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The Subjunctive with Adverbial Conjunctions. Sp. 3 VC c.10. Adverbial Clauses. Adverbs indicate such things as WHY, WHERE, WHEN, and HOW (modify verbs, adjectives and other adverbs). Ie…John works hard .
The Subjunctive with Adverbial Conjunctions Sp. 3 VC c.10
Adverbial Clauses • Adverbs indicate such things as WHY, WHERE, WHEN, and HOW (modify verbs, adjectives and other adverbs). • Ie…John works hard. • An adverbial clause is an entire clause (including subject and conjugated verb) that indicates why, where, when and how. (modifying verbs, adjectives or other adverbs) • Ie…John works hard so that she will notice him.
Adverbial Clauses • Adverbial clauses are introduced by conjunctions (these are the triggers that tell you the subjunctive MAY be needed) :
Adverbial Clauses • Some sources uses these as memory devices for the adverbial conjunctions: (these always use subjunctive)
Adverbial Clauses • When describing future actions (even in the past – use subjunctive • When describing completed actions – use indicative • When describing habitual occurances – use indicative • Some sources uses this as a memory device for the these adverbial conjunctions:
Adverbial Clauses • Either an adverbial phrase (preposition + infinitive) or an adverbial clause (which may require either the indicative or subjunctive mood) may be used depending on… • Whether there is a change in subject Ie…Paco is saving his money sohe can buy a car. Paco ahorra su dinero para comprar un coche. Ie…I intend to study beforeclass begins. Yo pienso estudiar antes de que la clase empiece.
Adverbial Clauses • Either an adverbial phrase (preposition + infinitive) or an adverbial clause (which may require either the indicative or subjunctive mood) may be used depending on… 2.The type situation or time in the clause Ie…Hypothetical or anticipated = subjunctive Completed, habitual or factual = indicative Ie…I am not going unless she comes. No voy a menos que ella venga
Progression of Tenses • As soon as you determine that the subjunctive is needed (except commands and extreme courtesy), then identify the tense used in the primary clause in order to determine WHICH subjunctive tense to use: • Present Subjunctive (present, future) • Present Perfect Subjunctive (pres. perfect) • Imperfect Subjunctive (pret., imp, cond.) • Pluperfect Subjunctive (past or cond. perfect)
Practice veas llueva • En cuanto ____ (ver) tu equipaje, cógelo. • Aunque _____ (llover) mañana, vamos a jugar al tenis. • Vas a salir sin que yo te ______ (hablar). • Voy a salir ahora a menos que ________ (querer) hablar conmigo. • Mi madre me dijo que me llamaría tan pronto como ella ________ (llegar). • Jugamos al tenis ayer aunque _______ (llover) hable quieras llegara llovía