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Making Energy from Trash

Making Energy from Trash. To: City of Seattle. From : Team Five Yamir Thomas Lucas Joon Jacob. Issues. Huge dump in the Pacific ocean Seattle dumps in landfills 350,000 tons/year Landfill issues Waste-to-energy plant in Seattle. Purpose. DECREASE the amount of LANDFILLS

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Making Energy from Trash

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Making Energy from Trash To: City of Seattle From: Team Five Yamir Thomas Lucas Joon Jacob

  2. Issues • Huge dump in the Pacific ocean • Seattle dumps in landfills • 350,000 tons/year • Landfill issues • Waste-to-energy plant in Seattle

  3. Purpose • DECREASEthe amount ofLANDFILLS • REDUCE greenhousegas EMISSION

  4. Emissions CH4 CO2

  5. Purpose • DECREASEthe amount of LANDFILLS • REDUCEgreenhousegasEMISSION • .GenerateELECTRICITY • NOlong distance trash SHIPPING

  6. Trash is Collected

  7. Trash is Gathered Up

  8. Trash is Shredded in Giant Shredders

  9. Trash is Incinerated

  10. Exhaust is Filtered

  11. Energy is Produced

  12. Electricity is Sold

  13. Timeline Begin operations

  14. Budget Budget $150 million Save $15 million

  15. Predicted Cost Construction: $300 million Revenue Expense $ = Millions

  16. Conclusions • Save $15 million annually • Reduce landfill • Generate electricity • Help environment and economy • Provide service to neighbors

  17. Questions?

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