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Movement. Dilemma. * 'Is the Ball Light or Heavy?'. how you can?. * 'Think about Catching a ball'. Nerve which follows Behavior * Lowest Extreme of Motor Hierarchy, in the Spinal Cord, Hundreds of Specialised Nerve Cells called Motor Neurons increase their Rate of Firing
Movement • Dilemma * 'Isthe Ball Light or Heavy?' how you can? * 'Think about Catching a ball'
Nerve which follows Behavior * Lowest Extreme of Motor Hierarchy, in the Spinal Cord, Hundreds of Specialised Nerve Cells called Motor Neurons increase their Rate of Firing * Axons of these Neurons Project out to Muscles where they activate Contractile Muscle Fibers * Ca2+ Ions to be released from intracellular Stores inside each Muscle Fiber * This in turn Triggers Contraction of Muscle Fibers
Nerve which follows Behavior * Electrical Events in Muscles of Arm can be recorded with an Amplifier, even through Skin(EMGs) * Motor Neurons are Final Common Path to Muscles that Move your Bones Moto r Cortex * Quite what is coded in Motor Cortex was Subject of a long Debate - Do Cells in Cortex Code for Actions that Person wants to Perform it * Strip of Tissue Running Across Surface of Brain - Nerve Cells that cause Movements in different Limbs are topographically arranged
Basal Ganglia * Basal Ganglia are a Cluster of Inter connected Areas located Beneath the Cortex in Depths of Cerebral Hemispheres * Selecting Information from amongst the Enormous Numbers of Diverse Inputs they receive from Anterior Half of Cortex * Output of the Basal Ganglia feeds Back to Motor Cortical Areas * Precise Arrangement of Dopamine Axons onto their Target Neurons in Basal Ganglia is very intricate * You would need to Integrate Sensory Information into Stream of Signals Leading to your Muscles