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Kafou Theology: Practicing Resistance with Faith Strategies of Respiration, Repair and Resilience found in Characters of the Hebrew Testament and the Early Christian Scriptures. Prepared by Carrie Roach Saint Mark’s Feast Day April 25, 2010
Kafou Theology: Practicing Resistance with Faith Strategies of Respiration, Repair and Resilience found in Characters of the Hebrew Testament and the Early Christian Scriptures Prepared by Carrie Roach Saint Mark’s Feast Day April 25, 2010 Team of Kafou Theologians at Saint Thomas University Miami Gardens, Florida First Meeting: May20, 2010
A Prayer for Global Restoration Good and Gracious God Source of all life, all creation is charged with your Divine Energy. Send Your Holy Spirit, Ignite your Spark within us, that we may know ourselves as truly human and holy, irrevocably part of the Web of Life. All Creation -each star and every flower, -each drop of water and every person, -each and every atom, down to its very electrons, explodes with the revelation of your Sacred Mystery. Our minds alone cannot fathom such splendor. Our hearts can only respond in awe, praise and gratitude. Forgive us, we pray, our ignorance And insecurities which -blind us to your Thumbprint writ large, - deafen us to the sacred space between two heartbeats, -prompt us in arrogance to demand and dominate, -numb us to the destruction we’ve caused, - hold us hostage to “either-or” thinking and living. May we always walk gently upon this earth, in right relationship, -nurtured by your Love, - taking only what we need, -giving back to the earth in gratitude, - sharing what we have, - honoring all with reverence, -reconciling and healing, -mindful of those who will come after, -recognizing our proper place as part of, not apart from, your creation. Grant us the strength and courage, we pray, for such radical transformation into your Kin- dom. Then we, too, with the very stones will shout, “HOSANNA.”
Communication Model • Provides a platform for all voices- • Gathers information, presents it and explores it with integrity • Many forms, never complete, never boring • Seeking faith not success • Points of view are partial- contain part of the Truth • Only as good as my reflection and response to it • Source of all not bound by human intellect
Dialogue Not • Synthesis or synergistic left over stew • Persuasion or coerciveness • Debate or negotiation • Arguing or compromise • NO: name calling, blaming, blaming or bringing up the past for an excuse, threats, not listening, getting even, sneering, pushing or posturing with body language, hitting with silence, bossing, making excuses, not- taking-responsibility Instead • Deconstruction of Domination • Search for ignored, suppressed and alternative wisdom • Construct with the principle of the promotion of true humanity and a sustained earth system • “Change unjust structures and distorted symbol systems so that a new community in church and society becomes possible, a liberating community of all women and men characterized by mutuality with each other and harmony with the earth. (Gal. 3:28)” Elizabeth A. Johnson. She Who Is. 1992.P. 31
Vision- Recognition as Children of God and the Value and Connection of Creation Objectives to bring about the vision from an eco-feminist, post-colonial lens: • Pray for wisdom and all gifts of the Spirit to bear fruit • Create structures that involve women and all the excluded in decision making processes • Guarantee inclusive representation on parish and diocesan councils, finance and bishop commissions • Identify anti-woman, anti-people of color, anti-earth, anti-others text • Avoid liturgy that is defamatory • Introduce assertive women such as Daughters of Zelophehad, Deborah, Judith, Queen Vasthi, Junia, Lydia and Daramis • Ensure women/dominated peoples commissions are funded • Model justice first by insisting on just wages for all who work in church structures • Practice Inclusive language and replace exclusive male symbols • Appoint women/dominated historically professors to seminaries, formation programs, counselors, spiritual directors, theologians • Emphasis on the positive gifts of love and sex- highlighting their beauty and spirituality
Along with collaboration and asserting one’s rights, we use resistance to practice Kafou theology. • Resistance : • Respires • Repairs • Chooses to be resilient
Playing Instructions Choose a character that you are most interested in from the list of characters and imagine you have met them on a street corner café in their kind of neighborhood. Imagine striking up a conversation and asking these questions to them as a way to engage in a dialogue of Kafou Theology. As your dialogue progresses, try to generate and consider in your mind’s eye an imagine of you and this character being viewed from a reflective glass plate window (mirror) from the opposite street corner as a theological observer would see the two of you. What do you see? Questions for your chosen character and then yourself: • Where are you going? What is the reason for your travel? Are you free to travel back? • Who are you trying to blend in with and how come? Is anyone trying to copy you? • When have you felt like you were the center of the conversation, if ever? Is the focus ever on you? How come? • What kind of people have you known that were like a bystander, a bully, a want-to-be or a peace maker type person? What do you think of each of these kinds of people? What life circumstances have brought you to act like any of these kinds of people? • How do you feel? Do you feel included or excluded? By whom and why? Strategies of Study- pay attention to our interpretation of the biblical characters using an awareness of: 1. Travel assessments 2. Hybridity and Mimicry 3.De-centering focal figure 4. Naming roles and cultural context 5. Contact Zone-
When reading scripture, please remember these four questions to evaluate these ancient texts on literary-rhetorical grounds and to focus on gender so to “decolonize biblical studies”: • Does this text have a clear stance against the political imperialism of its time? • Does this text encourage travel to distant and inhabited lands and how does it justify itself? • How does this text construct difference: is there dialogue and liberating interdependence or condemnation of all that is foreign? • Does this text employ gender and divine representations to construct relationships of subordination and domination?
Review of Colonized Strategies of Resistance using faith strategies of Respiration, Repair and Resilience • Mimicry • Hybridization • Breaking through gender stereotypes with subversive gender roles • De-centering the narrative characters • Recognizing reasons for travel in the narrative • No Sharp dualism • No Rigid cultural boundaries • No Vicious racisms • No Heightened nationalism • No Hierarchical structures • No Patriarchy
Resilience Models Found in Scriptures- Characters of the Early Church Women Men Paul’s two years in Rome to testify to the Jews-“I have no accusation to make against my own nation.”- Acts 28:17-30 Stephen- Acts 7:54-60 Matthias- Acts 1:21-26- keeps the number twelve significant- replaces Judas Simeon the Zealot is part of the twelve- an insurgent from Cana who worked to defeat the Empire – Acts 1:13 James the Just is brother to Jesus- not part of the twelve- witnessed the resurrected Christ and became the bishop of Jerusalem. He was martyred before the Roman destruction of 70 C.E. Acts 1:14; 15:13; 21:18; 1 Cor 15:7; Gal 1:19; 2:1-12- not to be confused with James the lesser or younger who is Jesus’ cousin- son of Cleopas and Mary, sister of Mary of Nazareth. James was the brother of Jose (Joseph) and Salome. James and John, sons of Zebedee, fishermen, two of the twelve, sons of thunder. James martyred by Agrippa I (beheaded 44CE) and John is known as the beloved disciple, primary leader in the early church and Gospel of John named after him- Acts 12:1-2; Gal 2:9- Titus and Paul- God shows no partiality- Gal 2:6- call to be mindful of the poor- Gal. 2:10- Paul’s justification by faith argument to Peter at Antioch Gal 2: 11-21 Presbyters of the Church of Ephesus at Miletus- called to tend the church of God- Acts 20:28-38 • Prisca- Acts 18:1-3,18-19, 24-28; 1 Cor 16:19/Rom 16:3-5; 2 Tim 4:19 • Euodia and Synthcha- fighting for mutual understanding with Paul- Phillipians 4 • Rhoda- Acts 12:11-17 • Lois and Eunice- Acts 16:1-3; 2 Tim 1:5- Timothy’s mother and grandmother- who transmitted the faith • Junia, hailed “foremost among the apostles” Romans 16:7 • Romans 16 litany: Mary, 6 ,Tryphaena, 12,Tryphosa, 12,Persis (named as friend, beloved )12, Julia 15, Olympas 15, Mother of Rufus, who Paul says is a mother to him too 13, Sister of Nereus 15 • Damaris- Acts 17:22-34- Intellectual Greek woman converted after hearing Paul before the Areopagus in Athens-
Resilience Models found in the Old Testament Women Men Abraham – Receives God’s covenant at 99 Gen 17:1 Gen. 22:1 Tested Joseph – Gen. 47- merits holding all power for Pharaoh with his self-control Jonah- 3 days in the belly of a big fish- Jon 2:1 Daniel in lion’s den for six days- Dan 14:31 Solomon built the temple in 7 years- 1 Kings 6:37-38 Moses hid in the desert for 40 years- Exodus; Acts 7:29-30 Job- • Hagar- makes herself seen- Gen 16;17:1, 18-21; 21:1-4, 6-21; Gen 25:5-6, 12-17 • Mrs. Lot- Genesis 19:1-26- sign of hope Ez 16:4; 2 Kgs 2:19-22; Num 18:19, 2 Chr 13:6; Ex 43:24; Lev 2:13; Ex 30:35; Mt. 5:13; Mk 9:50; Col 4:6; • Lot’s 2 daughters- Gen. 19 • Leah- 8 of 12 sons-Judah provides lineage- Gen.29:15-36; 30:1-21;31:4-55; 32:22-24; 33:1-7, 12-14; 34:1; 35:23-26; 46:8-18; 49:31 • Tamar- Gen 38:6-30; 1 Chr 2:3-6; Mt 1:3 • Deborah- Judges 4:1-22; 5:1-31 • Bathseba- 2 Sam 11:1-18, 25-27; 12:1-25; 1 Kings 1:1,11-40; 2:13-25; 1 Chr 3:5 • Rizpah- 2 Sam 3:6-11; 21:1-14 • Slave to Naamen’s Wife- 2 Kings 5:1-15 • Mrs. Isaiah- Prophet- Isaiah 8:1-4 • Susanna- Dan 13:1-64 • Queen Vashti- Esther- 1:1-21; 2:1-4, 15-17
Repair Models Found in the Early Church Women Men Paul – stoned but lives- Acts 14:19-20 Simon- can’t buy grace-“Pray for me to the Sovereign, that nothing of what you have said may come upon me. Acts 8:18-25 Phillip and the Eunuch Ethiopian- Acts 8:26-40- African orders the chariot to stop, to be baptized! Joan H. Jailer at Philippi-Acts 16:27-28-About to kill himself since prisoners thought to be escaped- he asks for light from Silas and Paul what he must do to save himself- Silas and Paul are freed from jail with an earthquake as they were praying and singing hymns- Acts 16:23-34 Paralyzed Aeneas in bed for 8 years- “Jesus Christ, heals you.” Acts 9:32-35 Apollos helped by Prisca and Aquila in his proclaiming the gospel. Acts 18:24-26 Eutychus- fell out the window – Acts 20:7-12 Town Clerk- mediates a tense situation with the silversmiths- Acts 19: 23-40 • Mary- Mother of Jesus Acts 1:12-14/Acts 2:1-18 • Dorcus/Tabitha- Acts 9:36-42 • Paul’s Sister Acts 23:12-22 • Chloe 1 Cor 1:10-11 • Apphia- Philemon 2- Leader of a house church in Colossae – Philemon 1-3 • Slave girl that can prophecy is released from bondage- Acts 16: 16-18 Carrie • Philip’s Prophetic Daughters- Acts 21:8-14- see Paul’s writings on prophetic acts in 1 Cor. 11-14 and in Joel -
Repair Models Found in the Old Testament Women Men Judah- Gen.38: 26- when speaking of Tamar;”She is more in the right than I am, since I did not give her to my son..” Battles are won as Moses lifts his staff- Ex 17:9-13 Joshua receives aid from an angel- Jos 5:13-6:5 Solomon- God’s love endures forever with the sign of the God’s glory in the temple – 2 Chronicles 5:2-14 Elisha nullifies poison- 2 Kgs 4:38-41 Lepers helped as Invisible chariots terrify the Aramean army 2 Kgs 7:5-7 Hand appears and writes on the wall Dan 5:5 Jeremiah’s burning desire- Jer. 20:9 • Rahab- Josh 2:1-24; 6:1-2, 15-25 • Zilpah- Leah’s Slave- Gad and Asher- Gen 29: 24,29; Gen 30:1-13; Gen 31:17,33; Gen 32:22-24; Gen 33:1-14; Gen 35:21-22,25-26 Gen. 37:2; Gen 46:18, 23-25 • Bildah- Rachel’s Slave – Dan Naphtali • Midwives- Shiprah and Puah- Exodus 1:15-22 • Pharoah’s daughter- Grace in Unexpected Places- Exodus 2:1-10 • Judith- Book of Judith- • Wise Woman of Abel-bethmaacah- 2 Sam 20:14-22- convinces David not to kill innocent • Huldah- named prophet (Miriam, Deborah, Noadiah)- 2 Kings 22:11-20; 2 Chr 34:22-28 • Ruth and Naomi- Book of Ruth • Widow of Zarephath- 1 Kings 17:8-24- hpsptality to Elijah • Prophet’s Widow- bottomless jar from Elisha- 2 Kgs 4:1-7- Elisha restores life to child of Shunammite Woman 2 Kgs 4:8-37; 8:1-6 • Abishag- Comforts David in death- 1 Kg 1:1-4,15; 2:13-25
Respiration Models found in the Early Church Women Men Clement and Paul’s other co-workers whose names are written in the Book of Life- Philippians 4- live simply Peter speaks the truth that God shows no partiality- Cornelius and gentiles have holy Spirit upon them- Acts 10:34-49 Philip and the Samarians- Acts 8:4-13 John Mark- went with Barnabas instead of Paul! – Acts 12:12,25; 13:4, 5, 13, Acts 15:36-41 ; named as John Acts 13:13 Judas and Silas- Acts 15:30-35- delivered letter of the apostles to Antioch- named prophets- They were strengthen with their words. Offered greetings of peace. Barnabas (Acts 14:1-14) and Paul (thought to be Zeus and Hermes): describing the signs and wonders of God among the Gentiles- Acts 15:12 Commander that freed Paul- Acts22:30; 23:6-11- wishing to determine the truth Chieftain Publius’ hospitality in Malta to the Travelers – Acts 28:1-10 • Women at Pentecost Acts 1:12-14 • Lois and Eunice- Acts 16:1-3/ 2 Tim 1:15 • Nympha – of Laodicea(see Rev) : Leader of a house church – Col 1:15 - • Phoebe -Romans 16:1-2-Prostatis (leader, president or patron)carried Paul’s letter to the Romans for Paul’s introduction. ..of Cenchreae: Leader of a house church – • Lydia of Thyatira: Leader of a house church on the crossroads of Phillipi - Hospitality to Paul company on the way to Europe- leader of Phillipi church- Acts 16:11-15, 40 • Claudia- 2 Tim 4:21 • Mark’s mom - Presided over a house church of Hellenistic Jews in Jerusalem and it was at her door that the astonished Peter knocked to announce he was freed from jail by an angel Acts 12:12-17
Respiration Models in the Old Testament Women Men Aaron’s staff blooms-Life from the void- intended goodness for creation- Nm 17:22-23 Noah- Gen. 9:1,7 Abraham- Gen. 16:2 Moses purifies water and is led to water- Ex 15: 24-25- burning bush- Ex 3:2-6- God’s presence at the Tabernacle- Ex. 40:16-38 Ishmael- Gen 21:17-19 Daniel’s three friends survive the fiery furnace Dn 3: 19-24, 91-94 Elisha raises the Shunammite child- 2 Kings 4:18-37 Dead man raised to life- 2 Kings 13:21 Isaiah 43:1- Never alone True fasting- Isaiah 58- faith that does justice Amos- Woe to the complacent-6:1; Restoration- 9:11-15 Micah 6:8- What is required of us for life • Sarah- Gen 18:12- laughed to herself- Isaac means laughed; 1 Peter 3:6; Romans 4:19 and 9:9, Gal 4:22-23; Hebrews 11:11 • Hagar is led to water- Gen. 21:17-19 • Rebekah- Gen 22:20-23;24;25:19-34; 26:1-11, 17, 23, 34-35; 27; 28:1-5; 49:29, 31 • Rachel- Gen 28:1-5; 29:1-31; 30:1-26; 31:4-55; 32:22-24; 33:1-7,12-14; 35:16-21,24-25; 46:19-22; 48:7 ; Jer 31:15 • Mrs. Potipher’s – Gen 39:1-23 • Miriam – Ex 2:1-10; 15:19-21; Num 12; 20:1-2 Deut 24:8-9; 1 Chr 6:1-3; Mic 6:3-4 • Hannah- 1 Sam 1; 2:1-11, 18-21- Elkanah continues to love his childless wife • Abigail- 1 sam 25:1-42; 27:1-4; 30:1-18 2 Sam 2:1-4; 3:2-3; 1 Chr 3:1 • Daughters of Zelophehad- Num. 26:33; 27:1-11; 36:1-13; Josh 17:3-6-publicly challenge laws of inheritance and won concessions from Moses • Sarah, wife of Tobias- Book of Tobit • Lo-ruhamah- Unloved child of Gomer and Hosea- Hos 1:2-3, 6-9; 2:1-4, 21-22 • Jewish Mother of Maccabees-2 Macc 7:1-43 and 4 Macc 8-18
Respiration Miriam- Ex 2:1-10; 15:19-21; Num 12; 20:1-2 Deut 24:8-9; 1 Chr 6:1-3; Mic 6:3-4 Miriam's Song" by Deborah Lynn Friedman And Miriam was a weaver of unique variety. The tapestry she wove was one which sang our history. With every thread and every strand she crafted her delight. A woman touched with spirit, she dances toward the light.
Respiration Moses Moses purifies water and is led to water- Ex 15: 24-25- burning bush- Ex 3:2-6- God’s presence at the Tabernacle- Ex. 40:16-38
Respiration John Mark
Repair Models Found in the Old Testament – Gen 29: 24,29; Gen 30:1-13; Gen 31:17,33; Gen 32:22-24; Gen 33:1-14; Gen 35:21-22,25-26 Gen. 37:2; Gen 46:18, 23-25Zilpah- Leah’s Slave- Gad and Asher- Bildah- Rachel’s Slave – Dan Naphtali Zilpah Bildah
Resilience Hagar- makes herself seen- Gen 16;17:1, 18-21; 21:1-4, 6-21; Gen 25:5-6, 12-17
Resilience Mrs. Lot- Genesis 19:1-26- sign of hope Ez 16:4; 2 Kgs 2:19-22; Num 18:19, 2 Chr 13:6; Ex 43:24; Lev 2:13; Ex 30:35; Mt. 5:13; Mk 9:50; Col 4:6;
Resilience Tamar- Gen 38:6-30; 1 Chr 2:3-6; Mt 1:3
Resilience Deborah- Judges 4:1-22; 5:1-31