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Course Selection

This guide outlines graduation requirements, dual credit classes, career preparation, and course requests for the Class of 2021. It includes information on endorsements, dual credit opportunities, and elective choices for a well-rounded education.

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Course Selection

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  1. Course Selection For the 2019-20 School Year Class of 2021

  2. Hello from your Counselors! • Mrs. Swanner— students A-G • Mrs. Brown— students H-O • Mrs. Daniel— students P-Z

  3. Graduation Requirements • Foundation Curriculum • Complete all of the courses included in the Foundation coursework • Endorsement • Complete all courses for one Option of one Endorsement area • Assessments • Pass all of your EOC exams • Attendance • Attend each class at least 90% of the class days

  4. Endorsement • An Endorsement is . . . • An area of specialization within your elective choices • Made up of multiple options related to career clusters • 5 Endorsement possibilities • STEM • Business & Industry • Arts & Humanities • Public Services • Multidisciplinary Studies • The number of credits required to complete an Endorsement and Option varies

  5. Dual Credit Classes • Earn high school and college credit concurrently • Nine Dual Credit classes offered at WHS • Some offered through Angelo State University and others through Cisco College • Students must meet TSI requirements in order to apply • Students must pass the TSI Assessment or be exempt from it • Students must apply for admission to the appropriate school and be accepted • Most of these classes meet at WHS during the regular school day • Automotive Technology meets at Cisco College • Dual Credit Information Meeting • Last night

  6. Dual Credit Classes • Important facts to consider • Class size limited • May require payment of tuition • Cisco College courses are $272 per semester • May require purchase of textbook • Multiple-step process to get in • Automotive Technology • Must have transportation to Cisco College • Must purchase tools and safety glasses • Must have meningitis vaccine • Financial aid available for those who qualify • FAFSA

  7. Career Preparation • 2 credits • Must have a job when school starts next year • Must work a minimum of 15 hours per week • Must have pay stubs to turn in as part of your grade • Requires an application (See Mrs. Mauldin) • Can be 1 or two class periods • May be out at the end of 7th period

  8. Course Requests • Select an English class • English 3 • AP English 3: 90+ average for previous two semesters in regular English 2 or 80+ for previous two semesters in Pre-AP English 2 and teacher approval • DC English 3 • Dual Credit Qualifications • 1)TSI requirements • 2) Complete application process

  9. Course Requests • Select a math class • Geometry Algebra 2  Math Models (optional) • Honors Algebra 2Advanced Quantitative Reasoning Pre-Calculus DC Pre-Calculus Dual Credit Qualifications 1)TSI requirements 2) Complete application process

  10. Course Requests • Select a science class • ChemistryPhysics Astronomy AP Biology* AP Chemistry* AP Physics* • Qualifications for AP Biology and AP Chemistry • 80+ semester averages in both Pre-AP Biology andPre-AP Chemistry or • earn a satisfactory score on the Advanced Science Placement Exam. It is administered by the WHS Science Department in May. • Qualifications for AP Physics • 80+ semester averages in both Pre-AP Biology and Pre-AP Chemistry • Completion of Algebra 2

  11. Course Requests • Select a social studies class • U.S. History • DC U.S. History* • Dual Credit Qualifications • 1)TSI requirements • 2) Complete application process

  12. Course Requests • Select a Spanish class (if needed) • All graduation plans require two credits • Spanish 1 if not taken previously • Spanish 1  Spanish 2

  13. Course Requests • Select all other classes needed to complete the Foundation Curriculum • Fine Art: 1 credit required • Art • Band • Choir • Theater Arts • Floral Design (may substitute for a Fine Art) • Physical Education: 1 credit required • P.E. • Off-season P.E. • Athletics (please write the name of the first fall sport) • P.E. Substitute (Band, Cheerleading, or Drill Team) • Health: .5 credit required • Health • Principles of Health Science

  14. Course Requests • Select an Endorsement class • Look at the page for the endorsement you have selected. • Look at the box for the option you have selected. • For Business and Industry and Public Services endorsements, look at the cluster within the option you have chosen.

  15. Course Requests • Select other elective classes • May be from your endorsement • May be from other endorsements • Must have 8 classes • Classes that earn two credits will take up two periods in your schedule, so count them twice • Automotive Technology • Practicum Ag • Career Preparation (if 2 periods desired) • Do not repeat an elective you have had before. • Consider the information on the following slides. . .

  16. Course Selection • Some electives require an application. These courses should be available in the computer when we go to the lab. • Please be sure to complete the application process. • Audio/Video Production • Career Preparation • Newspaper • Yearbook • Some electives require an audition or interview. These courses maybe available in the computer when we go to the computer lab. • If you are currently in the class, you may enter it for next year • If you are not currently in the class or the class, select an elective you would be willing to drop if you are approved for the class. • Cheerleading • Drill Team • Jazz Band • Mixed Chorus • Show Choir • PALS

  17. Course Requests • New Electives • Medical Terminology • The Medical Terminology course is designed to introduce students to the structure of medical terms, including prefixes, suffixes, word roots, singular and plural forms, and medical abbreviations. The course allows students to achieve comprehension of medical vocabulary appropriate to medical procedures, human anatomy and physiology, and pathophysiology. • Anatomy and Physiology • The Anatomy and Physiology course is designed for students to conduct laboratory and field investigations, use scientific methods during investigations, and make informed decisions using critical thinking and scientific problem solving. Students in Anatomy and Physiology will study a variety of topics, including the structure and function of the human body and the interaction of body systems for maintaining homeostasis. • Recommended Prerequisite—Medical Terminology • Other Prerequisites—85+ each semester of Biology, Chemistry, and Physics • Can count as the 4th science • College Readiness and Study Skills • Local elective • Only available to 11th grade students • Preparation for the ACT and SAT exams • Prerequisites: English 1, English 2, English 1 EOC, English 2 EOC, and Algebra 2 (or be enrolled in Algebra 2 in the junior year)

  18. Course Requests • Request at least 8 classes • Select alternate elective choices • Two good back up choices • Write a 1 on the line 1 beside your first choice alternate • Write a 2 on the line beside your second choice alternate • College entrance requirements • Always consider the entrance requirements of schools you are interested in before finalizing your course selections for the next school year

  19. Course Request Computer Entry • We will go to the lab Tuesday of next week to enter your course requests • Bring . . . • Student Access login and password • Completed course request sheet • Please include the following on the sheet: • Endorsement • Option or Cluster • Your printed name • Your signature • Your parent’s signature • Add a date line, and ask parents to date

  20. If you are absent . . . • If you are absent on the computer entry day . . . • your course requests will have to be entered on your own time • Come to the Counselors’ office to ask for an instruction sheet • Courses must be entered by March 8

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