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Ultrasound Institute

Ultrasound Institute. Kaunas University of Technology. Activities of Ultrasound Institute. in the field of ultrasonic measurements and non-destructive testing over 40 years; over 1000 publications in internationally recognized scientific journals ; over 150 patents;

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Ultrasound Institute

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  1. Ultrasound Institute Kaunas University of Technology

  2. Activities of Ultrasound Institute • in the field of ultrasonic measurements and non-destructive testing over40 years; • over 1000 publications in internationally recognized scientific journals; • over 150 patents; • publishing the scientific journal “Ultragarsas (Ultrasound)” since 1969; • master and post-graduate studies.

  3. The main partners and contractors: • Endress+Hauser Flowtec AG (Switzerland); • Paul Scherrer Institut (Switzerland); • Belgian Nuclear Research Center SCK/CEN (Belgium); • Commissariat a l’energie atomique/ Service des techniques advancees (France, Saclay); • Swedish International Project/ Nuclear safety (Sweden); • Lithuanian Nuclear Safety Authority; • The Ignalina State Nuclear Power Plant (Lithuania); • European Non – destructive Examination Forum (European Comission, JRC Petten, Netherlands); • FORCE Institute (Danmark, Copenhagen); • VOLVO Automation (Sweden, Skovde); • De Montfort University (Leicester, Great Britain); • University College London (Great Britain); • Institute of Fundamental Technical Problems(Poland, Warsaw)

  4. The newest projects: • EC FRAMEWORK 6 project “Condition monitoring of large oil and chemical storage tanks using ultrasonic guided wave tomography without the need to empty and clean the tanks (TANK INSPECT)”, COOP-CT-2003-508486) • EC FRAMEWORK6 project “Development of comprehensive in-line quality control system for printed circuit board assemblies (MICROSCAN)” • FRAMEWORK 5 project“Development of new and novel inspection systems for composite aircraft non-destructive testing (NANOSCAN)” • Co-operative project between Belgian Nuclear Research Center SCK/CEN and Ultrasound Institute CO-90 01 1487/V7606.“Development of high temperature ultrasonic transducers and investigation of acoustic properties of liquid Pb/Bi alloy for accelerator driven system MYRRHA” • PHARE LI9806-01 project “Support to Lithuanian Power Safety Inspectorate (VATESI) and its Technical Support Organisations” • INCO-COPERNICUS project No.ERB IC15-CT96-0726 “Intelligent semi-autonomous vehicles for material handling : Development of smart ultrasonic sensors for guidance of robots”

  5. The main fields of activity: • Ultrasonic industrial measurements; • Ultrasonic non-destructive testing & evaluation (NDT&E); • Simulation and signal processing in ultrasonic measurements; • Investigation of material properties by ultrasonic techniques.

  6. Ultrasonic industrial measurements • Measurements in nuclear reactors; • Ultrasonic distance, position and level meters; • Air coupled ultrasonics; • Ultrasonic flow and heat energy meters; • Ultrasonic gas thermometry.

  7. Ultrasonic non-destructive testing & evaluation (NDT&E) • Ultrasonic transducers; • Ultrasonic imaging for NDT purposes; • Ultrasonic NDT&E of composite materials; • Ultrasonic NDT&E of journal and sleeve bearings.

  8. Simulation and signal processing in ultrasonic measurements • Computer simulation of ultrasonic measurement systems; • Ultrasonic signal processing; • Ultrasonic data processing; • Ultrasonic image processing;

  9. Investigation of material properties • characterization of multi-layered composite materials; • physical acoustics and ultrasonic interferometry; • applications in biology and medicine.

  10. Thank you for your attention! Address: Studentų 50, LT-51368 Kaunas, LITHUANIA Phone: +370-37-351162, Fax: +370-37-451489, E-mail: ulab@ktu.lt Home page address: http://www.ultrasonics.ktu.lt/

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