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Osseous Anatomy of the Optic C anals

Osseous Anatomy of the Optic C anals. (Computed Tomography: Bone W indows with Reconstructions). Samuel Bidot, MD Amit M. Saindane , MD Valérie Biousse , MD. Optic canal seen through the orbit: frontal view. Optic canal. Superior orbital fissure. Inferior orbital fissure.

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Osseous Anatomy of the Optic C anals

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Osseous Anatomy of the Optic Canals (Computed Tomography: Bone Windows with Reconstructions) Samuel Bidot, MD Amit M. Saindane, MD ValérieBiousse, MD

  2. Optic canal seen through the orbit: frontal view Optic canal Superior orbital fissure Inferior orbital fissure Ethmoid bone Frontal bone Lacrimal bone Zygomatic bone Sphenoid bone Nasal bone Maxillary bone

  3. Optic canal seen from the intracranial side Superior and inferior roots of the lesser wing Jugum Optic foramen Anterior clinoid process Greater wing of the sphenoid Lesser wing of the sphenoid Body of the sphenoid Superior orbital fissures

  4. Optic canal seen from the intracranial side Chiasmatic groove Tuberculumsella Optic foramen Sellaturcica Dorsum sella Superior orbital fissure Lesser wing of the sphenoid Frontal bone Cribriform plate Greater wing of the sphenoid Body of the sphenoid

  5. Optic canal : axial cut Zygomatic bone Sphenoid sinuses Optic canals Greater wing of the sphenoid Superior orbital fissure Anterior clinoid process Tuberculumsella

  6. Optic canal : oblique coronal cut Ethmoidsinuse Right optic canal Left orbit Sphenoid sinus Lateral wall (inferior root of the sphenoid [strut]) Medial wall (body of the sphenoid) Superior wall (superior root of the sphenoid)

  7. Course of the optic canals: antero-lateral view Tuberculumsella Dorsum sella Anterior clinoid process (cut) Optic canals Sphenoid sinus Inferior orbital fissure Superior orbital fissure Floor of the orbit Ethmoid bone Lacrimal bone Zygomatic bone Sphenoid bone Nasal bone Maxillary bone

  8. Course of the optic canals: postero-superior view Greater wing of the sphenoid Lesser wing of the sphenoid Body of the sphenoid Inferior orbital fissures Optic canals Sphenoid sinus Anterior clinoid process (cut) Ethmoid bone Chiasmatic groove Tuberculumsella

  9. Course of the optic nerves in the optic canals 4mm 10mm 7mm

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