrating care and respect
Early Childhood Education I Bring the following materials to class daily: • Writing utensil • 3 ring binder • Loose leaf paper • Notebook for Writing Reflections
Early Childhood Education I Other: 1. Cell phone/ Electronic Devices: Cell phones and electronic devices should be quiet and stored away during class. If the opportunity presents itself, the teacher may instruct students to use these devices for educational purposes. 2. Absent: If a student is absent from class, he/she will be accountable for any missed work or assignments. Students are responsible for checking in with peers or teacher to ensure that he/she has met their academic responsibilities 3. Text book: Students will be issued a text book. The books will be the responsibility of the student. These texts should be covered and cared for to promote longevity. Books that are not well cared for will be replaced by the student and/or family.
Early Childhood Education II Classroom Responsibility: You will be evaluated on your ability to: • Be in self-control • Demonstrate active participation • Remain on-task • Demonstrate care and respect
Early Childhood Education I Writing Reflections: Keep a notebook to reflect upon your learning in and out of class in regards to course content. You will need to write a minimum of 5 sentences for each reflection statement and have at minimum of 2 entries a week. The notebook will be checked at the teacher’s discretion; therefore, students should keep these up to date and be ready.
Early Childhood Education I Paper: The paper will need to be in a content area from the text. The paper should have information that extends from the text and be reflective of the student’s learning during the course. Length- min. 3 pages; max. 5 pages *Stay tuned for more information on the paper
Early Childhood Education I Quizzes: There will be 8 quizzes to support your learning of course content and to help you recognize what you need to study for the exam. Quizzes will sometimes be grouped by units or on a particular unit. These will be announced.
Early Childhood Education I Exam: The exam will be at the end of the semester and have a combination of multiple choice, matching, fill-in-the blank, short answer, and True/False.
Early Childhood Education I Lesson Plans and Implementation • Develop 2 lesson plans to implement with young children • Plan will be observed and evaluated by peers and educators * More information regarding the Lesson Plans and Implementation will be presented in class.
Early Childhood Education I Lesson Plans and Implementation Rubric: • Complete use of Lesson Template with connection to standards • All tasks are implemented • Lesson is well paced • All students are engaged
Total planned hrs. from course: 94 hrs. 3 + hrs.