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Foundations of History. Asian History and Civilization. Prehistory History Civilization Culture Asian. Definition of Terms. Terms. Pre-history – the period of human progress before people kept written records
Foundations of History Asian History and Civilization
Prehistory History Civilization Culture Asian Definition of Terms
Terms Pre-history – the period of human progress before people kept written records History – comes from a Greek word ἱστορία – historia, meaning "inquiry, knowledge acquired by investigation" – a chronological record of significant events (as affecting a nation or institution) often including an explanation of their causes Civilization – An advanced state of intellectual, cultural, and material development in human society Culture – the integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that depends upon the capacity for learning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding generations Asia – comes from the word Asuwhich means “place of the rising sun”
For the early Greeks like Aristotle… • “History is a systematic explanation of a natural phenomenon regardless if it is chronological or not.”
Examples of Sources • diaries • memoirs • biography • speeches • letters • pamphlet • Statistics • Codified laws, orders, decrees • Government records • Inscriptions on stones, metals • Monuments, cemeteries, churches • Money and coins • Oral traditions
Am I an art or science? - History
HISTORY AS SCIENCE • As a social science, history follows the scientific method.
HISTORY AS A SCIENCE • History is more of a science because it is primarily based on facts • Historian follows a rigorous method in history writing- historical methodology.
Historical Process • Choosing Framework • Gathering Data • Analyzing Data and Understanding the Meaning and Relevance of the Data (External and Internal Criticism) • Reconstructing History
What is historical criticism? • In historical methodology, sources must be authentic and credible • It examines the authenticity and credibility of sources • It has two levels.
External criticism • Examines the physical appearance of the document (example: color of paper used, condition and characteristics of the paper, ink used, handwriting style, etc. ) • Answers the following questions: • What, where, when and how was the document acquired? • Is the document original or a copy of the original • Is the document primary or secondary? • Is the document authentic?
Internal criticism • Higher level of criticism • Examines the content and interpretation of the document • Examines the content of the document • Examine the words used in the document
HISTORY AS AN ART • History is an art because the historian interprets facts from sources. • When the historian writes history, it must be well-organized, coherent and elegant.
Is history related to the other social sciences? • Use of theories and methods of other social sciences • Led to the creation of other subfields of history • political history • economic history • cultural history • social history • environmental history
Related Social Science Geography - The study of the earth and its features and of the distribution of life on the earth, including human life and the effects of human activity Political Science - The study of the processes, principles, and structure of government and of political institutions; politics. Economics - Deals with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services and with the theory and management of economies or economic systems. . Sociology - The study of human social behavior, especially the study of the origins, organization, institutions, and development of human society
Psychology - The emotional and behavioral characteristics of an individual, group, or activity Ethics - The study of the general nature of morals and of the specific moral choices to be made by a person; moral philosophy. Anthropology - The scientific study of the origin, the behavior, and the physical, social, and cultural development of humans. Religion - A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship Archaeology - is the study of past human societies primarily through the recovery and analysis of the material culture and environment
Geological Features of Asia Location, Topography, Climate and Resources
Major Topographic Features • Mountain Ranges - Himalayas, Karakorum, Hindu Kush, Urals, Caucasus • Highest Mountains - Mt. Everest, Kanchenjunga, Lhotse, Makalu • Largest Lakes -Aral Sea, Lake Baikal, Caspian Sea, Dead Sea • Major Rivers - Chao Phraya, Euphrates, Ganges, Huang Ho, Indus, Irrawaddy, Jordan,Yenisey Lowest Area - Dead Sea Coast
Geography of Asia’s sub-regions • NORTHASIA - characterized by a continuous cover of plants or grasslands - Grasslands are classified into 3 types: steppes - continuous mat of shallow-rooted short grasses prairies - characterized by tall and deeply-rooted grasses savannas - characterized by the mingling of forests and grasslands • Boreal forest and taiga vegetation is found in North Asia Boreal – coniferous forest Taiga – marshy pine forest
South Asia’s Geography • Home to majority of the world’s highest mountains - Himalayan Mountain range - Mount Everest - Mount Kanchenjunga - Hindu Kush - Khyber Pass
West Asia’s Geography • 3 physical region is found in this region: Northern Tier, Arabian peninsula and the Fertile Crescent Northern Tier – characterized by the presence of mountainsand plateaus Arabian peninsula – surrounded by bodies of water Fertile Crescent – consists of fertile land with sufficient water
ArabianCountries Gulf States Saudi Arabia Lebanon Jordan Syria Iraq Kuwait Afghanistan Yemen Oman UAE Qatar Bahrain Iran Israel Cyprus Turkey Georgia Armenia
East Asia’s Geography • This region is consist of various physical features • China – Gobi Desert, Mongolian and Tibetan plateaus3 river systems: Huang Ho, Yangtze, Xi Jiang • Japan – separated from mainland East Asia bythe Korean Strait- compose of Kyushu, Shikoku, Honshuand Hokkaido
Mainland Southeast Asia Insular Southeast Asia Philippines Indonesia Malaysia Brunei Singapore East Timor (Timor Leste) Myanmar Thailand Vietnam Laos Cambodia
Monsoons in Asia • Northeast Monsoons – November to February (amihan) winds from the continent moves toward the bodies of water • Southwest Monsoons – May to September (habagat) winds from the bodies of water toward the continent