1. UK Career Academy Foundation Martyn Drain
4. Themes
6. Why would a business want topartner a Career Academy ? Proven community programme
Business support ‘mainstreamed’ rather than ‘add on’
Government agenda (Leitch, Tomlinson, Diplomas etc) on need for business to support education
Complete curriculum offer
Measurable outcomes
Demonstrate Corporate Social Responsibility excellence and reputation
Opportunity for local PR
Opportunity for employee volunteering
Opportunity for developing employee competencies
Pump prime future recruitment
Opportunity to demonstrate diversity
Exceptional local and national network of supporting companies and business leaders
7. New opportunities for employers
8. What is a Career Academy internship ? Six weeks paid work experience
A job description and list of skill requirements
A programme for each internship in a real operating environment and aiming to use the skills and knowledge the student has learned in school/college
An interview
A suitable induction
Student should have a line supervisor, an HR contact and perhaps a ‘buddy’
Consider rotation or all one department/day to day work and projects/meeting senior contacts/last day feedback
Briefing prior to internship, guidance booklet
Visits and support from school/college and UKCAF
9. Effective internships will: Enable students to learn about all aspects of the business
Add to their CV in a career field in which they have interest
Provide experiences that require more knowledge and skills than ordinary ‘student jobs’
Encourage students to think and problem solve via actual workplace challenges
Introduce students to modern workplace
Develop a shared vision of the value of education between employers, teachers and students, helping students understand the importance and relevance of their academic studies
Help teachers connect the classroom to the modern workplace
Enable teachers and employers to work together to prepare students for success in the workplace.