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PAARL National Summer Conference on “SUPERIOR PRACTICES & WORLD WIDENING SERVICES OF PHILIPPINE LIBRARIES” Function Hall, Dao Diamond Bed & Breakfast Hotel Dao District, Tagbilaran City April 14 -16, 2010. CECILIA E. SAMSON Director of Libraries Holy Name University Tagbilaran City.
PAARL National Summer Conference on “SUPERIOR PRACTICES & WORLD WIDENING SERVICES OF PHILIPPINE LIBRARIES” Function Hall, Dao Diamond Bed & Breakfast Hotel Dao District, Tagbilaran City April 14 -16, 2010
HOSPITALITY Hospitality is the cordial and generous reception of or disposition toward guests.
PUBLIC RELATIONS Public relations is the management function which evaluates public attitudes, identifies the policies and procedures of an individual or an organization with the public interest, and plans and executes a program of action to earn public understanding and acceptance. It is the management of communication between an organization and its publics. Marketing promotes a specific product while public relation promotes the entire institution.
CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT (CRM) - CRM is the core business strategy that integrates internal processes and functions and external networks to create and deliver value to targeted customers at a profit. It is grounded on high quality customer-related data and enabled by information technology.
- CRM is a business strategy to select and manage the most valuable customer relationships. CRM requires a customer-centric business philosophy and culture to support effective marketing, sales, and service processes. CRM applications can enable effective customer relationship management, provided that an enterprise has the right leadership, strategy, and culture.
(Keywords) - business > organization customer > clients profit > objectives
1960s – marketing – watchword for achieving competitive advantage Fashion in the 60s
1970s – manufacturing becomes the hot topics Fashion in the 70s
1980s – quality 80s style
Why has CRM bullied its way to a billion-dollar industry? Bottom line: Power has shifted to customers, who stand astride three powerful currents: • The failure of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems to bestow a lasting competitive advantage for companies. • The cycle of innovation-to-production-to- obsolescence has accelerated, leading to an abundance of options for customers and a shrinking market window for vendors.
-Internet-surfing customers have a far easier time collecting information about competing suppliers, and can switch to another vendor at the click of a mouse. With product advantages reduced or neutralized in many industries due to increased “commoditization,” the customer relationship itself is the focus of competitive advantage.
CRM CONSTITUENCIES: • Companies • customers and partners of those companies • vendors of CRM software • CRM application providers • vendors of CRM hardware and infrastructure • management consultants
4 types of CRM 1. strategic – is a core customer-centric business strategy that aims at winning and keeping profitable customers. Data mining is used. 2. operational – automates and improves customer-facing and customer supporting business processes. Data mining is used. 3. analytical – concerned with capturing, storing, extracting, integrating, processing, distributing, using and reporting customer-related data to enhance both customer and company value. Ex. Sales data (purchase history), financial data (payment history, credit score), marketing data (campaign response, loyalty scheme data) and service data. (library borrowers’ data)
4. collaborative – uses technologies to transact across organizational boundaries with a view to optimizing company, partner and customer value. Data mining is defined as the “process of discovering new correlations, patterns, and trends by sifting through large amounts of data in repositories using pattern recognition technologies as well as statistical and mathematical techniques.”
Benefits from service automation: * enhanced service effectiveness (service requests can be completed more quickly to the customer’s satisfaction * greater service productivity * improved customer experience
Vendors are cognizant of the fact that once libraries have committed to a new automation system, their sphere of influence diminishes almost completely. This is simple because libraries can no longer produce sufficient leverage when trying to settle disputes. Once a library has purchased an automation system, it can’t just be returned if it doesn’t performs as expected. This is the first, and possibly biggest, power inequity between the vendor and the library. After a sale, the vendor is no longer in a position where it benefits from offering incentives to the library. In fact, at this point, the library becomes a support liability: the vendor’s main priority becomes to minimize the cost associated with that customer.
5 major phases of CRM implementations: -Develop the CRM strategy -Build the CRM project foundation -Specify needs and select partners -Implement the project -Evaluate performance
Types of employee behavior in response to CRM implementation: Champions – emotionally and rationally committed Weak links – are neither emotionally nor rationally committed Bystanders – understand the changes being introduced but feel no emotional buy-in to the change Loose cannons – are fired up with enthusiasm but really do not understand what they have to do to contribute to the change
Traditional technologies in data and voice communication: - surface mail - air mail - telephones - fax
Recent technology in data and voice communication - electronic data interchange (EDI) - portals - e-business - voice over internet protocol (VoIP) - conferencing - chat rooms - web-browser - e-mail
CUSTOMER-CENTRIC: THE STARTING POINT Savvy business executives have always understood the importance of focusing on customers with the best potential for sales and profits and providing good service so they'll come back again and again. Consider a successful small business: the business owner and the staff work hard to provide personal, high-quality service, building a loyal customer base over time. Computers optional.
Peter Drucker– the business of business is getting and keeping customers. Therefore to retain customers, we must have a stronger force on measuring & managing the individual customer relationships. In short, all companies, all in the same business that is, satisfying customer needs, which therefore, must be measured and tracked. Measurement maybe in qualitative or quantitative. The key is getting closer to our customers & making it easier for them to do business with us.
CATEGORIES OF LIBRARY USERS’ EXPECTATIONS: * Tangible - physical facilities, equipment and appearance of personnel * Empathy – the caring, individualized attention provided to customers, and an understanding of their situation. *Reliability – the ability to deliver or promised (on or before the promised date) *Responsiveness – the ability to assist customers in a timely fashion “ acknowledgements are sent quickly. *Assurance – knowledgeable librarians and their ability to inspire trust and confidence.
SERVICE QUALITY Customer should be perceived in the following way: Each customer is the most important person in any business. > Customer are not dependent on us , but we are dependent on them. > Customers do not interrupt our work. They are the purpose for it. > Customers do us favor when they call. We are not doing them favors by providing them services. > Customers are part of our business, not outsiders. > Customers are human beings like us, with the same feelings and emotions. > Customers bring us their wants, and it is our job to fulfill them. > Customers deserve the most courteous and attentive service we can provide. > Customers are lifeblood of every library.
Getting the right job done right the first time Customer satisfaction and loyalty Customer relationship management Respond to individual customers Identify sources of dissatisfaction Conduct root cause analysis Maximizing customer satisfaction + = Feedback
Customer satisfaction is a state of mind in which his or her needs, wants, and expectations throughout the product/service life have been met or exceeded, resulting in repurchase and loyalty. Positive word of mouth will not necessarily get you the sale; however, negative word of mouth essentially guarantees you will not get the sale.
Customer ServiceCustomer PerceptionSatisfaction Level Better than expected delighted Service experience As Expected Satisfied Less than expected Dissatisfied
Toolbox for customer relationship measurement & management. 1. one-on-one consultation 2. customer education 3. complaint management 4. database target marketing 5. real-time satisfaction monitoring
Unhappy Customers Only four percent of dissatisfied customers complaint Over ninety percent of unhappy customers won’t be back Each dissatisfied customer tells nine other people
Happy Customers Retaining customer costs one-fifth to one- sixth less Satisfied customers are willing to pay more Each happy customer will tell five people about good service
A person only complains if he or she can conceive of something better, or has experienced something better. Therefore, we should always ask a complaining customer for his or her opinion of what would be a “better way”. You’ll be amazed what you find out- a gold mine of opportunities. Each complaint is a way to serve a particular customer differently, and as such, is an opportunity.
PROCESS TO ENCOURAGE A CULTURAL CHANGE ABOUT COMPLAINTS: • Train employees to view complaints as opportunities. Complaints are just another way of doing things, not good or bad, right or wrong. • Challenge employees about how many customer complaints they can document in one week. • The customers will start talking when they hear a willingness to listen. Instead of “How was your stay?” we might ask “What one thing could we have done to improve your stay? Instead of “How was your research?” we might ask “What one thing could we do to improve your research?” • Encourage employees to write down customer issues. This is valuable information. Some people will say that talking with customers may interfere with business. • Reward both complaint gatherers and complainers. • Emphasizing complaints as feedback will tell employees this is a customer-focused culture.
Why do customers leave companies? Answer. Shortcomings in customer service. No customer relationship management. • In customer relations, we bring our emotions and inner centre to every interaction and working relationship. Service with a heart in using both the intellect and the heart. The way we serve is a reflection of our personal paradigm. The true value of service with a heart lies in the sincerity of the four P’s
Passionate Progressive Proactive Positive
LIBRARY BRANDING – What’s in a name? Brand – can be viewed as the seller’s promise to consistently deliver a specific set of benefits, values, or attributes to the consumer. Creation of a brand is not merely as a fuel for selling a service, but as a stamp of quality. Is any name, design, style, word or symbol that distinguishes a product from its competitors. Overtime, customers assign meaning to brands.
Old paradigmNew paradigm price price quality quality service service convenience value solution all of them
Change does not , however, entail on outright rejection of all that has come before. But there are identified features of the libraries that will remain constant and these are outlined by Samuel Green: 1. Instruction 2. Answering question 3. Reader’s-advisory service 4. Promotion
Paying attention to promotion and marketing of libraries and reference service is becoming more important than ever. The greatest challenge in the library service is the challenge of promoting a new concept in the profession
Five principles of public relations: 1. Honest communication for credibility 2. Openness and consistency of actions for confidence 3. Fairness of actions for reciprocity and goodwill 4. Continuous two-way communication to prevent alienation and to build relationships 5. Environmental research and evaluation to determine the actions or adjustments needed for social harmony.
Strategies in Public Relations: 1. Put your library on the web. The internet has helped to reduce the psychological distance that exists between an organization and the publics important to its success. This has led to what we have called the cyber-relations. 2. To build a steady stream of repeat visitors, web sites must focus more on substance than flash. Flashing text, and spinning graphics may generates some hits. But if the content isn’t updated regularly, visitors have no incentive to return.
3. Newsletter distributed by email is an excellent way to market your library a. Keep it short and snappy 4. Welcome kit, media exposure, on-campus posters, strategic timeline and a review of current library publication. Kit- information about specific services 5. Submitting articles to the local newspapers 6. Partners with international organizations which cause are for promotion of literacy and reading.
7. Create ask a librarian on-line queries. (create “ Ask A Librarian Team”) 8.Libraries will provide workshops in customer service (e.g. how to manage difficult people /interaction; how to deal with an emergency, etc.) Create : ( Training and Learning Committee) 9.Libraries will conduct user’s focus groups to gather data, which will be used to improve library publications (brochures, handouts/Incorporate feedback with subsequent printing of the publications. (Create a Marketing/PR Committee)
10. Develop a new hand identity and slogan – it will be reviewed by unit librarians. 11. Increase stakeholder awareness of library resources and services. 12. Photo Galleries & Flickr Badges 13. Start a Book Review Blog
14. Create "Reviews by Library Members" Section of the Library Website 15. Events Calendar Online - PDF Version 16. Create a Volunteers Section on the Website 17. Update the look of libraries 18. Have a library logo 19. Reinvent the image of librarians