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Chapter 15 Societies and Empires of Africa 800-1500. Vocabulary I. Linage : Common ancestors Stateless Societies : cultures based on ancestral linage instead of government Ghana : The first west African kingdom based on Gold/Salt trade
Vocabulary I • Linage: Common ancestors • Stateless Societies: cultures based on ancestral linage instead of government • Ghana: The first west African kingdom based on Gold/Salt trade • Mali: West African kingdom based on Gold/Universities/Mansa Musa • Sundiata:1st Great leader of Mali. Cruel and unpopular.
Vocabulary II • Mansa Musa: Islamic Mali King. Hajj. Built Mosques/University at Timbuktu • Ibn Battuta: African Marco Polo. 27 years of travel in the Muslim World • Songhai: West African kingdom that took over Mali. Muslim rulers. Lacked modern weapons. • Benin: African Culture on the Niger River. Bronze/Brass artifacts • Swahili: Arabic Language diffused with Bantu language • Great Zimbabwe: South East African Trade city. Gold/Trade hub.
North and Central African Societies Chapter 15:1
North and Central African Societies Hunter-Gathering Societies • Matrilineal vs. Patrilineal • Most societies are patrilineal or traced ancestry through father • Hunter-Gatherer = nomadic • Most northern and central African societies were nomadic due to harsh climate (too dry or rainforest)
Islamic Influence Islamic influence • Rise of Islam in Africa • Mostly along northern and eastern coasts; introduced to Africa through trade and conquest • Brought Islamic law and traditions to Africa as well as written language (Arabic)
African Societies Stateless Societies Muslim States Maghri(e)b: Northern Africa/Mediterranean Islamic Law runs life/government • S.S. are based on families/clans • They serve as the government • Patrilineal: Father • Matrilineal: Mother • Age Set System • Right of passage based on age!!
Main Idea Questions • What sorts of food did the Efe hunt and gather in the Iturbi Forest? • What different purposes does the age-set system serve in African societies? • What role did Islam play in the political history of Northern Africa?
Empires of Gold and Salt Ghana, Mali, and Songhai • Gold/Salt Trade • Trade for Gold and Salt along Niger River and trans-Saharan trade routes made all three kingdoms flourish • Trade was single most important factor for success of all three kingdoms
Influence of Islam • Islam brought to Africa along the trans-Saharan trade routes • Islam was practiced by all major west African rulers • Blended Islam with native African Religions
Important West Africans Mansa Musa • Led kingdom of Mali during Golden Age • Went on famous pilgrimage to Mecca 1324 • Control of Gold and Salt Trade (100,000 men) • Built the city of Timbuktu– the most famous trade city of Mali/University
Ibn Battuta • “Muslim Marco Polo” • Traveled the length of the Muslim World during 1500s, wrote accounts of each Muslim country he visited • Most important primary source for historians on Muslim countries during the late Middle Ages
Kingdom of Benin • Located south of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai on West African coast • Isolated due to location away from major river • Known for distinctive African artwork free from foreign influence
Main Idea Questions • How did Ghana’s gold-salt trade work? • How did Sunni Ali build an Empire? • What form of government was typical of Hausa city-states?
Eastern City-States and Southern Empires Chapter 15:3
East Coast Trade Cities Indian Ocean Trade Network • Stretched from Indonesia and China in the east to Africa in the west • Kilwa, Mogadishu, and Mombassa most important trade cities in east Africa • Traded ivory, gold, and slaves
Islamic Influences Islamic Influences • Most city-states ruled by Muslims and followed Islamic Law • Arabic language combined with Bantu to form Swahili
Southern Africa and Great Zimbabwe Great Zimbabwe • From 1200-1400, this city controlled inland Africa • Many ruins are left from this site, including huge city structures and walls • Considered to be African culture most free from outside influence
Europeans arrive in Africa • Portuguese • Arrived along African coast in the late 1400’s • Built trade forts along African coast and captured many trade cities • Brought European influence to Africa including Christianity • Began European slave trade by exploiting existing slave trade
Main Idea Questions • How did the Swahili Language develop? • How was Islam introduced to East Africa? • How did the people of Great Zimbabwe positively interact with their environment?