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Making Energy from Trash. To: City of Seattle. From : Team Five Yamir Thomas Lucas Joon Jacob. Issues. Huge dump in the Pacific ocean Seattle dumps in landfills 350,000 tons/year Landfill issues Waste-to-energy plant in Seattle. Purpose. DECREASE the amount of LANDFILLS
Making Energy from Trash To: City of Seattle From: Team Five Yamir Thomas Lucas Joon Jacob
Issues • Huge dump in the Pacific ocean • Seattle dumps in landfills • 350,000 tons/year • Landfill issues • Waste-to-energy plant in Seattle
Purpose • DECREASEthe amount ofLANDFILLS • REDUCE greenhousegas EMISSION
Emissions CH4 CO2
Purpose • DECREASEthe amount of LANDFILLS • REDUCEgreenhousegasEMISSION • .GenerateELECTRICITY • NOlong distance trash SHIPPING
Timeline Begin operations
Budget Budget $150 million Save $15 million
Predicted Cost Construction: $300 million Revenue Expense $ = Millions
Conclusions • Save $15 million annually • Reduce landfill • Generate electricity • Help environment and economy • Provide service to neighbors