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Iranian and United States History & Foreign Policy

Iranian and United States History & Foreign Policy. 2011. U.S. - Iranian Relations!. Iranian -President Ahmadinejad. President Bush. Called him Evil!. Pres. Bush the devil!. U.S. & Iran have NOT had diplomatic relations since 1979?. 1979 Iranian Revolution. Iran Hostage Crisis.

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Iranian and United States History & Foreign Policy

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  1. Iranian and United States History & Foreign Policy 2011

  2. U.S. - Iranian Relations! Iranian -President Ahmadinejad President Bush Called him Evil! • Pres. Bush the devil!

  3. U.S. & Iran have NOT had diplomatic relations since 1979?

  4. 1979 Iranian Revolution

  5. Iran Hostage Crisis • Fifty-two US citizens were held hostage for 444 days from November 4, 1979 to January 20, 1981, after a group of Islamic students and militants took over the Embassy of the United States in support of the Iranian Revolution.[1]

  6. First hostilities occurred back in 1953.. • 1953 CIA & British sponsored coup of Mossadegh! • Prime Minister Mossadegh in 1951

  7. Why did the CIA & British overthrow Mossadegh? • In 1951, Mosaddegh nationalized the British-owned Anglo-Iranian Oil Company- today’s BP gas. • Even though AIOC was “highly profitable,” “its Iranian workers were poorly paid and lived in squalid conditions. • Britain owned 51% of the company.

  8. Who became the leader after Mossadegh? • The CIA & British put Shah Pahlavi in power. • Shah Pahlavi ruled as an authoritarian monarch for the next 26 years, until he was overthrown in a popular revolt in 1979.

  9. The Shah was seen as a “puppet” for the U.S. government!

  10. After 26 years, the Iranians had a revolution to overthrow the Shah!

  11. Iran became a theocracy, the Ayatollah is the “supreme leader”!

  12. No diplomatic relations means NO IMPORTS OF IRANIAN OIL!

  13. Today relations aren’t any better! • West says developing weapons… • Iranians say developing energy..

  14. Although Iran is a theocracy; protests occurred after 2009 election!

  15. After 30 years of rule in Iran, the Theocracy faces the Green Revolution! • 2009 Protests against the disputed victory of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad • “Twitter Revolution”- social organizations were used for organization of the protests.

  16. What do Iranian’s think of American’s today? Excerpt from Kinzer article: ““We are so happy to see American people in Iran,” a woman in Kirman, beaming with joy, told the group I traveled with. “We know they say very bad things about us there, but we like Americans so much.”

  17. STOP HERE • Jon Stewart Clips • Group discussions or web quest on Iraq- U.S. relations.

  18. Iraq invades Iran in 1980!

  19. If Iran is our enemy, who becomes are friend!!! • Iraq invades Iran in 1980 • The enemy of my enemy is my friend!! • U.S. supports Iraq and its leader Saddam Hussein during the Iran/Iraq War. • President Reagan and Donald Rumsfeld • Rumsfeld & Saddam

  20. Why did Saddam invade Iran? • Iraq claims border disputes between countries • Also worried that the “Shia” revolution may spread to Iraq. • Shia vs. Sunni! Saddam and Baath party are Sunni but many Shia in Iraq.

  21. How did the U.S. help Iraq during the 8-year war? • CIA Operation • Supplies Money, weapons and technology to the Iraqis. • Spies on the Iranian military and reports back to Iraq

  22. Who was the American President that authorized CIA involvement?

  23. Iran Contra Affair • 1985 U.S. government sells arms to Iran (ignores arms embargo) • U.S. need Iranians help to negotiate with Lebanon to free American hostages • Profits used to fund “Contra’s” in Nicaragua.

  24. Saddam used chemical weapons against Iranians. • 100,000 Iranian victims of Iraq's chemical weapons during the eight-year war • Use of chemical weapons is against International Law- Geneva

  25. 8- year war ends in stalemate! No winner! • 1988- The war came at a great cost in lives and economic damage—half a million Iraqi and Iranian soldiers as well as civilians are believed to have died in the war with many more injure. • The U.S./ CIA help to fund and aid both sides of the war!

  26. Iraq has 4th largest army in the world & W.M.D. with help of CIA. • Chemical, Nuclear, Radiological, Biological

  27. Which country did Saddam invade next? Iraq invades Kuwait! Persian Gulf War 1990-1991

  28. U.S. petitions for help from the Untied Nations • 1991- U.S. led The Persian Gulf War (August 2, 1990 – February 28, 1991) • A war waged by a U.N.-authorized coalition force from thirty-four nations led by Britain and the United States, against Iraq. • Within 100 hours, the Iraqi army was pushed out of Kuwait; troops did NOT invade Iraq • United Nations

  29. Who was the American President? George H. W. Bush Iraq forces torch Kuwaiti oil fields!

  30. Rumors that U.S. will invade Iraq! • Kurds and Shia revolt against Iraqi government. • Saddam responds harshly with chemical weapons! • U.S. does not invade and rebellions are stopped.

  31. What happened to Iraq after the Gulf War? • Sanctions against Iraq- full trade embargo (excluding food & humanitarian goods) • Oil for Food program, 1996 to help ease devastation from embargo • Iraq to agree to an inspection to insure that Iraq dismantled its WMD programs and did not take actions to reconstitute them • No Fly Zone’s , patrolled by U.S. & Britain

  32. Saddam plays games with weapons inspectors.

  33. President G. W. Bush & Iraq • By 2002, President Bush and Britain believe Iraq has rebuilt their WMD. • Saddam’s deceptions suggested he had WMD. • U.N. did NOT support the 2003 invasion of Iraq

  34. 2003 U.S. attack on Iraq • In contrast to 1991, Saudi Arabia did not permit U.S. on their soil. • Turkey did not help in this conflict. • Kuwait & a few small countries allowed bases.

  35. Saddam is executed for Crimes against Humanity • December 30, 2006-found guilty by Iraqi Special Tribunal for the murder of 148 Iraqi Shi'ite in the town of Dujail in 1982.

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