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ROLES and RESPONSIBILITIES. Councillors , Mayor & Administrator . CONGRATULATIONS…. FIRST STEP…. Work to build an effective team for the benefit of the whole community. Understand that everyone has a job to do and understand what those jobs are. Key players: Mayor Councillors

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  1. ROLES and RESPONSIBILITIES Councillors, Mayor& Administrator


  3. FIRST STEP… • Work to build an effective team for the benefit of the whole community. • Understand that everyone has a job to do and understand what those jobs are. • Key players: • Mayor • Councillors • Administrator • Public

  4. ROLE OF THE COUNCILLOR • Section 92 of The Municipalities Act • Represent the public and consider the well-being and interest of the municipality • Participate in developing and evaluating the policies, services and programs of the municipality • Participate in council meetings and council committee meetings and meetings of other bodies to which they are appointed by council • Ensure that administrative practices and procedures are in place to implement the decisions of council

  5. ROLE OF THE COUNCILLOR Section 92, continued • Keep in confidence matters discussed in private at council or committee meetings until the matter is discussed at a meeting held in public • Maintain the financial integrity of the municipality • Perform any other duty or function imposed on councillors by provincial legislation

  6. ROLE OF THE COUNCILLOR • What does this mean? • Four key points to keep in mind: 1. You represent everyone 2. Be fully engaged 3. Build and sustain relationships 4. Be a wise steward

  7. ROLE OF THE MAYOR • In addition to their role as councillor, mayors are responsible for the following: • Presiding at council meetings • Being a member of all council committees and bodies (‘ex officio’) • Signing all bylaws with the administrator • Requesting the calling of a special meeting • Calling a public meeting

  8. ROLE OF MAYOR • Other points to consider: • The mayor is required to vote on all questions before a council or committee meeting they attend • The mayor, in most cases, acts as the spokesperson for the municipality • An active and engaged mayor can be the most informed councillor by virtue of having membership on all council committees

  9. ADMINISTRATOR • Municipal councils are required by law to establish the position of administrator (section 110, the Municipalities Act) • The legal obligations for a municipal administrator are significant so it is important to make sure your administrator is certified. • Qualifications for administrator are found in the Urban Municipal Administrators Act

  10. ROLE OF ADMINISTRATOR • To manage the day-to-day operations of the municipality • To act as the primary liaison between council and the staff of the municipality • To act as the primary policy advisor and analyst for council

  11. ROLE OF ADMINISTRATOR • Section 111 of the Municipalities Act defines the legal obligations of the administrator. • Key functions are as follows: • Provide professional advice and support to the council • Conduct municipal elections • Attend council meetings and keep minutes • Oversee the preparation of the annual budget • Collect revenues and control expenditures of the municipality • Assist council in formulating bylaws • Implement and monitor bylaws, resolutions and policies • Follow council ‘s directions

  12. ROLE OF ADMINISTRATOR • Key functions, continued • Interpret and apply provincial and federal legislation • Manage, lead and direct municipal staff • Ensure all programs and services are effectively and efficiently delivered • Assist with the development and implementation of the strategic, business and operational plans • Be responsible for the safe keeping of the records and documents of the municipality • Maintain good communication and public relation skills

  13. ROLE OF ADMINISTRATOR • Any additional duties as listed in the administration bylaw • Depending on the size of your municipality, the type of development happening in your municipality and the number of staff employed, the administrator may also perform the following duties: • Land use planning • Economic Development officer • EMO Coordinator

  14. THE PUBLIC • The public is one of the most important components of the municipal team, but how do you get them involved? • Some options include: • Inviting the public to attend meetings • Being visible in the community by attending public events • Engage the youth of the community (section 82.1 of the Municipalities Act) • Visiting people to hear their concerns • Meet regularly with community groups to get their points of view • Understand the duties and obligations of council and how your decisions affect the community • Create dialogue with residents to help form policy • Survey residents on issues important to them • Keep people informed.

  15. PUTTING IT ALL TO TOGETHER • Success can be achieved if everyone understands their individual roles and if everyone can work together without getting in each other’s way. • Remember what your role is and how you are meant to contribute to your municipality

  16. EXPECTATIONS • What should a municipal council expect of its administrator? • What should an administrator be able to expect of their council?

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