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Rural areas from the point of view of Nature Conservation. Andreas Krug Federal Agency for Nature Conservation Germany. Bonn, June 18th 2007. Rio, 1992:. Convention on Biodiversity. Conservation of biological diversity. Sustainable use of its components.
Rural areasfrom the point of view ofNature Conservation Andreas Krug Federal Agencyfor Nature ConservationGermany Bonn, June 18th 2007
Rio, 1992: Convention on Biodiversity Conservation of biological diversity Sustainable use of its components Fair and equitable sharing of the benefits Equal aims Global Responsibility
Land use in Europe (Germany) Importance of Rural areas for Nature Conservation agriculture 55% (54 %) settlement&transport 5% ( 12%) forest 38% (29%)
CBD – 2010 target: „significant reduction of the current rate of biodiversity loss“ EU – 2010 target: „stopp the loss of biodiversity“ Europe Agriculture and Biodiversity Development of the number of species; focus on Europe Century
Increasing productivity, raising agrifood-exports Less Jobs in Primary sector by 2014 (EU-15: Minus 2 Mio. Jobs; EU-12: Minus 2-4 Mio. Jobs); Migration from rural to urban areas Abandonment, Intensification &„Sprawling“ Further decline of Biodiversity Agriculture as sector strategy • Modernization & restructuring of agriculture
Beautiful landscapes + suitable infrastructure incl. new technologies + better skills = Attractive income opportunities for citizens & increased recreational options for tourist Less Migration = Maintained or enhanced biodiversity Integrated Rural development Extensive farming & wilderness,
Tourism Infrastructure in Europe Integrated strategies für sustainable rural development
Renewable Energy – Acting Responsible – Source: Georg Gafron Media-Service & E.O.N. Energie AG
Renewable Energy – Acting Responsible – Source: Georg Gafron Media-Service & E.O.N. Energie AG, modified
Photo: Meier, Pütsch, Wörner Picture: S. Lehrke Pictures: D. Menzler, K. Winde Pictures: Denz, Wolf Picture: Sommerhäuser Multifunctional, Naturesound Farming Products • Food • Water • Energy • Cultural Landscape • Biodiversity • Recreation • Education
Healthy and secure food Jobs Image (tourism, regional products, Sponsoring, Marketing) Renewable raw material Rural branding as goal for sustainable rural development
Participants Start-ups employed Not available 178 81 43 54 Job-Motor Biosphere + concept Modelregion Business Start-up success Biosphere Südost-Rügen Stand: 15.03.2005, Quelle: www.job-motor.de
Nature Conservation and sustainable landuse Biosphere reserve "Rhön" Initiatives, brands and associations Agriculture and forestry Nature conservation Fishery Rhön Sheep Production Rhön Biosphere Cattle Rhön Apple Initiative Team Vegetable Oil From Grain to Bread Rhön Trout Rhön Timber Processing Handicraft and industry Trade Environmental education Gastronomy Tourism
National park „Müritz" touristic net turnover in 2004: € 11.9 m 628 jobs that accounts for National park "Berchtesgaden" touristic net turnover in 2002: € 8.2 m 206 jobs that accounts for Foto: N. Punnamparambil Added Value by Protected Areas
Nature Park "Altmühltal" touristic gross turnover in 2004: € 20.7 M 483 jobs that accounts for Nature Conservation and sustainable landuse Nature parks
Picture: S. Lehrke … a realistic option für rural areas Biodiversity and Sustainability means... Attractive landscapes Regional marketing Sustainable tourism Sponsoring Positive image and attraction Jobs ... a longterm-perspective for the regions!
... Through reforming CAP • Increase incentives to preserve and enhance biodiversity – help to achieve goals of CBD • Provide reliable funds for Natura 2000 & Agri-Environmental Schemes • Use the chances of integrated rural development – Qualification for LEADER & Programming
... Conclusion ( the maintenance of ecosystem services should become a fundamental goal of all EU horizontal and sectoral policies. Memberstates have to allocate adequate funds for biodiversity 2008 'health check' of the Common Agricultural Policy and the 2008-09 budget review has to consider biodiversity needs Stavros Dimas, European Environment Commissioner, 22 th May 2007 picture: K. Spitzl
Rural areas from the point of view of Nature Conservation Up from June 20th 2007 on www.bfn.de resources / links / lectures Andreas Krug Federal Agencyfor Nature ConservationGermany