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The Buffer Tree

The Buffer Tree. Lars Arge. Presented by Or Ozery. I/O Model. Previously defined: N = # of elements in input M = # of elements that fit into memory B = # of elements per block Measuring in terms of # of blocks: n = N / B m = M / B. I/O Model vs. RAM Model.

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The Buffer Tree

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  1. The Buffer Tree Lars Arge Presented by Or Ozery

  2. I/O Model • Previously defined: • N = # of elements in input • M = # of elements that fit into memory • B = # of elements per block • Measuring in terms of # of blocks: • n = N / B • m = M / B The Buffer Tree

  3. I/O Model vs. RAM Model The Buffer Tree

  4. Online vs. Batched Online Problems Batched Problems • A single command is given each time. • Must be processed before other commands are given. • Should be performed in a good W.C. time. • For example: Searching. • A stream of commands is given. • Can perform commands in any legal order. • Should be performed in a good amortized time. • For example: Sorting. The Buffer Tree

  5. Motivation • We’ve seen that using an online-efficient data structure (B-tree) for a batched problem (sorting) is inefficient. • We thus would like to design a data structure for efficient use on batched problems, such as: • Sorting • Minimum reporting (priority queue) • Range searching • Interval stabbing The Buffer Tree

  6. The Main Idea • There are 2 reasons why B-tree sorting is inefficient: • We work element-wise instead of block-wise. • We don’t take advantage of the memory size m. • We can fix both problems by using buffers: • It allows us to accumulate elements into blocks. • Using buffers of size Θ(m), we fully utilize the memory. The Buffer Tree

  7. The Buffer Tree • (m/4, m)-tree ⇒ branching factor Θ(m). • Elements are stored in leaves, in blocks ⇒ O(n) leaves. • Each internal node has a buffer of size m. The Buffer Tree

  8. Basic Properties • The height of the tree is O(logmn). • The number of internal nodes is O(n/m). • From now on define: • Leaf nodes: nodes that have children which are leaves. • Internal nodes: nodes that are not leaf nodes. • The buffer tree uses linear space: • Each leaf takes O(1) space ⇒ O(n) space. • Each node takes O(m) space ⇒ O(n) space. The Buffer Tree

  9. Processing Commands • We wait until we have a block of commands, then we insert it to the buffer of the root. • Because we process commands in a lazy way, we need to time-stamp them. • When the buffer of the root gets full, we empty it, using a buffer-emptying process (BEP): • We distribute elements to the buffers one level down. • If any of the child buffers gets full, we continue in recursion. The Buffer Tree

  10. Internal Node BEP • Sort the elements in the buffer while deleting corresponding insert and delete elements. • Scan through the sorted buffer and distribute the elements to the appropriate buffers one level down. • If any of the child buffers is now full, run the appropriate BEP recursively. • Internal node BEP takes O(x + m), where x is the number of elements in the buffer. The Buffer Tree

  11. Leaf Node BEP • Sort the elements in the buffer as for internal nodes. • Merge the sorted buffer with the leaves of the node. • If the number of leaves increased: • Place the smallest elements in the leaves of the node. • Repeatedly insert one block of elements and rebalance. • If the number of leaves decreased: • Place the elements in sorted order in the leaves, and append “dummy-blocks” at the end. • Repeatedly delete one dummy block and rebalance. The Buffer Tree

  12. Rebalancing - Fission The Buffer Tree

  13. Rebalancing - Fusion The Buffer Tree

  14. Rebalancing Cost • Rebalancing starts when inserting/deleting a block. • The leaf node which sparked the rebalancing, will not cause rebalancing for the next O(m) inserts/deletes. • Thus the total number of rebalancing operations on leaf nodes is O(n/m). • Each rebalancing operation on a leaf node can span O(logmn) rebalancing operations. • So there are O((n/m) logmn) rebalancing operations, each costs O(m) ⇒ Rebalancing takes O(n logmn). The Buffer Tree

  15. Summing Up • We’ve seen rebalancing takes O(n logmn). • BEP cost: • BEP of full buffers is linear in the number of blocks in the buffer ⇒ Each element pays O(1/B) to be pushed one level down the tree. • Because there are O(logmn) levels in the tree, each element pays O(logmn / B) ⇒ BEP takes O(n logmn). • Therefore, a sequence of N operations on an empty buffer tree takes O(n logmn). The Buffer Tree

  16. Sorting • After inserting all N items to the tree, we need to empty all the buffers. We do this in a BFS order. • How much does emptying all buffers cost? • Emptying a buffer takes O(m) amortized. • There are O(n/m) buffers ⇒ Total cost is O(n). • Thus sorting using a buffer tree takes O(n logmn). The Buffer Tree

  17. Priority Queue • We can easily transform our buffer tree into a PQ by adding support for a delete-min operation: • The smallest element is found on the path from the root to the leftmost leaf. • Therefore a delete-min operation will empty all the buffers on the above path in O(m logmn). • To make-up for the above cost, we delete the M/4 smallest elements and keep them in memory. • This way we can answer the next M/4 delete-min’s free. • Thus our PQ supports N operations in O(n logmn). The Buffer Tree

  18. Time-Forward Processing • The problem: • We are given a topologically ordered DAG. • For each vertex v there is a function fv which depends on all fu where u is a predecessor of v. • The goal is to compute fv for all v. The Buffer Tree

  19. TWP Using Our PQ • For each vertex v (sorted in topological order): • Extract the minimum d-(v) elements from the PQ. • Use the extracted elements to compute fv. • For each edge (v, u) insert fv in the PQ with priority u. • The above works in O(n logmn). The Buffer Tree

  20. Buffered Range Tree • We want to extend our tree to support range queries: • Given an interval [x1, x2], report all elements of the tree that our contained in it. • How will we distribute the query elements when emptying a buffer? • As long as the interval is contained in a sub-tree, send the query element to the root buffer of that sub-tree. • Otherwise, we split the query into its 2 query elements, and report the elements in the relevant sub-trees. The Buffer Tree

  21. Time Order Representation • We say that a list of elements is in time order representation (TOR) if it’s of the form D-S-I, where: • D is a sorted list of delete elements. • S is a sorted list of query elements. • I is a sorted list of insert elements. • Lemma 1: • A non-full buffer can be brought into TOR in O(m + r) where r · B is the number of queries reported in the process. The Buffer Tree

  22. Merging of TOR Lists • Lemma 2: • Let S1 and S2 be TOR lists such that all elements of S2 are older then the elements of S1. S1 and S2 can be merged into a TOR list in O(s1 + s2 + r) where s1 and s2 are the size in blocks of S1 and S2 and r · B is the number of queries reported in the process. The Buffer Tree

  23. Proof of Lemma 2 • Let Sj = dj - sj - ij. Time The Buffer Tree

  24. Full Sub-Tree Reporting • Lemma 3: • All buffers of a sub-tree with x leaves can be emptied and collected to a TOR list in O(x + r). • Proof: • For each level, prepare a TOR list of its elements. • Merge the TOR lists of all levels. After step 1 After step 2 The Buffer Tree

  25. Internal Node BEP • Compute the TOR of the buffer. • Scan the delete elements and distribute them. • Scan the range search elements and determine which sub-trees should have their elements reported. • For each such sub-tree: • Remove the delete elements from (2) and store them in temporary place. • Collect the elements of the sub-tree into TOR. • Merge this TOR with the TOR of the removed delete elements. • Distribute the insert and delete elements to leaf buffers. • Merge a copy of the leaves with the TOR. • Remove the range search elements from the TOR. • Report the resulting elements to whoever needs it. • Distribute the range search elements. • Distribute the insert elements (if sub-tree was emptied, to leaf buffers). • If any child buffer got full, apply the BEP recursively. The Buffer Tree

  26. Leaf Node BEP • Construct the TOR of the elements in the buffer. • Merge the TOR with the leaves. • Remove all range search elements and continue the BEP as in the normal buffer tree. The Buffer Tree

  27. Analysis • The main difference from the normal buffer tree is the action of reporting all elements of a sub-tree. • By lemma 3, this action has a linear cost. • We thus can split this cost between the delete elements and query elements, as each element gets either deleted or reported. • Thus, a series of N operations on our buffered range tree costs O(n logmn + r). The Buffer Tree

  28. Orthogonal Line Intersection • The problem: • Given N line segments parallel to the axes, report all intersections of orthogonal segments. The Buffer Tree

  29. OLI Using Our Range Tree • Sort the segments, once by their top y coordinate, and once by their bottom y coordinate. • Merge the 2 sorted list of segments: • When encountering a top coordinate of a vertical segment, insert its x coordinate to the tree. • When encountering a bottom coordinate of a vertical segment, delete its x coordinate from the tree. • When encountering a horizontal segment, insert a query for its endpoints. • The above takes an optimal O(n logmn + r). The Buffer Tree

  30. Buffered Segment Tree • We switch parts between points and intervals: • We insert and delete intervals from the tree. • We use points as queries to get reported on all intervals stabbed by a point. • We assume the intervals has (distinct) endpoints from a fixed given set E of size N. • The elements in leaves will be the points of E. • We build our tree bottom-up in O(n). The Buffer Tree

  31. Buffered Segment Tree • Define:slabs, multi-slabs, short/long segments. C E A B D F The Buffer Tree

  32. Internal Node BEP • Repeatedly load m/2 blocks of elements into memory, and perform the following: • For every multi-slab list insert the relevant long segments. • For every multi-slab list that is stabbed by a point, report intervals and remove expired ones. • Distribute segments and queries. • If there’s a full child buffer, apply BEP recursively. • The above costs O(m + x + r) = O(x + r) amortized. The Buffer Tree

  33. Analysis • Because the tree structure is static, there is no rebalancing, and also no emptying of non-full buffers. • Therefore the only cost is emptying of full buffers, which is linear. • Thus a series of N operations on our segment tree takes O(n logmn + r). • A write (flush) operation takes O(n logmn). • Therefore we have the desired O(n logmn + r). The Buffer Tree

  34. Batched Range Searching • The problem: • Given N points and N axis parallel rectangles in the plane, report all points inside each rectangle. The Buffer Tree

  35. BRS Using Our Segment Tree • Sort points and rectangles by their top y coordinate. • Scan the sorted list: • For each rectangle, insert the interval that corresponds to its horizontal side, with a delete time matching its bottom y coordinate. • For each point, insert a stabbing query. • Flush the tree (empty all buffers). • The above takes an optimal O(n logmn + r). The Buffer Tree

  36. Pairwise Rectangle Intersection • The problem: • Given N axis parallel rectangles in the plane, report all intersecting pairs. The Buffer Tree

  37. PRI Using Our Segment Tree • 2 rectangles in the plane intersect ⇔ one of the following holds: • They have intersecting edges. • One contains the other ⇒ One contains the other’s midpoint. • We have shown an O(n logmn + r) solution for both (1) and (2). • Therefore we have an optimal O(n logmn + r) solution for the PRI problem. The Buffer Tree

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