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TIS International Conference - Internationalisation of Pedagogy and Curriculum in Higher Education: Exploring New Frontiers - 16/17 June 2011. Assessing intercultural and international competences in a global perspective: the case of the Hogeschool van Amsterdam, university of applied sciences

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  1. TIS International Conference - Internationalisation of Pedagogy and Curriculum in Higher Education: Exploring New Frontiers - 16/17 June 2011 Assessing intercultural and international competences in a global perspective: the case of the Hogeschool van Amsterdam, university of applied sciences • Hans de Wit • Professor of Internationalisation, School of Economics and Management, HvA, University of Applied Sciences, Amsterdam • Co-Editor Journal of Studies in International Education TIS Conference 16-17 June 2011

  2. Objective • The internationalisation policy of the Hogeschool van Amsterdam, university of applied sciences • The issues it faces with respect to defining clear intercultural and international learning outcomes and their assessment • Placed in the broader context of internationalisation of higher education. TIS Conference 16-17 June 2011

  3. Context • Over the past 25 years, the international dimension of higher education has become more central on the agenda.This process is also described as mainstreaming of internationalisation. • Increasing competition in higher education and the commercialisation and cross-border delivery of higher education, challeng the value traditionally attached to cooperation: exchanges and partnerships. • At the same time, the internationalisation of the curriculum and the teaching and learning process (also referred to as ‘internationalisation at home’, IaH) has become as relevant as the traditional focus on mobility (both degree mobility and mobility as part of your home degree). TIS Conference 16-17 June 2011

  4. Internationalizationcanbeseen as to consist of twocomponents: Internationalization at Home: activities that help students develop international understanding and intercultural skills Internationalization Abroad: all forms of education crossing borders, mobility of students, teachers, scholars, programmes, courses, curriculum, projects (Knight, 2006) But they are closely interwaved

  5. Internationalisation at Home (IaH) • ‘Internationalisation at Home’ has put diversity issues more clearly on the agenda within the context of the international tasks of a university. • Global conditions will require global learning and different knowledge, skills and attitudes in people. • One can only be a ‘global citizen’ at Home. Universities need to prepare students to become a global citizen. TIS Conference 16-17 June 2011

  6. Misconceptions about internationalization • Internationalization is regarded as synonymous with a specific programmatic or organisational strategy to promote internationalization • In other words: the means appear to be the goal.

  7. Misconception 1-5 • Internationalization is education in the English language • Internationalization is studying or staying abroad • Internationalization equals an international subject • Internationalization means having many international students • Having a few international students in the classroom makes internationalization into a success

  8. Misconception 6-9 • There is no need to test intercultural and international competencies specifically • The more partnerships, the more international • Higher education is international by nature • Internationalization is a goal in itself

  9. A shift in focus from the how (instruments) to the why (objectives) • In Europe, this shift was stimulated by the IaH movement, at the end of the nineties. • The IaH movement – although relevant for the shift in focus from the how to the what – has the risk of evolving from a movement into a dogma and by that in losing its function to inspire change • We see signs that it also becomes more instrumental: focusing on international classrooms and teaching in English as if these were aims in themselves rather than tools that generate learning outcomes and competences. TIS Conference 16-17 June 2011

  10. Many terms but no clear definitions • We see a lot of terms: global competence, intercultural competence, intercultural sensitivity, international competence, multicultural competence, transnational competence, global citizenship, etc. • These terms, like the traditional terms in international education, are used as synonyms to internationalisation of the curriculum and IaH, and without clear definitions and ways how to assess them. TIS Conference 16-17 June 2011

  11. Many questions • What are the similarities and differences between these terms? • For what purpose are we using them? • Is there common understanding in the outside world (the professional field) about their meaning, content and need? • Does every student, graduate and faculty require the same type and level of competence? • And how do we assess them? TIS Conference 16-17 June 2011

  12. What do we see in connection to these questions? • The emergence of a testing industry: IDI, Global Competence, ICR, BEVI, etc. • But most of all, a very superficial use and lack of clear definitions and demarcations. The start of a great number of studies and best practices is needed to get a better understanding of what we are talking about. TIS Conference 16-17 June 2011

  13. HvA internationalisation policy 2010-2014 • Internationalisation of the curriculum • Mainstreaming of internationalisation • Cooperation with the University of Amsterdam and the City • Specific implementaton by the schools and programmes • The Central role is primarily focussed on providing a central frame, facilitating, monitoring and stimulating TIS Conference 16-17 June 2011

  14. Main objective is the internationalisation of the curriculum • A basic choice to provide all students with a minimum option of 30 study points with a focus on European and global developments in their profession, plus development of basic skills of English and intercultural competencies • An additional choice for students for a plus option, in which 25% of their curriculum is interculturally and internationally oriented: at least one foreign language; at least one seemster abroad for study and/or placement; one group tour abroad; and options for international classroom experience. • A complete international option, in which the whole programme is offered in English within an international classroom with international students and staff; a semester abroad; two foreign languages; two study projects and/or study tours. TIS Conference 16-17 June 2011

  15. This policy will be guided by the following instruments • A portfolio in which the intercultural and international competencies in these three options will be monitored and assessed. • A target of 10% in 2015 and 20% in 2018 of students at HvA which have choosen for the plus or international option, also in the context of the Excellency project. • A contribution to the development of global citizenship by the development of the plus and international option. TIS Conference 16-17 June 2011

  16. More information j.w.m.de.wit@hva.nl TIS Conference 16-17 June 2011

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