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Tutorial XCAL FEB(DAQ) CROC. Calorimeter ECS Tutorial Frédéric Machefert Thursday June 26th, 08. A FEB. A CROC. A crate... with almost no the cable. CROC (no front panel) . FEB. ECAL. 2x7 crates located on top of the calorimeter. ECAL Crates - Side A. ECAL Crates - Side C.
Tutorial XCAL FEB(DAQ) CROC Calorimeter ECS Tutorial Frédéric Machefert Thursday June 26th, 08
Calorimeter training A FEB
Calorimeter training A CROC
Calorimeter training A crate... with almost no the cable CROC (no front panel) FEB
Calorimeter training ECAL 2x7 crates located on top of the calorimeter ECAL Crates - Side A ECAL Crates - Side C
Calorimeter training HCAL 2x2 crates located on top of the calorimeter HCAL Crates - Side A HCAL Crates - Side C
Calorimeter training PVSS projects The PC hosting the XCAL DAQ projects are : ECAL C : ECDAQHVC01w ECAL A : ECDAQHVA01w HCAL C : HCDAQHVC01w HCAL A : HCDAQHVA01w The projects directly driving the hardware are ECAL C : ECDAQC1 ECAL A : ECDAQA1 HCAL C : HCDAQC1 HCAL A : HCDAQA2 start working by opening the FSM Editor Navigator Permits to navigate in the hierarchy of the hardware controlled by the project
Calorimeter training Configuration of a crate : FEB + CROC (I) Usually, configuration is performed from the top of the DAQ hierarchy (main console) If you need to configure “manually” a crate Select the crate Press left button Select “view” button This opens the crate panel If something is wrong some/all cards are in ERROR,... CROC HCDAQC1 FEB
Calorimeter training Configuration of a crate : FEB + CROC (II) To configure an element Press the “State” button of the element Select “Configure” The crate or boards should change its states to READY Running the boards is usually done from the top (main console) For the FEB/CROC READY ∼ RUNNING Only monitoring counters reset Select “Start” from “State” button
Calorimeter training Configuration of a crate : FEB + CROC (III) A crate in good shape If everything is all right, ECAL/HCAL will appear “RUNNING” in the main console • Open a board configuration panel • Select board • Press the left button • Select “view” option
Calorimeter training FEB : Sequencer configuration Sequencer configuration Clock polarity for DAQ Delay chip tuning time alignment (global synchro) BXID reset : alignment of BXID between FE-TELL1-ODIN Most of the parameters have their normal value. If are different from board to board : No Effect : obsolete, spy, ...
Calorimeter training FEB : front-end BGA configuration FE PGA config. L0 Latency per block of 16 channels Permits to correct for wrong cable length for pin diode Pedestal subtraction No subtract. Subtract Min (evt-2,evt-1) Subtract Min (evt-1, history±val) pin diodes ! 149 maybe not the final value ?
Calorimeter training FEB : general state/control Derandomizer state FEB has two derandomizers types in FE PGAs In Seq PGA which are empty after a while if no event is processed (green LED) FEB general settings Front panel LED should be off (induced noise) Mode should be PHYSICS (no test pulses)
Calorimeter training FEB : resets and panel update Glue reset General board reset Only way to reset the delay chips SeqPGA reset FePGA resets A single FePGA may be selected Parameters are refreshed only when opening the panel May force a refresh with the “update” button
Calorimeter training FEB : channel specific settings Trigger configuration Trig calibration constant Trigger factor 4 Timing conf. ADC sampling time Clock polarity (BGA sampling) Test Modes Should be OFF ! RAM Pattern Pulser Mode Important : Time configuration will depend on channel time alignments Clock value, Clock polarity and Calib Constant may also be different from what is showed
Calorimeter training FEB : Automatic polarity for BGA sampling BGA sampling polarity depends on the ADC sampling time The dependence has been measured Automatic polarity The clock polarity is re-evaluated and changed in the panel when ADC sampling is modified Need to apply to set the new configuration
Calorimeter training FEB : Masking a channel in the trigger Fast way of masking a channel Setting its calibration constant to 0 has the effect of masking it Woud it be the good place to add a button to update the PHYSICS recipe for that FEB and with the masked channel(s) Uneasy link with the geometry Would have to be implemented... Update PHYSICS Recipe (not yet implemented)
Calorimeter training FEB : fast tuning Setting may be changed for the 32 channels altogether Toggle buttons Spin boxes
Calorimeter training CROC : crate power control Control power failure of a board A red LED means a power cut (SEL?) in a slot CROC stores transitions Status is always OK for empty slots Switch power on a board The grey button permits to act on the power line of a board. Don't forget to apply
Calorimeter training CROC : crate configuration control Crate Configuration A picture shows what the CROC knows about the load of the crate Change the CROC configuration It is possible for a user to change the recipe setting by acting on the button Don't forget to apply Read/Write crate ID
Calorimeter training CROC : TTC input TTC signals Clock may be feed through a NIM input Normal situation is “LHC” (TTCrq board) L0 and Channel B can be sent through a NIM input or through a software command. “Normal” situation is LHC (TTCrq board) A red colour is the sign of something going wrong...
Calorimeter training CROC : crate timing control The TTCrq signals may be shifted The “global” clock of the crate may be shifted by steps of 100ps.This is the fine tuning. L0/channelB commands may be delayed by several clock beats. This is the coarse tuning. Control boxes Show the value read back after applying
Calorimeter training CROC : FEB clock/data capture control FEB clock The “global” clock may be shifted again before being sent to the front-end boards (FEB tuning) The CROC may capture the data coming from the FEB with a variable sampling time. This sampling time is defined by the “CROC” synchronisation tuning.
Calorimeter training CROC : DAQ control The GOL samples the data from two types of PGA 4 FePGA 1 SpyPGA Clock polarity The clock polarity used by these PGA to send the data to the GOL may be changed : Direct Inverted polarities
Calorimeter training CROC : GOL control Two operation modes for the GOL PHYSICS : the CROC sends data from the FEBs TEST : the GOL are configured to send a fixed pattern – BER A single GOL may be BER activated The RED colour for the LED means BER
Calorimeter training CROC : resets Crate Resets Full reset of The Master The specs Mezzanine The glues of the FEBs This also resets FEPGA GOL Delay Chip Specific reset CROC reset = reset of Delay chip FEPGA GOL You may also select what you want to reset
Calorimeter training CROC : warnings Warnings Power failure Excessive temperature >2300 Calibration ? FEB header synchronisation L0 counters From TTC From Headers TTC Ready Fibre Locked Data Parity 1 bit/Fe PGA
Calorimeter training CROC : temperature monitoring Temperature monitoring Show the temperature trend since the CROC panel is open Counter resets All the counters Header sync. L0 counters Parity error are reset after going in states READY RUNNING !
Calorimeter training References EDMS notes : FEB : EDMS 909465 https://edms.cern.ch/file/909465/1/FEB_909465.doc CROC : EDMS 909466 https://edms.cern.ch/file/909466/1/CROC_909466.pdf TWIKI tutorials FEB tutorial http://frederic.web.cern.ch/frederic/PVSS/PVSS_FEBTutorial.html CROC http://frederic.web.cern.ch/frederic/PVSS/PVSS_CROCTutorial.html