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School and Community News. Issue 1 (10-11) Monday 10 th September 2010. Welcome Back Everyone
School and Community News Issue 1 (10-11) Monday 10th September 2010 Welcome Back Everyone It is wonderful to see all the children looking so smart and well prepared for the new academic year. We would also like to welcome all the new children and families who have joined us this term. We look forward to working in partnership with you all for another successful and enjoyable year. Staff Changes We welcome Miss Goulborn, Green Class and Miss Gurung, Topaz Class, to Edward Pauling Primary School. We are sure that they will be very happy here. Congratulations to Miss Silwood who got married during the holidays. She will now be using her married name – Mrs Emmins. Miss Mann who got married earlier this year will also be using her married name – Mrs Dight. Thank You Thank you to Mr Davies, our Site Manager, and all our cleaners who worked so hard during the holidays to clean and prepare our school for the new year. As always they have done a fantastic job to ensure that the school is fresh and sparkling. Secondary School Transfer This week parents of Year 6 pupils will have received a letter and brochure regarding their child’s transition to secondary school next September. Further information will be available at a meeting held at the Civic Centre on 15th September and a school meeting on the 21st September. All of the schools will be holding Open Days and Evenings – please take the time to have a look around with your child. You can apply on line from 1st September and all applications must be received at the school by 22nd October and at the Civic Centre by 31st October. SATs Success Now that the national results for the KS2 SATs tests have been published we are delighted to inform you that the school’s results are better than the national average: English, Level 4: National average – 81% EPPS – 85% Maths, Level 4: National average – 80% EPPS – 83% Science, Level 4: National average – 85% EPPS – 88% Congratulations to all of last year’s Year 6 pupils, teachers and parents who worked so hard to achieve such excellent results. Happy Eid We would like to wish all our Muslim children and families a Happy Eid. We hope that you all have a very enjoyable celebration. Smart Pupils The school has a uniform policy and we are delighted to see our pupils so smart and correctly dressed as they begin a new term. All children are expected to wear the following items: Winter: School tie, white shirt, grey trousers for boys, navy tunic, trousers or knee length skirt for girls, navy blue jumper or cardigan with the school logo, black shoes. Summer: Blue and white vertical striped dress, grey shorts, short sleeved white shirt, tie. P.E. Kit: White t-shirt (with school logo), navy blue shorts, black plimsolls. Please note that trainers and boots are not allowed as part of the uniform.
Polite Reminders Safety Before School Please do not allow your child to use the playground apparatus or play with footballs before school. Children should wait quietly with their parents until their classroom door is opened. This is for everybody’s safety. Making Payments All monies, whether for dinners, milks, trips, clubs etc, should be handed to your child’s Class Teacher in a sealed envelope labelled with your child’s name, class, what the payment is for and the amount. (Recycled envelopes are encouraged). Nut Allergy Due to a number of pupils having a nut allergy the school operates a no nut policy. Please do not send in any food items containing nuts as part of your child’s packed lunch. Thank you for your cooperation. Respect and Consideration We expect all parents on school premises to set a good example to our pupils. Any parent behaving badly whilst on the school premises will be banned from the site. No Dogs Dogs are not allowed on school grounds. Please ensure that you leave your dog safely secured away from the school gates. Early Morning Arrivals School starts at 9am and is unable to accept responsibility for children before this time. If you need to bring your child earlier than 9am, for any reason, it may be possible to accommodate your child in the school’s Breakfast Club for a one-off session. The cost is £2.50 per child per morning (which includes breakfast). Sufficient notice will be required as forms must be completed before admission. Please contact the School Office for further information. Medication If your child requires medication or an inhaler during the school day please ensure that the school has an adequate supply and that a medication consent form has been completed. Thank you for your co-operation in these matters. Dates for your Diary 17th Sept Year 5 and 6 trip to Bible Exhibition 20th Sept Nursery starts 19th Sept Year 5 to Kew 21st Sept Yr 6 Parents’ Evening 28th Sept Open Evening – 4-6pm 30th Sept Open Evening – 6-8pm 25th – 28th Oct Half Term • Family Worker News • Coffee Time starts again on Wednesday 14th September at 9.00am and will take place in the Community Room. I am looking forward to seeing new faces as well as the regulars from last term. Everyone is welcome. • Family Outings • Following two very successful trips to Boscombe Beach and Longleat Safari Park it would be great if we could meet and exchange photos. Someone might have a photo that you would love to have for yourself. • November seems a long way away, but it will be here before you know it. If there is sufficient interest I will be arranging an outing to a Christmas Fair either on a week day for adults and toddlers, or a weekend trip for the whole family. If you are interested please leave your details on a sign up sheet in the school office. • School Uniform • Please label all of your children’s clothes and check that the uniform they bring home belongs to them. We all struggle with the cost of buying clothes and it is so upsetting when your child’s clothes go missing. • Attendance • Excellent attendance and punctuality is essential to your child’s learning. The school day begins promptly at 9am and annual holidays during term time will not be authorised. The school works closely with Hounslow’s Education Welfare Team to ensure that absences and lateness are kept to a minimum. • Please sign your child in at the school office if s/he arrives late for school. Children who are not signed in cannot be accounted for in the event of a school evacuation. Please contact the office on the first morning of any absence on telephone number 0208 831 0841. The answer machine is on 24 hours a day. • Equally, please be at your child’s class room door promptly at 3.20pm for home time collection.