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JLIP performance in p14. Daniel Bloch Denis Gelé, Sébastien Greder, Isabelle Ripp-Baudot (IReS Strasbourg). data samples selections Vº rejection ptrel fits and negative tags performance in p14. Data samples.
JLIP performance in p14 Daniel Bloch Denis Gelé, Sébastien Greder, Isabelle Ripp-Baudot (IReS Strasbourg) • data samples • selections • Vº rejection • ptrel fits and negative tags • performance in p14 D. Bloch (IReS Strasbourg)
Data samples • muon-in-jet: 134k events p14.03 for b-tag efficiency (from Philipp Schierferdecker: /rooms/leg/boston/meena/DATA/bid/mujet ) jets with a medium muon of pt>4 GeV and R<0.5 (but the same p13.06 sample is not used here due to a mismatch between p13 and p14 unpackings…) • jet trigger data: 97k from p14.03 on krutenau-clued0:disk2/work/ripp/data/p14/triggerjet/, for negative tag rates and light ptrel template • “p14.01” MC (in fact reco with p13.08…): 204k Zcc and 158k Zbb for c, b ptrel templates 213k QCD with pt>40, 80 for negative tag corrections D. Bloch (IReS Strasbourg)
Selections • Primary vertex: use highest multiplicity Pvreco in p14, ask 3 tracks and |zPV|<60 cm • Tracks: ask R<0.5, pt>0.5 GeV, |dca|<0.15cm in r and <0.4cm in z, to belong among the following 5 categories: . <7 CFT hits, 3 SMT superlayers with inner layer, ||>1.6or 7 CFT hits and 1,2,3 or 4 SMT superlayers • Taggability: use jets if there are 2 selected tracks among these 5 categories, apply jetid v3.2, jetcorr v4.2 • Tagging: use taggable jets . . use only tracks with pt>1 GeV (but could be less) . reject tracks from conversions, Kº, D. Bloch (IReS Strasbourg)
taggability MC qcd “p14.01” jet trigger data p14.03jet trigger data p13.05 But I cannot tell if the taggability is better in p14 than in p13 data because there is an efficiency drop in in the p13 sample used… D. Bloch (IReS Strasbourg)
Vº selection D. Bloch (IReS Strasbourg)
Vº in p14 jet trigger data Mee < 0.025 dLxy > 1.5cm - compute mass at SVX - ask 1 track to be good for tagging (pt>1, |dca|<0.15, |zdca|<0.4, 1smt) - show track pairs in taggable jets and track pairs in tagged jets (JLIP Prob<1%, before Vº rejection) M() in 0.475 - 0.515 M(p) in 1.105-1.125 D. Bloch (IReS Strasbourg)
compare new/old Vº cuts new cuts old cuts 2-3 times more Kº 4 times more and much more conversions with the new cuts D. Bloch (IReS Strasbourg)
Vº rate in p14 jet trigger data total Vº Kº conversion 1.6% Vº per taggable jet but 10% Vº per jet before positive tag (Prob<1%) which can be rejected D. Bloch (IReS Strasbourg)
IP resolution functions • Compute resolution functions from tracks with negative impact parameter significance in jet trigger data. Infer a probability from these PDF’s • In p13: use 11 sub-categories of tracks: depending on SMT, CFT hits and pscat=pt sin , |significance|<30 • In p14: use the same (“old”) PDF categories, but also new ones with 29 sub-categories depending on SMT, CFT hits, ², and pt of tracks , |significance|<40 D. Bloch (IReS Strasbourg)
ptrel templates on krutenau-clued0 /home/bloch/ptrel light c b 15<pt(jet)<35 light: tracks in jet trig data c and b: from Z MC . 35<pt(jet)<55 3 * 9 templates: 15< pt(jet)<35 35<pt(jet)<55 pt(jet)>55 4<pt(mu)<66<pt(mu)<10pt(mu)>10 pt(jet)>55 D. Bloch (IReS Strasbourg)
ptrel fits Fit and compute b-tag efficiencies in 3 pt(mu) bins, Then compute a weighted average total light c b Compute b-tag efficiencies in 3 pt(jet) bins ||<1.2 (CC), ||>1.5 (FC) Prob<0.005, 0.01, 0.02 Distinguish p14 data with the old and new PDF’s D. Bloch (IReS Strasbourg)
light-tag efficiencies • Use negative tags . • - Correct from MC . • - Compute the . light-tag efficiency in the same bins pt(jet), (jet), Prob D. Bloch (IReS Strasbourg)
JLIP performance in p14 real data new PDF new Vº new PDF old Vº old PDF old Vº Vº rejection is a tiny effect Improvement with the new PDF D. Bloch (IReS Strasbourg)
Summary • improvement in JLIP, by taking into account the ² and of tracks • much better Vº rejection, but it is a tiny effect • In p14: 50-60% (30-40%) b-tag efficiency. in central (forward) region, for a 1% light quark efficiency • still to fix the taggability criteria D. Bloch (IReS Strasbourg)