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Champaign Lion's Chatter. (Click here to go to our website). 16 May 2012. Armed Forces Day. Call to Order — President David Lin called the meeting to order and led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Saturday 19 May.

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  1. Champaign Lion's Chatter (Click here to go to our website) 16 May 2012 Armed Forces Day Call to Order — President David Lin called the meeting to order and led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Saturday 19 May

  2. Invocation – Dave Hunter - For birds and bees, for flowers and trees, for food so good, we eat more'n we should, Lord, we thank Thee. Amen. Vittles – Honey-glazed ham, mixed vegetables, salad and toppings, garlic bread and butter, Cocoanut cake, tea and coffee.

  3. Lions Report -- Jim Smith is headed for Florida; If you are ill or know a fellow Lion that is under the weather, please call Pat Bryan at 586-4535. Attendance – 23 members, 5 visitors, 6 guests; Larry (guest of Fonda Bowden);

  4. Libby Johnston (guest of David Lin);

  5. Dean Tabor (guest of Sam McGrew);

  6. Becky Swanson (guest of Earl Swanson);

  7. and Evelyn Bail (guest of Herb Bail). Birthdays – No birthdays.

  8. Lottery – Ted Gonsiorowski won the $13 lottery.

  9. Announcements – David Lin announced a Social for May 26th. Rich King will be going to the State Convention in Decatur.

  10. Rich King reminded us of the Walk for Sight.

  11. Program – Charlie Osborne introduced Jean Driscoll, Assistant Dean of Advancement in the College of Applied Health Sciences at the University of Illinois. She has a B.A. in Speech Communication with honors and an M.S. in Rehabilitation Administration from the University.

  12. She also was awarded an Honorary Doctorate Degree by the University of Rhode Island and an Honorary Law Degree by the Massachusetts School of Law.

  13. In April 2012, she received the Lincoln Academy "Order of Lincoln", the highest honor given in the state of Illinois. Past recipients include Ronald Reagan and Jack Benny.

  14. Jean has won the Boston Marathon eight times and was the first person in history to achieve this feat. Only one other athlete, Ernst Van Dyk, has achieved this milestone.

  15. She held the world's best time on its course for 17 years, until it was broken by 16 seconds in 2011.

  16. She won silver medals in the 1992 and 1996 Summer Olympic Games and is also a world record holder in the 10,000 meter track event.

  17. Sports Illustrated for Women magazine recognized Jean as one of the top 25 female athletes of the twentieth century. This week, Jean was voted into the Olympic Hall of Fame.

  18. Jean was born in Milwaukee with spina bifida (an open spine) at a time when about half of the children died when born with this birth defect. She told us that her uncle was also a Lions Club District Governor.

  19. At 2 years of age, she started walking, but with difficulty, and had to use braces because her legs were very weak. It was a real challenge due to kids making fun of her.

  20. But with sheer determination, she learned to ride a two-wheel bike, which gave her enough independence to ride home after school. Unfortunately, she had a bike accident which resulted in a dislocated hip.

  21. After a year of surgery and therapy she still had hope of walking and being normal. However, the hips never healed properly and she was told she would need a wheelchair and crutches.

  22. She missed some high school and transferred to a public school where she met another “wheelchair person” who challenged her to try wheelchair sports. She finally got heavily involved in sports but at first on the sideline.

  23. She was recruited to the University of Illinois for wheelchair basketball, but was pushed toward entering the Chicago Marathon, which she did after her second year. She then qualified for the Boston Marathon.

  24. As a senior in College she entered the Boston Marathon, won on her first try and broke the world record by 7 minutes. The picture above is actually Jean winning!

  25. She prepared by using wind tunnels and weight lifting (Jean could bench press 210 lbs), climbing Heartbreak Hill near Boston, drafting behind other players and then winning the $25,000 prize.

  26. She was invited back last year as guest and a Japanese entry won the race. Jean’s was one of the most inspiring life stories we ever heard.

  27. Tail Twister – Tom Yaxley asked Sam McGrew to carry the bucket and greet people.

  28. Sam started right off bragging about the huge fish he caught. It nearly broke his arm.

  29. Tom fined Lew Laymon for having forgotten to be a greeter;

  30. Ted Gonsiorowski for having won the lottery;

  31. Charlie Osborne bragged that hisdaughter had turned two;

  32. And David Lin paid for having bragged about something or other.

  33. La Triviata Last week’s question:Ray Eliot once said the greatest athlete he ever coached was? Answer: Dike Eddleman Last week’s winner: Nobody

  34. La Triviata Gordy’s Gotchas Each week, Gordy provides us with a quiz question. The Lion who can telephone Gordy at 355-0566 first with the correct answer will be recognized as the winner in our next Chatter. This week’s question:How many permanent seats are there in the Assembly Hall, 15,560, 18,490 or 16,460?

  35. Coming up May 23 - Daniel Southerland – Urbana Pops Orchestra Greeters: Marvin Paulsen and Charlie Osborne May 30 – Champaign Mayor Don Gerard Click here osborne@bankchampaign.comto email Charlie Osborne and let him know what you would like to see in a Lions Club program some time.

  36. Thank you for watching Editor Rex Hess Publisher David Hunter To email Dave with your comments, click here → hunter4000@comcast.net To go to the our website, click here → http://www.champaignlions.org/

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