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Champaign Lion's Chatter. (Click here to go to our website). 2 May 2012. Call to Order — President David Lin called the meeting to order and led in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Champaign Lion's Chatter (Click here to go to our website) 2 May 2012 Call to Order — President David Lin called the meeting to order and led in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Invocation – Dave Hunter - We thank Thee, Lord, for this food, for these friends, and for the afection we have one for another. Amen. Vittles – Country Fried Steak, mixed vegetables, mashed potatoes and gravy, salad and toppings, rolls and butter, lemon Italian cream cake, tea and coffee.
Attendance – 24 members, 1 visitors. Guests – Larry (guest of Fonda). Birthdays – Bob Tuchel is 91. Lions Report – FredFrehner and Bob Sprague are having some health issues and we will miss them. Jim Smith had surgery again and is in Rehab; If you are ill or know a fellow Lion that is under the weather, please call Pat at 586-4535.
\ Announcements – Tootsie Pop Day is Friday and Saturday. Weldon Garrelts announced that we still have some room for a few more volunteers. Some have volunteered to work two sessions.
Program – Business Meeting. Secretary Fonda read the minutes of the May 1 Board Meeting. ·1 Rich King provided a general financial report for April. The 3x8 plaque to be placed by the trees we planted will cost $162 plus tax. ·2 1st VP Lion Ted reported Sight and Sound booklets have been turned in. $792 was sent to the Foundation for Sight Sound Sweepstakes, the Club will get $316.80.
·3 The Water Station at the CU Marathon had a total of 35 volunteers, 13 Lions participated. Fred Greffe of the Mahomet Club helped us again this year. A picture of Lions at the station appeared in the News Gazette. Here, Lion Rich King dispenses drinks to runners during the Marathon. Picture courtesy of Lion David Lin.
·4 Lion Charlie Osborne has programs booked up through May 23. • ·5 Officers for next year: David Lin sent an email asking for anyone interested in being a director for 2012-2014. One person responded. The Tailtwister position will continue to be shared and rotated monthly. Two assistants will be appointed to help the Program Chair. David Hunter requested that we begin to look for someone who might publish the Chatter and do the invocation. He will continue as long as his health permits. • ·6 Lion Rich King reported monthly evening meeting is in progress for Champaign Lions Club members who have difficulty attending lunch time meetings. • ·7 Tootsie Pop Days May 4 and 5. Some time slots remain unfilled. Sam McGrew will ask the former Fisher Lions members who helped last year if they can help us again this hear. • ·8 Walk for Sight is June 10 in Tuscola. Rich King and Marvin Paulsen plan to walk. • ·9 Herb Bail and Rex Hess and others collected 249 pairs of used eyeglasses for the month of April. • ·10 Activities – A picnic potluck is planned for June. It will be a Lions Club Reunion and past Lions will be invited to attend or to write a note telling what they are currently doing. • ·11 Public Awareness -- The billboard is up again on North Cunningham in Urbana.
Marvin gave the 3rd reading of the slate of officers. Motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the slate of officers.
Know your Lion was presented by Ed Tichenor introducing Lew Laymon.
1923 was the date Lewis Laymon was born at home. He was raised in Cumberland county on a small family farm. He was the youngest of 10 children.
He was married to Lucille Erwin Leymon for 50 years and they had 3 children, 5 grandkids and 5 great-grandchildren (all boys).
For work, he did a little of everything, starting with bookkeeping out of high school.
Then for 17 years he worked for an Engineering firm on telephone and electric lines, then for the Telephone company for 15 years and retired. The company was bought out several times and is now Verizon.
He was sponsored in Lions by Tom Kelly in Casey, Illinois, where he served for about 4 years before coming to Champaign, where he has been a Lion for 8 years.
He got into Lions because he thought he could help with building their park shelters in Casey, home of the Illinois Amateur Softball Association Hall of Fame.
He fined Bob for having won the lottery; Frank for having sold his house;
Omer bragged that his granddaughter is graduating from the Coast Guard Academy.
Sam bragged that his granddaughter made a 3-point shot in a basketball game.
La Triviata Last week’s question:Who was president of our club in 1985, Bob King, Paul Hendren, or Jim Smith? Answer:Bob King Last week’s winner: Nobody had the right answer:
La Triviata Gordy’s Gotchas Each week, Gordy provides us with a quiz question. The Lion who can telephone Gordy at 355-0566 first with the correct answer will be recognized as the winner in our next Chatter. This week’s question: David Lin doesn't always drive to meetings, what other form of transportation does he use?
Coming up May 9 - Jennifer Roscoe – Channel 3 Greeters: Homer Kuder and Paul Kunkel May 16 - Jean Driscoll May 23 - Daniel Southerland – Urbana Pops Orchestra email Charlie and let him know what you would like to see in a Lions Club Program some time.
Thank you for watching Editor Rex Hess Publisher David Hunter To email Dave with your comments, click here → hunter4000@comcast.net To go to the our website, click here → http://www.champaignlions.org/