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The Muslim World, Byzantines, Russians and Turks Interact, and Societies and Empires of Africa. Pre-AP World History Unit #5 Chapters 10, 11, and 15. Chapter 10:. The Muslim World (600-1250). Allah / Muhammad.
The Muslim World, Byzantines, Russians and Turks Interact, and Societies and Empires of Africa Pre-AP World History Unit #5 Chapters 10, 11, and 15
Chapter 10: The Muslim World (600-1250)
Allah / Muhammad Allah - The supreme god of the Arabs was known as Allah, which is the Arabic word for God. Allah is also the name of the God of Islam. Muhammad - Muslims honor Muhammad as Allah’s most important prophet, and as the founder of Islam. The key message communicated by Muhammad was that there is only one God, Allah, and that all Arabs should unite in their faith and share their wealth. The Arabian Peninsula is a crossroads of three continents – Africa, Europe, and Asia. At its longest and widest points, the peninsula is about 1,200 miles from north to south and 1,300 miles from east to west. Only a tiny strip of fertile land in south Arabia and Oman and a few oases can support agriculture. The remainder of the land is desert, which in the past was inhabited by nomadic Arab herders. On this desert, the Arab nomads, called Bedouins, were organized into tribes and groups called clans. These clans provided security and support for a life made difficult by the extreme conditions of the desert. The Bedouin ideals of courage and loyalty to family, along with their warrior skills, would become part of the Islamic way of life. By the early 600s, trade routes connected Arabia to the major ocean and land trade routes. Trade routes through Arabia ran from the extreme south of the peninsula to the Byzantine and Sassanid (Persian) empires to the north. Merchants from these two empires moved along the caravan routes, trading for goods from the Silk Roads of the east. They transported spices and incense from Yemen and other products to the west. They also carried information and ideas from the world outside Arabia.
Allah / Muhammad What was Muhammad’s hometown?
Allah / Muhammad Mecca
Islam / Muslim Islam - The term Islam literally means “peace through submission to the will of Allah.” Islam is a major, monotheistic world religion established on the Arabian Peninsula by the Prophet Muhammad in the early 600’s A.D. Islam shares many of the same beliefs as Judaism and Christianity, such as a belief in prophets, revelation, the existence of one supreme God, and the importance of obeying God’s commandments. The Five Pillars, or key concepts, of Islam are Belief, Prayer, Charity, Fasting, and Pilgrimage. Muslim - Name taken by all those who practice the religion of Islam. The term Muslim literally means “one who submits to God.” Followers of Islam also believe that the Biblical figures Adam, Noah, Moses and Jesus were also Muslims because they submitted to God’s will. In order to become a Muslim one needs only to make a statement known as the Shahdah, which says "There is no god except God and Muhammad is His Messenger." Worldwide there are approximately 1.4 Billion Muslims. Muhammad was born into a clan of a powerful Meccan family. Orphaned at the age of six, Muhammad was raised by his grandfather and uncle. He received little schooling and began working in the caravan trade as a very young man. At the age of 25, Muhammad became a trader and business manager for Khadijah, a wealth businesswoman of about 40. Later, Muhammad and Khadijah married. Theirs was both a good marriage and a good business partnership. Muhammad took great interest in religion and often spent time alone in prayer and meditation. At about the age of 40, Muhammad’s life was changed overnight when a voice called to him while he meditated in a cave outside Mecca. According to Muslim belief, the voice was that of the angel Gabriel, who told Muhammad that he was a messenger of Allah.
Islam / Muslim Fill in the Blank: The literal meaning of the term “Islam” is “Peace through submission to the will of __________.”
Islam / Muslim Allah
Hijrah In 622 A.D. Muhammad and his followers were forced to leave Mecca due to religious persecution. They moved north to the city of Yathrib, which was later renamed Madinah. The journey of Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Madinah is known as the Hirjah. The world Madinah literally means “City of the Prophet.” While in Madinah Muhammad continued to teach his message. He especially had success in converting the Bedouins, a group of Arabs who lived in the desert. The first mosque was built in Madinah. After much soul-searching, Muhammad came to believe that the Lord who spoke to him through Gabriel was Allah. Muhammad became convinced that he was the last of the prophets. He began to teach that Allah was the one and only God and that all other gods must be abandoned. People who agreed to this basic principle of Islam were called Muslims. Muhammad’s wife, Khadijah, and several close friends and relatives were his first followers. By 613, Muhammad had begun to preach publicly in Mecca, but he met with some hostility. Many Meccans believed his revolutionary ideas would lead to neglect of the traditional Arab gods. They feared that Mecca would lose its position as a pilgrimage center if people accepted Muhammad’s monotheistic beliefs. After some of his followers had been attacked, Muhammad decided to leave Mecca in 622. Following a small band of supporters he sent ahead, Muhammad moved to the town of Yathrib, over 200 miles to the north of Mecca. This migration became known as the Hirjah. The Hirjah to Yathrib marked a turning point for Muhammad. He attracted many devoted followers. Later, Yathrib was renamed Medina. In Medina, Muhammad displayed impressive leadership skills. He fashioned an agreement that joined his own people with the Arabs and Jews of Medina as a single community. These groups accepted Muhammad as a political leader. As a religious leader, he drew many more converts who found his message appealing. Finally, Muhammad also became a military leader in the growing hostilities between Mecca and Medina.
Hijrah In the Hijrah, Muhammad moved from Mecca to what city?
Hijrah Madinah
Mosque Muslim houses of worship. The First Mosque was established by Muhammad in Medina in 622 A.D. As the Arab Empire advanced Mosques became more elaborate, containing beautiful dome architecture and precious metals such as gold and silver. In 630, the Prophet and 10,000 of his followers marched to the outskirts of Mecca. Facing sure defeat, Mecca’s leaders surrendered. The Prophet entered the city in triumph. He destroyed the idols in the Ka’aba and had the call of prayer made from its roof. Most Meccans pledge their loyalty to Muhammad, and many converted to Islam. By doing so, they joined the umma, or Muslim religious community. Muhammad died two years later, at about the age of 62. However, he had taken great strides toward unifying the entire Arabian Peninsula under Islam. The Dome of the Rock, located in Jerusalem, is the earliest surviving Islamic monument. It was completed in 691 and is part of a larger complex, which is the third most holy place in Islam. It is situated on Mount Moriah, the site of the Jewish temple destroyed by the Romans A.D. 70. The rock on the site is the spot from which Muslims say Muhammad ascended to heaven to learn of Allah’s will. With Allah’s blessing, Muhammad returned to earth to bring God’s message to all people. Jews identify the same rock as the site where Abraham was prepared to sacrifice his son Isaac. The main teaching of Islam is that there is only one God, Allah. All other beliefs and practices follow from this teaching. Islam teachers that there is good and evil, and that each individual is responsible for the actions of his or her life.
Mosque What is the name of the Buddhist equivalent to an Islamic mosque?
Mosque A Stupa!!!!
Hajj Closure Question #1: How did the beliefs and practices of Islam create unity and strength among Muslims in the 600s? One of the five pillars of Islam; All Muslims are encouraged to make a journey to Mecca at least once in their lifetime. This journey is known as the Hajj. Hajj literally means “pilgrimage”. In 630 A.D. Muhammad and his followers, numbering 10,000, returned to Mecca, capturing the city and converting the majority of the people there to Islam. To be a Muslim, all believers have to carry out five duties. These duties are known as the Five Pillars of Islam. Faith - To become a Muslim, a person has to testify to the following statement of faith: “There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.” This simple statement is heard again and again in Islamic rituals and in Muslim daily life. Prayer – Five times a day, Muslims face toward Mecca to pray. They may assemble at a mosque, an Islamic house of worship, or wherever they find themselves. Alms – Muhammad taught that all Muslims have a responsibility to support the less fortunate. Muslims meet that social responsibility by giving alms, or money for the poor, through a special religious tax. Fasting – During the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, Muslims fast between dawn and sunset. A simple meal is eaten at the end of the day. Fasting serves to remind Muslims that their spiritual needs are greater than their physical needs. Pilgrimage – All Muslims who are physically and financially able perform the hajj at least once. Pilgrims wear identical garments so that all stand as equals before Allah.
Hajj The Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam. Name 2 of the other 4.
Hajj Faith, Prayer, Alms, and Fasting
Qur’an Closure Question #2: In what ways are the teachings of the Muslims similar to those of Christians and Jews? A collection of revelations, or divine messages, spoken by Muhammad and written by his followers. The Quran is the most holy book of the religion of Islam. Unlike the Bible, the Quran does not recount historical events or mention historical figures. Instead, it is meant as a book of guidance and contains a set of commandments from Allah. The word Quran literally means “he read” or “he recited”, referring to the revelations originally spoken by Muhammad The original source of authority for Muslims is Allah. According to Islamic belief, Allah expressed his will through the angel Gabriel, who revealed it to Muhammad. While Muhammad lived, his followers memorized and recited the revelations he received from Gabriel. Soon after the Prophet’s death, it was suggested that the revelations be collected in a book. This book is the Qur’an. The Qur’an is written in Arabic, and Muslims consider only the Arabic version to be the true word of Allah. Only Arabic can be used in worship. Wherever Muslims carried the Qur’an, Arabic became the language of worshipers and scholars. Thus, the Arabic language helped unite conquered peoples as Muslim control expanded. To Muslims, Allah is the same God that is worshipped in Christianity and Judaism. However, Muslims view Jesus as a prophet, not as the Son of God. They regard the Qur’an as the word of Allah as revealed to Muhammad in the same way that Jews and Christians believe the Torah and the Gospels were revealed to Moses and the New Testament writers. Muslims believe that the Qur’an perfects the earlier revelations. To them, it is the final book.
Qur’an Many of the moral laws taught by Muhammad can be traced back to what set of laws compiled in the ancient city-state of Babylon?
Qur’an Hammurabi’s Code
Sunna / Shari’a Closure Question #3: How did Islam help spread Arabic culture? Sunna – Muhammad’s example; Muslims believe that one of Muhammad’s missions as a prophet was to demonstrate how to apply the teachings of the Qur’an in life. His life is the best model for proper living. Shari’a - A law code developed by Muhammad’s followers after his death. The Shari’ah provides Muslims with a set of practical laws to regulate their daily lives and is based on scholars’ interpretation of the Qur’an. According to the Shari’ah, Muslims are expected to practice honesty and justice in their relationships with others. Muslims are forbidden to gamble, eat pork, or drink alcohol. All Muslims are expected to practice chastity before marriage, and complete fidelity after marriage. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam believe in heaven and hell and a day of judgment. The Muslims trace their ancestry to Abraham, as do the Jews and the Christians. Muslims refer to Christians and Jews as “people of the book” because each religion has a holy book with teachings similar to those of the Qur’an. Shari’a law requires Muslim leaders to extend religious tolerance to Christians and Jews. A huge Muslim empire grew to include people of many different cultures and religions.
Sunna / Shari’a Two other world religions teach that the best way to live one’s life is by attempting to follow in the footsteps of the religion’s founder. Name the two religions.
Sunna / Shari’a Christianity (Jesus Christ) and Buddhism (Siddhartha Gautama)
Closure Assignment #1 Answer the following questions based on Chapter 10, Section 1: How did the beliefs and practices of Islam create unity and strength among Muslims in the 600s? In what ways are the teachings of the Muslims similar to those of Christians and Jews? How did Islam help spread Arabic culture?
Caliph / Umayyads Closure Question 1: Do you think Muhammad should have appointed a successor? Why or why not? Caliph – Literally means “successor to Muhammad”, this title was given to the accepted leader of Islam. Following Muhammad’s death in 632 A.D., Abu Bakr, Muhammad’s father-in-law, was chosen by some of Muhammad’s closest followers to become the leader of Islam. After Abu Bakr died, problems arose over who should be the next Caliph. The two men who followed Abu Bakr were assassinated, leading to the appointment of Ali in 665 A.D., Muhammad’s son-in-law and one of the first converts to Islam. He was also assasinated in 670 A.D. Umayyads - In 661 A.D., Mu’awiyah, a rival of Ali’s, became Caliph. To prevent future conflict over the choosing of Caliphs, Mu’awiyah established laws to ensure that only his descendants would become Caliphs in the future. In doing this he created the Ummayyad Dynasty. The Ummayyad Dynasty carried on successful military conquests, gaining control over land from India in the East to Spain in the West by 750 A.D.
Caliph / Umayyads What was the relationship of the first Caliph to Muhammad?
Caliph / Umayyads Father-in-Law
Shi’a / Sunni Distribution of Muslims. Light Green represents Sunnis, Dark Green represents Shi’ites Shia – Muslims who accept only the descendants of Muhammad as the true rulers of Islam. Sunni – Muslims who accepted the Umayyads as rulers. Though the Arab Empire continued to expand, there was contention within Islam regarding the leadership of the Umayyad Dynasty. Many Muslims did not support religious leaders who were not the direct descendants of Muhammad. In 680 A.D. a revolt tokk place in present-day Iraq which was led by Hussein, the second son of Ali and Muhammad's grand-son. This split within Islam continues today. The majority of Muslims are Sunnis, but most of the people in Iraq and Iran consider themselves to be Shia.
Shi’a / Sunni Are the majority of Muslims today Shiites or Sunnis?
Shi’a / Sunni Sunnis
Sufi Closure Question #2: What does opposition to the luxurious life of the Umayyads suggest about what is important to most Muslims? Muslim sect which rejected the luxurious life of the Umayyads and pursued a life of poverty and devotion to a spiritual path. Despite spectacular gains on the battlefield, the Muslim community had difficulty maintaining a unified rule. In 656, Uthman was murdered, starting a civil war in which various groups struggled for power. Ali, as Muhammad’s cousin and son-in-la, was the natural choice as a successor to Uthman. However, his right to rule was challenged by Muawiya, a governor of Syria. Then, in 661, Ali, too, was assassinated. The elective system of choosing a caliph died with him. A family known as the Umayyads then came to power. The Umayyads moved the Muslim capital to Damascus. This location, away from Mecca, made controlling conquered territories easier. However, the Arab Muslims felt it was too far away from their lands. In addition, the Umayyads abandoned the simple life of previous caliphs and began to surround themselves with wealth and ceremony similar to that of non-Muslim rulers. These actions, along with the leadership issue, gave rise to a fundamental division in the Muslim community. In the interest of peace, the majority of Muslims accepted the Umayyads’ rule. However, a minority continued to resist. This group developed an alternate view of the office of caliph. In this view, the caliph needed to be a descendant of the Prophet. This group was Shi’a, meaning the “party” of Ali. Members of this group are called Shi’ites. Those who did not outwardly resist the rule of the Umayyads later became known as Sunni, meaning followers of Muhammad’s example. Another group, the Sufi, rejected the luxurious life of the Umayyads. Vigorous religious and political opposition to the Umayyad caliphate led to its downfall. Rebel groups overthrew the Umayyads in the year 750. The most powerful of those groups, the Abbasids, took control of the empire.
Sufi Would a Sufi Muslim be likely to become a company CEO?
Abbasids Abbasid Dynasty - Ruled the Arab Empire and Islam from 750 to 1258 A.D.; established when Abu al-Abbas, a descendant of Muhammad’s uncle, led an army to overthrow the Umayyad Dynasty. Bagdhad was the new capital city of the Arab Empire built by the Abbasids in 762 A.D., located on the Tigris River near the Persian Gulf in modern Iraq. As a result of Abbasid control and the location of the new capital city, Persian culture began to have a greater influence on Islam. While under the Umayyad Dynasty the ideal citizen was a soldier, under the Abbasid Dynasty judges, merchants and government officials became the new heroes. When the Abbasids came to power in 750, they ruthlessly murdered the remaining members of the Umayyad family. One prince named Abd al-Rahman escaped the slaughter and fled to Spain. There he set up an Umayyad caliphate. Spain had already been conquered and settled by Muslims from North Africa, who were known as Berbers. The Berber armies advanced north of within 200 miles of Paris before being halted at the Battle of Tours in 732. To solidify power, the Abbasids moved the capital of the empire in 762 to a newly created city, Baghdad, in central Iraq. The location on key trade routes gave the caliph access to trade goods, gold, and information about the far-flung empire. The Abbasids developed a strong bureaucracy to conduct the huge empire’s affairs. A treasury kept track of the money flow. A special department managed the business of the army. Diplomats from the empire were sent to courts in Europe, Africa, and Asia to conduct imperial business. To support this bureaucracy, the Abbasids taxed land, imports and exports, and non-Muslims’ wealth.
Abbasids Where did the Abbasids establish the capital city of their empire?
Abbasids Baghdad
al-Andalus / Fatimid Closure Question #3: What attracted non-Muslims to Islam and Islamic culture? al-Andalus – Muslim state established in southern Spain by Abd al-Rahman, one of the only survivors of the Umayyad family during the Abbasid takeover of the Muslim Empire. Fatimid – An independent Muslim caliphate (kingdom) formed by Shi’a Muslims who claimed descent from Muhammad’s daughter Fatima. The caliphate began in North Africa and spread across the Red Sea to western Arabia and Syria in opposition to the Abbasid caliphate. The Abbasid caliphate lasted from 750 to 1258. During that time, the Abbasids increased their authority by consulting religious leaders. But they failed to keep complete political control of the immense territory. Independent Muslim states sprang up and local leaders dominated many smaller regions. The states were still connected to the Abbasid caliphate through religion, language, trade, and the economy. At this time, two major sea-trading networks existed – the Mediterranean Sea and the Indian Ocean. Through these networks, the Muslim Empire could engage in sea trade with the rest of the world. The land network connected the Silk Roads of China and India with Europe and Africa. Muslim merchants needed only a single language, Arabic, and a single currency, the Abbasid dinar, to travel in the empire. At one end of the Muslim Empire was the city of Cordoba in al-Andalus. In the tenth century this city had a population of 200,000; Paris, in contrast, had 38,000. The city attracted poets, philosophers, and scientists. Many non-Muslims adopted Muslim customs, and Cordoba became a dazzling center of Muslim culture. IN Cordoba, Damascus, Cairo, and Baghdad, a cultural blending of people fueled a period of immense achievements in the arts and the sciences.
al-Andalus / Fatimid The Fatimid Dynasty was most made up of what type of Muslims?
al-Andalus / Fatimid Shiites
Closure Assignment #2 Answer the following questions based on what you have learned from Chapter 10, Section 2: Do you think Muhammad should have appointed a successor? Why or why not? What does opposition to the luxurious life of the Umayyads suggest about what is important to most Muslims? What attracted non-Muslims to Islam and Islamic culture?
House of Wisdom Closure Question #1: What united the scholars of different cultures who worked in the House of Wisdom? A combination library, academy, and translation center opened in Baghdad by the Caliph al-Ma’mun in the early 800s. In the House of Wisdom, scholars of different cultures and beliefs worked side by side translating texts from Greece, India, Persia, and elsewhere into Arabic. Muslims had several practical reasons for supporting the advancement of science. Rulers wanted qualified physicians treating their ills. The faithful throughout the empire relied on mathematicians and astronomers to calculate the times for prayer and the direction of Mecca. However, their attitude also reflected a deep-seated curiosity about the world and a quest for truth. Muhammad himself believed strongly in the power of learning. The Prophet’s emphasis on study and scholarship led to strong support of places of learning by Muslim leaders. After the fall of Rome in A.D. 476, Europe entered a period of upheaval and chaos, an era in which scholarship suffered. The scientific knowledge gained up to that time might have been lost. However, Muslim leaders and scholars preserved and expanded much of that knowledge. Both Umayyads and Abbasids encouraged scholars to collect and translate scientific and philosophical texts. Scholars at the House of Wisdom included researchers, editors, linguists, and technical advisers. These scholars developed standards and techniques for research that are a part of the basic methods of today’s research. Some Muslim scholars used Greek ideas in fresh new ways. Other created original work of the highest quality. In these ways, Muslims in the Abbasid lands, especially in Cordoba and Baghdad, set the stage for a later revival of European learning.
House of Wisdom In the House of Wisdom, scholars translated and preserved some of the important teachings of Greek philosophers. Name 2 of the 3 most influential ancient Greek philosophers.
House of Wisdom Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle
Caligraphy The art of beautiful handwriting; In Islamic culture painting images of living beings was discouraged due to the belief that only Allah can create life. As a result, many Muslim artists turned instead to caligraphy or expressed themselves through decorative arts, such as woodwork, glass, ceramics, and textiles. Literature had been a strong tradition in Arabia even before Islam. Bedouin poets, reflecting the spirit of desert life, composed poems celebrating ideals such as bravery, love, generosity, and hospitality. Those themes continued to appear in poetry written after the rise of Islam. The Qur’an is the standard for all Arabic literature and poetry. Early Muslim poets sang the praises of the Prophet and of Islam and, later, of the caliphs and other patrons who supported them. During the age of the Abbasid caliphate, literary tastes expanded to include poems about nature and the pleasures of life and love. Popular literature included The Thousand and One Nights, a collection of fairy tales, parables, and legends. The core of the collection has been linked to India and Persia, but peoples of the Muslim Empires added stories and arranged them, beginning around the tenth century. It is in architecture that the greatest cultural blending of the Muslim world can be seen. To some extent, a building reflected the culture of people of the area. For example, the Great Mosque of Damascus was built on the site of a Christian church. In many ways, the huge dome and vaulted ceilings of the mosque blended Byzantine architecture with Muslim ideas. In Syrian areas, the architecture included features that were very Roman, including baths using Roman heating systems. In Cordoba, the Great Mosque used two levels of arches in a style unknown before. The style was based on principles used in earlier mosques. These blended styles appeared in all the lands occupied by the Muslims.
Caligraphy Why did Muslim artists use their talents to create beautiful caligraphy and geometric designs and not to produce paintings of people, places or things?
Caligraphy Because painting living beings was discouraged by Islamic religious leaders due to the belief that only Allah can create life.
Chapter 11: Byzantines, Russians, and Turks Interact (500-1500)
Justinian / Justinian Code Closure Question #2: Do you agree or disagree with the characterization of Justinian as a new Caesar? Why? • Justinian – Emperor of the eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire) from 527 to 565 A.D.; re-established control over much of the original Roman Empire with its capital in Constantinople. • Justinian Code - A single, uniform code of laws created by a panel of legal experts to regulate Byzantium’s increasingly complex society. The code decided legal questions regarding topics such as marriage, slavery, women’s rights, and criminal justice and served the Byzantine Empire for 900 years. • Roman leaders had divided the empire in 395, largely due to difficulties in communications between the eastern and the troubled western parts of the empire. Still, rulers in the East continued to see themselves as emperors for all of Rome. In 527, a high-ranking Byzantine nobleman named Justinian succeeded his uncle to the throne of the Eastern Empire. In an effort to regain Rome’s fading glory, Justinian in 533 sent his best general, Belisarius, to recover North Africa from the invading German tribes. Belisarius and his forces quickly succeeded. Two years later, Belisarius attacked Rome and seized it from a group known as the Ostrogoths. But the city faced repeated attacks by other Germanic tribes. Over the next 16 years, Rome changed hands six times. After numerous campaigns, Justinian’s armies won nearly all of Italy and parts of Spain. Justinian now ruled almost all the territory that Rome had ever ruled. He could honestly call himself a new Caesar.
Justinian / Justinian Code The capital city of the eastern Roman Empire was named after which Roman Emperor?
Justinian / Justinian Code Constantine