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The Subjunctive with Impersonal Expressions.
The Subjunctive withImpersonal Expressions In Spanish, the SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD is used for the many situations in life when something is not 100% certain or true. The subjunctive is used for uncertainty, doubt, desire, wishes, feelings, things that are impersonal, and several other moods. For now, we are only going to discuss the present subjunctive when it is used with the impersonal expressions, because there is no guarantee that the next part of the sentence will happen.
el subjuntivo • The construction of the present tense subjunctive sentence with impersonal expressions will look like: Impersonal expression (this is the “trigger”) +que + new subject + present subjunctive of the verb You need to have a NEW subject for the sentence to be subjunctive. In these impersonal expressions, the first subject is the “it.”
The formation of the present tense subjunctive will be easy for you because it is exactly the same as the formal commands! • This time, you can follow the rule for more endings than just Usted and Ustedes. • Remember, since you are switching endings, the –car, -gar, -zar rules apply!
Take the yo form, drop the O, add the opposite ending.Hablar
Take the yo form, drop the O, add the opposite ending.Escribir
For -ar and -er stem-changing verbs, the formula applies except that there is no stem change in the nosotros form. Poder
For -ir stem-changing verbs, the stem change in the nosotros form follows these patterns:oueverbschange o u; eieverbschange e i; e:i verbschange e i.Remember dormir and durmiendo?Dormir:
Take the yo form, drop the O, add the opposite ending.Sentir
Take the yo form, drop the O, add the opposite ending.Buscar
Take the yo form, drop the O, add the opposite ending.Llegar
Take the yo form, drop the O, add the opposite ending.Almorzar
So now, on to USING the subjunctive with impersonal expressions: • Impersonal expression (this is the “trigger”) • +que • + new subject • + present subjunctive of the verb
It’s important that youstudy. (are you definitely studying? No. This person speaking feels that it’s important, but you can’t say “estudias” because that means you definitely study. The subjunctive is going to open up the idea that there is no guarantee here).
In Spanish: Es importante que tú estudies. • It’s important that you study (for you to study) • Sometimes in English we don’t say things exactly grammatically correct, so sometimes instead of “that” we use “for (subject) to.”
It’s necessary for you guys to get good grades on this quiz = what you are really saying is • “it is necessary that you all get good grades on this quiz.” • Es necesario que ustedes saquen buenas notas en esta prueba.
It may be helpful for you to rewrite sentences in English to be sure you know that it fits this model with the “que” plus a different subject: 1. It’s important for her to study Spanish in college= rewritten in ENGLISH = ______________________________________________________________________ Now, the Spanish version with subjunctive: ______________________________________________________________________
It’s logical for him to arrive late tonight. =Eng = ______________________________________________________________________ • Span = ______________________________________________________________________
3. It’s strange that she eats lunch alone. ______________________________________________________ 4. It’s ridiculous that we don’t have spring break next year. ______________________________________________________________________
5. It’s better for us to go to the store now. ______________________________________________________________________ 6. It’s a shame that they don’t know the new student. ______________________________________________________________________
7. It’s important for her to come to class on time. ______________________________________________________________________ 8. It’s dangerous that your dad doesn’t use a helmet! ______________________________________________________________________