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Some Remarks Concerning the Strong Interaction. Hans Gerhard Fischer CERN. Layout of talk. 1. Introduction 2. Thirty-five years of collaboration with the Soltan Institute: The ISR period - conclusions in the mid-1980’s 3. Thirty-five years of collaboration with
Some Remarks Concerning the Strong Interaction Hans Gerhard Fischer CERN
Layout of talk 1. Introduction 2. Thirty-five years of collaboration with the Soltan Institute: The ISR period - conclusions in the mid-1980’s 3. Thirty-five years of collaboration with the Soltan Institute: NA49 times - conclusions in the mid-2000’s 4. Some concluding remarks
MOTTO 1 ´ It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data ´
MOTTO 1 ´ It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data ´ Sherlock Holmes in: A scandal in Bohemia Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, 1892
Strong coupling constant as a function of momentum transfer αs Momentum transfer
T’Hooft’s String Configurations Wilczek Diquark 0.1fm «Stable configuration»
A Diquark Scattering Model for High pT Proton Production in pp Collisions at the ISR Z.Phys. C28(1985)335 A.Breakstone, H.B.Crawley, G.M.Dallavalle, K.Doroba, D.Drijard, F.Fabbri, A.Firestone, H.G.Fischer, H.Frehse, W.Geist, G.Giacomelli, R.Gokieli, M.Gorbics, P.Hanke, M.Heiden, W.Herr, E.E.Kluge, J.W.Lamsa, T.Lohse, R.Mankel, W.T.Meyer, T.Nakada, M.Panter, A.Putzer, K.Rauschnabel, B.Rensch, F.Rimondi, M.Schmelling, G.Siroli, R.Sosnowski, M.Szczekowski, G.Ullaland, D.Wegener ABCDHW Collaboration
Observation of Charmed D Meson Production in pp Collisions Phys.Lett. B81(1979)250 D.Drijard, H.G.Fischer, W.Geist, R.Gokieli, P.G.Innocenti, V.Korbel, A.Minten, A.Norton, R.Sosnowski, S.Stein, O.Ullaland, H.D.Wahl (CERN) P.Bourtaud, M.DellaNegra, G.Fontaine, P.Frenkiel, C.Ghesqiere, D.Linglin, G.Sajot (College de France) H.Frehse, E.E.Kluge, M.Heiden, A.Putzer, J.Stiewe (Heidelberg) P.Hanke, W.Hofmann, M.Panter, K.Rauschnabel, J.Spengler, D.Wegener (Karlsruhe)
Further Investigation of Beauty Baryon Production at the ISR Phys.Lett. B108(1982)361 D.Drijard, H.G.Fischer, H.Frehse, W.Geist, P.G.Innocenti, J.W.Lamsa, W.T.Meyer, A.Norton, O.Ullaland, H.D.Wahl (CERN) G.Fontaine, C.Ghesquiere, G.Sajot (College de France) W.Hofmann, M.Panter, K.Rauschnabel, J.Spengler, D.Wegener (Dortmund) P.Hanke, M.Heiden, E.E.Kluge, T.Nakada, A.Putzer (Heidelberg) M.DellaNegra, D.Linglin (LAPP Annecy) R.Gokieli, R.Sosnowski (Warsaw)
Angular Distributions of Charged Particles between 30 and 90 Degrees at ISR Energies Phys.Lett. B39(1972)654 M.Breidenbach, G.Charpak, G.Coignet, D.Drijard, H.G.Fischer, G.Fuegge, Ch.Gottfried, H.Grote, A.Minten, F.Sauli, M.Szeptycka, E.G.H.Williams
Acceptance coverage of experiments in xF and pT SPS ISR RHIC LHC
Inclusive Charged Particle Cross Sections from ppInteractions at ISR Energies Z.Phys. C69(1995)55 A.Breakstone, H.B.Crawley, A.Firestone, M.Gorbics, L.D.Isenhower, J.W.Lamsa, W.T.Meyer (Ames) R.Campanini, M.Cuffiani, G.M.Dallavalle, M.Deninno, F.Fabbri, G.Giacomelli,F.Rimondi, G.Siroli (Bologna) D.Drijard, H.G.Fischer, W.Geist, G.Mornacchi, M.Panter, O.Ullaland, R.Yeung (CERN) T.Lohse, R.Mankel, K.Rauschnabel, M.Schmelling, D.Wegener (Dortmund) H. Floege, H.Frehse, L.Gesswein, P.Hanke, M.Heiden, W.Herr, E.E.Kluge, T.Nakada, A.Putzer, B.Rensch (Heidelberg) K.Doroba,R.Gokieli, R.Sosnowski, M.Szczekowski (Warsaw) ABCDHW Collaboration
Feynman x distributions of positive pions from ISR (CHLM Collaboration)
‘Hard Parton Scattering’ f(pT) = pT- 4 f(xT) xT = 2pT / √s Experimentally found at ISR: For pions f(pT) = pT-8f(xT) For protons f(pT) = pT-12 f(xT)
Observation of Jet Structure in High p(T) Events at the ISRand the Importance of Parton Transverse Momentum Nucl.Phys. B127(1977)1 M.DellaNegra, D.Drijard, H.G.Fischer, G.Fontaine, H.Frehse, P.Frenkiel, C.Ghesquiere, R.Gokieli, P.Hanke, W.Hofmann, P.G.Innocenti, W.Isenbeck, E.E.Kluge, V.Korbel, D.Linglin, A.Minten, A.Norton, A.Putzer, G.Sajot, R.Sosnowski, S.Stein, J.Stiewe, H.D.Wahl, D.Wegener CCHK COLLABORATION
Steepen up predicted pT distribution by introducing parton transverse momentum
One of the first complete models of event structure with hard parton scattering
Flavour Tagging of Parton Jets and Separationof Parton Subprocesses in Hard pp Collisions at the ISR Z.Phys.C25(1984)21 A.Breakstone, C.D.Buchanan, R.Campanini, H.B.Crawley, M.Dallavalle, K.Doroba, D.Drijard, F.Fabbri, A.Firestone, H.G.Fischer, H.Frehse, W.Geist, G.Giacomelli, R.Gokieli, M.Gorbics, P.Hanke, M.Heiden, W.Herr, E.E.Kluge, J.W.Lamsa, T.Lohse, W.T.Meyer, G.Mornacchi, T.Nakada, M.Panter, A.Putzer, K.Rauschnabel, F.Rimondi, R.Sosnowski, M.Szczekowski, O.Ullaland, D.Wegener ABCDHW Collaboration
A Diquark Scattering Model for High pT Proton Production in pp Collisions at the ISR Z.Phys. C28(1985)335 A.Breakstone, H.B.Crawley, G.M.Dallavalle, K.Doroba, D.Drijard, F.Fabbri, A.Firestone, H.G.Fischer, H.Frehse, W.Geist, G.Giacomelli, R.Gokieli, M.Gorbics, P.Hanke, M.Heiden, W.Herr, E.E.Kluge, J.W.Lamsa, T.Lohse, R.Mankel, W.T.Meyer, T.Nakada, M.Panter, A.Putzer, K.Rauschnabel, B.Rensch, F.Rimondi, M.Schmelling, G.Siroli, R.Sosnowski, M.Szczekowski, G.Ullaland, D.Wegener ABCDHW Collaboration
Introduce Hard Diquark Scattering and Form Factor f(pT) ~ pT- 4 (1+Q2/M2)– 1 f(xT) + diquark structure function + diquark fragmentation function fit M2 M2 ~ 10 – 20 GeV2
Fits to the observed p/pion ratio as a function of transverse momentum p/pi ratio pT
Conclusions from ISR 1970-1990 • Parton dynamics manifest in all areas of hadronic interactions: - rising central rapidity plateau (gluons, sea quarks) - forward particle production pictures valence partons (counting rules) - hard parton scattering leads to high pT production (perturbative QCD already applicable in the few GeV/c region) • Underlying mechanism: Intermediate partonic state present in all hadronic interactions, initiated by gluon exchange = colour exchange strings
MOTTO 2 ‘ It is the nature of an hypothesis, when once a man has conceived it, that it assimilates everything to itself as proper nourishment, and, from the first moment of your begetting it, it generally grows the stronger by everything you see, hear, read or understand.’ Tristram Shandy Laurence Sterne, 1750
On the Hadronic Production of Lepton Pairs from Heavy Flavour Decay Z.Phys. C19(1983)159 H.G.Fischer and W.M.Geist (CERN)
Lepton pair mass spectra fitted with combination of DDbar and BBar semileptonic decays Watch upper limits Of cross sections DDbar: 6 microbarn at SPS 25 microbarn at ISR BBbar 50 nbarn at sqrt(s)=27 GeV
Layout of NA49 experiment Zestaw dużych Komór Projekcji Czasowej(TPC)detektory śladowe połączonez identyfikacją cząstek przezpomiar
Inclusive production of charged pions in p+p collisions at 158 GeV/c beam momentum Eur.Phys.J. C45 (2006) 343 C.Alt, T.Anticic, B.Baatar, D.Barna, J.Bartke,L.Betev, H.Bialkowska, C.Blume, B.Boimska, M.Botje, J.Bracinik, P.Buncic, V.Cerny, P.Christakoglou, O.Chvala, P.Dinkelaker, J.Dolejsi, V.Eckardt, H.G.Fischer, D.Flierl,Z.Fodor, P.Foka, V.Friese, M.Gazdzicki, K.Grebieszkov, C.Hoehne, K.Kadija, A.Karev, M.Kliemant, S.Kniege, V.I.Kolesnikov, E.Kornas, R.Korus, M.Kowalski, I.Kraus, M.Kreps, M.vanLeeuwen, B.Lungwitz, M.Makariev, A.I.Malakhov, M.Mateev, G.L.Melkumov, M.Mitrovski, S.Mrowczynski, G.Palla, D.Panayotov, A.Petridis, R.Renfordt, M.Rybczinsky, A.Rybicki, A.Sandoval, N.Schmitz, T.Schuster, P.Seyboth, F.Sikler, E.Skrzypczak, G.Stefanek, R.Stock, H.Stroebele, T.Susa, J.Sziklai, P.Szymanski, V.Trubnikov, D.Varga, M.Vassiliou, G.I.Veres, G.Vesztergombi, D.Vranik, S.Wenig,, A.Wetzler, Z.Wlodarczyk, I.K.Yoo
Inclusive pion cross sections as a function of pTfor different xF
Inclusive pion cross sections as a function of xF for different pT
Inclusive pion cross sections for p+Carbon minimum bias collisions
Pions in pPb (1) n = 4.2
Pions in pPb (2) n = 5.2
Pions in PbPb 150<nch<300
3 dimensional plot of pi+ cross section Data M=1.232 GeV no Breit-Wigner Relativistic Breit-Wigner