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Azra Talat Sayeed Roots for Equity Learning Forum, May 3 - 5, 2005, Islamabad

Macro-Micro Linkages: Which Economic Policy for Women’s Economic Empowerment. Azra Talat Sayeed Roots for Equity Learning Forum, May 3 - 5, 2005, Islamabad Gender Equality Project, British Council &DFID . Control on Women’s Lives. Patriarchy Feudalism Globalization. Patriarchy.

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Azra Talat Sayeed Roots for Equity Learning Forum, May 3 - 5, 2005, Islamabad

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  1. Macro-Micro Linkages: Which Economic Policy for Women’s Economic Empowerment Azra Talat Sayeed Roots for Equity Learning Forum, May 3 - 5, 2005, Islamabad Gender Equality Project, British Council &DFID

  2. Control on Women’s Lives Patriarchy Feudalism Globalization

  3. Patriarchy Allows: domination and exploitation of women by men economically politically socially

  4. Patriarchy Controls women through: ♠ formal legal channels ♠ informal cultural & religious norms

  5. Patriarchy Exists at all levels Family unit Community State

  6. Tangible Tools of Control ♦ Education ♦ Property ♦ Earnings

  7. Intangible Tools of Control Honor/Dishonor norms: voice control, body and movement control, dress control, food intake & time control, voicing of women’s names

  8. Patriarchy and Feudalism Women ♣participate in economic activity ♣work is invisible

  9. ♣ responsible for family/house and economic activity

  10. ♣ work not paid

  11. ♣ work not acknowledged ♣ wages kept by male head of the household

  12. Patriarchy and Feudalism Political decision makingnot allowed no presence in the public sphere Social no education limited, controlled mobility identity thru male family members ‘good women’ & ‘bad women’ feudal lord: physical and sexual violence home: all forms of abuse

  13. Patriarchy and Globalization Women ♣ Visible economic earners ♣ Consciously brought in as producers for the Market

  14. Manifestations Political Women’s rights highlighted greater space for decision making in public sphere

  15. Social private sphere: education, marriage, divorce mobility increased

  16. public sphere: work burden increased (household work not shared)

  17. Women and Globalization Commodification sex trafficking sex tourism entertainment industry

  18. Economic financial independence possible lesser control on wages and property paid less than men slotted in unskilled/semi-skilled jobs “Domestic sphere” jobs Garment industry Domestic servants more ‘dexterous work’

  19. Global Village

  20. Free Market Policy Framework Export Promotion Entrepreneurship development Emphasis on rural women’s incorporation in the export-oriented Cottage Industry Market Competition/cheap women’s labor Piece rate work

  21. Entrepreneurship ♠ Capitalist value ♠ Patriarchal

  22. Entrepreneurship ♠ creation of middle men/women ♠ exploitation of women’s skills/labor ♠ holding the market supreme ♠ belittling women’s skills

  23. Women’s Economic Empowerment ♠ Address structural issues (side by side) Patriarchy, Feudalism, Globalization ♠ Needs to be fought on political grounds ♠ Massive campaigns on women’s rights (for women, men, policy makers)

  24. ♠ Concrete steps to increase women’s skills Labor Rights Wage negotiations Labor time “Market Production” skills Quality of work

  25. Take steps to address women’s: Inbuilt inhibitions (good woman syndrome) Self-Esteem Adult literacy Transport System literacy Exposure

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