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TNO Quality Management. EARTO Working Group on Quality and Excellence. Content. Introduction of TNO TNO audits (general) TNO Cofinancing Programme (specific example) Customer satisfaction / impact assessment Conclusions. TNO: founded by law (1932). 2. Article 4 TNO Act
TNO Quality Management EARTO Working Group on Quality and Excellence
Content Introduction of TNO TNO audits (general) TNO Cofinancing Programme (specific example) Customer satisfaction / impact assessment Conclusions TNO Quality Management
TNO: founded by law (1932) 2 Article 4 TNO Act The Organisation aims to ensure that applied engineering and scientific research and other associated social scientific and applied research is made suitably serviceable for the general good and the distinctive interests contained therein. • TNO caters to industry and government needs for specific R&D • TNO is independent of public and private interests 26-10-2014 TNO Quality Management
TNO in the Netherlands 4 26-10-2014 TNO Quality Management 4100 employees 564 M€ turnover
Themes and innovation areas 5 26-10-2014 TNO Quality Management
Areas of expertise 6 • Technical Sciences • Behavioural and Societal Sciences • Earth, Environmental and Life Sciences 26-10-2014 TNO Quality Management
The TNO organisation 7 26-10-2014 TNO Quality Management Supervisory Board Board of Management Council for Defence Research Corporate Staff 3 Expertise lines TNO Companies Knowledge Centres 7 Theme lines
Quality assurance 8 • Projects are evaluated • Regular customer satisfaction audits • International technology position audit • Constructing roadmaps with business relations • Employees satisfaction audit • All relevant quality systems (ISO, NEN, etc) NB: Theme line vs Expertise line 26-10-2014 TNO Quality Management
Periodical Auditing Employee Satisfaction (3-yearly) Internal (intranet) enquiry with additional interviews (external advisors) Customer Satisfaction Enquiry form after each project (operational unit) interviews (external advisors) (samples) (corporate) Q-system (ISO) Yearly audit (DNV) Technology Position of Research Groups (4-yearly) TNO Quality Management
TNO Cofinancing programme Aim: TNO Research together with industry (SME and large) Research budget Ministry of Economic Affairs with cofinancing from industry (total budget 40 million EUR p.a. i.e. 7% of TNO turnover) cofinancing: 10% - 25% - 50% 250 projects running, size 100-2000 kEuro inherently complicated projects with multiple stakeholders Conditions cf Community framework for state aid for research and development and innovation IPR for TNO, right of use for cofinancer TNO Quality Management
TNO Cofinancing programme auditing After finalizing project (about 50 projects, 60 cofinanciers p.a.) customer (i.e. cofinancer) audit (external advisor, by telephone) satisfaction (results, services) (aimed) application of results 1-3 years after finalizing projects internal impact (spin-off projects, licences) economic impact cofinancer (external advisor, by telephone) (attained) application of results, extra turnover, benefits TNO Quality Management
Scaling Issue for discussion General satisfaction: scale 1-10 Specific aspects: scale 1-5 very satisfied satisfied satisfied nor dissatisfied dissatisfied very dissatisfied Choice determines acceptable targets TNO Quality Management
Impact assessment Issue for discussion Impact of TNO projects to individual customers (economic or other) Impact of TNO programmes/projects to NL en EU society TNO Quality Management
Reporting Report by the advisor contains both ratings as well as citations Report presented internally: TNO Board of Management Individual interview forms to management of operational units Follow up by operational units Management Summary presented to: Ministry of Economic Affairs Aim of the audit: improvement of quality of projects relation with (cofinancing) industry relation with and account to the Government TNO Quality Management
Conclusions Customer satisfaction measurements are standard at TNO Corporate coordination required? Interviews by telephone enhance the response Mutual commitment in cofinancing projects gives opportunity for ‘sensitive’ questions to assess impact Used for internal feedback as well as external accountability Impact assessment is a real challenge TNO Quality Management