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PART III Threat Modeling Demo & Practice. Threat Modeling Tools. Threat Modeling Analysis and Modeling (TAM) (Microsoft) Pros: Flexible, Build in Threat & Attack Library Cons: Not updated-supported, DFD require VISIO ™ installation SDL Threat Modeling (Microsoft)
Threat Modeling Tools • Threat Modeling Analysis and Modeling (TAM) (Microsoft) • Pros: Flexible, Build in Threat & Attack Library • Cons: Not updated-supported, DFD require VISIO ™ installation • SDL Threat Modeling (Microsoft) • Pros: Integrated with SDL, Plug-in in issue tracking, free • Cons: Use STRIDE/DREAD not even used my Microsoft • Trike (open source) • Pros: Flexible, automatic threat generation • Cons: Not scalable, not maintained • PTA (commercial) • Pros: factor business impact of assets • Cons: User need to define threats, vulnerabilities and countermeasures Source : http://www.net-security.org/dl/insecure/INSECURE-Mag-17.pdf
Threat Modeler Tool™ Demonstration • Threat Modeler live demo session with myAppSecurityInc (20 minutes) • Develop your threat model con threatModeler ™ with PASTA™ (30 minutes) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZSjS8nu6kE
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