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What a happy day today! Boys and girls are very gay. They dance and play. What a happy, happy day!.
What a happy day today! Boys and girls are very gay. They dance and play. What a happy, happy day!
Pronunciation practiceListen and readDecorate [‘ dekǝ,reit], v – сәндеу, безендіруChimney [‘tʃimni], n - мұржаCelebrate [‘seli,breit], v – тойлауNeighboUr [‘neibǝ], n – көршіCostume [‘kǝstju:m], n - костюм, киімGuest [gest], n – қонақKnock [nͻk], v - қағу, тарсылдату Trick [trik], n – айла, тәсілThreat [Ɵret], n - қауіпRoast [rǝust], adj – қуырылғанTurkey [‘tǝ:ki], n - күркетауықPie [pai], n – бәліш Sock [sͻk], n – шұлық Stocking [‘stͻkiņ], n - шұлық
“holiday” — “ holly” and “day”. Holiday is an unusual rest day. It is a day when people do not go to work or to school ,shops and banks are closed because of a national celebration. Holidays Christmas Day – Діни мереке Boxing Day –Рождество мерекесінен кейінгі Good Friday – Қасиетті жұма күні New Year’s Day – Жаңа жыл мерекесі Easter Monday – Пасха күні Spring Bank Holiday – Көктем мерекесі Summer Bank Holiday – Жаздың алғашқы күні Nauryz – Жаңа жыл
Holly is a symbol of the New Year's holiday. Some of the evidence on the crown of Christ is made res holly.
Nauryz “ нау” — “жаңа” — “ new” “ руз” – “күн” — “ day” Nauryz is one of the oldest holidays on Earth. This holiday of spring and the renewed life of the Earth has been celebrated for over five thousand years by many cultures of the Middle and Central Asia and, according to some sources, by eastern Slavs as well. Historical records referring to this holiday can be found in ancient and middle age documents. In the oriental chronology, it corresponds to Navruz, the Iranian New Year. Kazakhs, Uzbeks and Uighurs passed the Nauryz traditions from generation to generation.
THANKSGIVING DAY. There is one day a year when all Americans stay home with their families and eat a big dinner. This is Thanksgiving Day. Thepilgrimscelebrated the first Thanksgiving Day in the fall of 1621. The pilgrims sailed to America from Plymouth, England, in September, 1620. They came to America for religious freedom. They were among the first European settlers in America. The name of their ship was the “Mayflower”. They landedat Plymouth Rock in December, 1620.
HALLOWEEN Halloween is an old English holiday of joke. It is the last night in October. Halloween began more than 2 000 years ago among the Celtic people of Britain and France. Now many Englishmen like to celebrate Halloween. It is a popular American holiday too. For example, in New York old and young take part in Halloween festivals.
Christmas On the 25th of December there is the greatest holiday of all in England – Christmas. People send Christmas cards to their friends and relatives. People buy a Christmas tree and decorate it with toys, coloured balls and lights. Children wake up early to find stockings of small present on there bed.
New Year People in Britain begin celebrating this holiday on December 31. Sometimes they have parties where guests dress up in costumers and cover their faces with masks. Next day people visit friends, relatives, neighbors. There is a lot to eat and drink. Many families watch television.
Match the holidays with date of celebrating and make a sentences.1. It you don’t give them sweets or money they play a trick ______ you.2. They dress ______ costumes and cover their faces ______ masks.3. They hope that Santa Claus will come ______ the chimney during the night.4. They gather together ______ a home ______ a traditional dinner.5. Children dressed __________ costumes knock ________ the neighbours doors.
Guy [gai], n-бала, жігіт Bonfire[‘bonf’aiə], n- алау Fireworks[‘faiəwə:k],n- отшашу Stick[stik], n-таяқ Straw[strɔ:], n-сабан Light[lait], v-жағу Gloves [glλv], n-биялай Night [nait],n- түн