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Techno Board 12-13

Techno Board 12-13. Use Destiny online. Library search or overdrive. Create booklikst. Attend 2 Megabyte Mondays. Write a MEF Grant or any type of grant. Create and use QR codes in classroom. Post to wiki or weebly. Create a Pinterest Education board .

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Techno Board 12-13

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  1. Techno Board 12-13

  2. Use Destiny online. Library search or overdrive. Create booklikst Attend 2 Megabyte Mondays Write a MEF Grant or any type of grant Create and use QR codes in classroom. Post to wiki or weebly Create a Pinterest Education board Use site of f icafe wiki for word work in classroom Become a DEN STAR Educator (ask Hames) Create and maintain a wiki or weebly Create a class group in Edmodo and post assignments Set up your class in Discovery Education and post assignment Use another web 2.0 of your choice not on this list. Must be approved. Create a voki, fotobabble, facetalk, or blabberize with students and post. Create and use online flashcards with your students. Have students create booktrailers and post to wiki or weebly Create and use livebinder, mentormobor symbaloo page. Use Skype, Facetime, or Webcam with another class. Use comic choice app from icafe wiki to create and post. Use storytelling app from icafe wiki and post to wiki or weebly Use Video publishing choice from icafe wiki and post Create a podcast and use with class. Must post. Create a socrative or Quizlet quiz and post and use with students. Use Interactive instruction app from icafe wiki and post. Use online monitoring system such as Sundry or Evernote Use Google Form, Doc. Or Earth. Share and collaborate with others. Make Keynote, Pages, or iBook Author presentation and sync with ios devices. Use backchannelingor blogging.(Simplemeet, Titanpad, kidblog, Edublog Use Mindmapping app with students and post Use ibook creator app with students and post.

  3. Library Megabyte Grant QR Pinterest Word work DEN STAR wiki weebly Edmodo DE Web 2.0 Voki etc flashcards Booktrailer livebinder symbaloo Skype etc Comics Story telling video Mentormob Pod cast Quiz II app Online monitor Google Mac stuff Back channel BLOG Mind map ibook

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