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„ Plant Production and Environment“. Workshop A. Task : How do the plant production and horticulture increase a growing risk of climate changes (for example global warming; glasshouse effect; increase of drought; soil erosion; water, soil and air pollution etc.)?. AUSTRIA
„Plant Production and Environment“ • Workshop A
Task: • How do the plant production and horticulture increase a growing risk of climate changes (for example global warming; glasshouse effect; increase of drought; soil erosion; water, soil and air pollution etc.)?
AUSTRIA • Increasingusageofpesticidescouldhave an impact on soilpollution. • Onecropagriculturecould also havebadeffects on the soil. • All harvestingmachinesareproducerofcarbondioxyd. • Watercouldbepollutedbypesticidesused in horticulture. • Insects (bees) couldbeextinguishedbycertainpesticides
Luxemburg Due to the high Mais-Silage productionforDairyCows Risingnumberof „Biogaz –Stations“ in Luxembourg, Soil-erosion, NitrificationofundergroundWaterbecomepopulare
SLOVAKIA Faster melting of icecapes - 150 metres per yearSea level rise Unbearable droughts, floods, storms,hurricanes, tornados, hailstorms Extermination of many plant and animal species Impact on forests and other eco-systems Restrictions of drinking water supplies Impact on health care of people Bad harvest and famine Impact on agricultural production:Annual instability of climate – is risky factor in agriculture, it causes bad harvest and instability near production of agricultural crops
Spain Big impact in Agriculture / environment becuase of: - Increase Temperature - Less rainfalls in some areas (droughts) - More frequent extreme conditions: drought-floods - Water scarcity - Soil erosion - Desertification
POLAND Droughts, floods, storms,hurricanes, tornados, hailstorms makes bad harvest. Lack of water
Task: • What are the options in plant production, horticulture and forestry in order to prevent and eliminate above mentioned problems? • Austria: • Organicfarmingcouldbeonesteptopreventabovementionedproblems. • New evironmentfriendlymachines (tractors, harvesters) couldbeusedtopreventtheseproblems • Tocopewithprojectedclimatechanges; farmerscanchangetheircroprotationtomakethebestuseofavailablewater. • Theycanusecropvarietiesbettersuitedtonewweatherconditions • Plantinghedgerowstoreduceerosionandwaterrun-off andactas wind breaker
Luxemburg Strip-till seed Covering soil over the winter with special plants to keep nitrogen in the soil Search of alternative Energy-plants to reduce monoculture of Maize Special Subsidies for Biogas-stations who use just a minimum of Mais-silage
SLOVAKIA crops changing change time of sowing according to temperatures and rainfall plant hedges and small woods on agricultural soil drip irrigation farmers system information about climate risks and solutions Insurance programs for farmers- aid to cope with corps losses, which were caused by climate changes offer of financial grants for farmers
Spain To develop a new model of agriculture: More efficient in terms of inputs (energy) consumption, so less impact in environment Focused to satisfy local needs principally : food security
POLAND farmers system information about climate risks and solutions Insurance programs for farmers- aid to cope with corps losses, which were caused by climate changes
Task: • How is the government and agricultural production dealing with these problems in your country? • Austria: • Nogeneticmanipulatedsoyforanimalproduction. • Lesspesticidesshouldbeallowedtouse. • Pesticide-Law: integrated Plant-Production (EU-Guideline 2009 • Therearemeetings in different partsofthecounrty, whereyoucanhearthelatestnewsaboutthesetopicslike: „toproduceheatfromwoodorelectricityfromthesun“ • Thereareinformationmeetingsabout: pelletsandwoodchip-fire, solar power systemsor Photovoltaik • Itislucrativebecauseofstatefunding
Luxemburg Governmenthasspecialprogrammes Specialsubsidies, nutrifiction of underground water
SLOVAKIA 1. decrease of own gas emissions - transformation of animal trash to biogas in biogas stations, where biogas is transformed into heat and electricity 2. better abilities of agricultural soil to sequestrate carbon from atmosphere via special agricultural procedures e.g. organic agriculture, afforestration 3. Contribute to production of renewable energies and bio-products Bio-energy made from agricultural biomass replaces noxious sources of energy e.g. fossil fuels – which produce great amount of emissions
POLAND Pesticide-Law: integrated Plant-Production (EU-Guideline 2009 Therearemeetings in different partsof the counrty, whereyoucanhear the latestnewsaboutthesetopicslike: „toproduceheatfromwoodorelectricityfrom the sun“ Thereareinformationmeetingsabout: pelletsandwoodchip-fire, solar power systemsor Photovoltaik
How can the plant production, horticulture and forestry help to mitigate growing climate changes? Give examples of such measurements. • More forestshouldbeplanted. • Increasingorganicfarmingcouldbeanothersteptopreventservereclimatechanges. • Plantsshouldbegrown in winter (Winterbegrünung) • Big greenareas in citiescouldbeuseful • In greenhousestheoptimumclimaticregulationas well astheapplicationofbeneficialinsectshaveparticularimportance • Insulationandreductionofheatlossesandtheapplicationoftechnologiestoproducerenewableenergy • Optimizethewatermanagement (forexamplerainwatercollectionbasin)
SLOVAKIA crops changing change time of sowing according to temperatures and rainfall plant hedges and small woods on agricultural soil drip irrigation farmers system information about climate risks and solutions Insurance programs for farmers- aid to cope with corps losses, which were caused by climate changes offer of financial grants for farmers
Spain New techniques of farming more sustainable from environmental and social point of view and even economic. No-till Biologic fight against pests Drop irrigation Fertilizer balance : register book New sprayers to apply pesticides more efficient Varieties adapted to the new climate is coming Changing location for planting orchards / vegetables ……..
Taks: • Do the climate changes and worsened quality of environment impact the plant production, horticulture and forestry? Is the quality of agricultural products being impacted in your country? If so, how? How do the farmers deal with these challenges? • CONCUSIONS: • Wedont´tknowmuchabout a significantchangeofthequalityofproductsbecauseofclimatechange. • However different plantscanbegrown in Austria becauseof global warming, otherplantswereextinguished (South towards North) • The riskofdamagescauseofweatherconditionsisincreasing. The insurances (hailinsurances) also